
Abu Daoud, 117

Agony, the, 59, 161–62

Albigenses, 99

Alexander, Pope, 91

Anthropology and religion, 206

Apocalyptics, 114 n.

Apollo, derogatory stories of, 47–48

Aramaisms and Hebraisms, 65

Arnold, Matthew, his critical method as to Jesus, 22;
and Colenso, 70

Asceticism, 20

Astruc, 5

Baconism, 31, 32, 63

Baptism, 135–36

Barabbas, 170 sq.

Barante, quoted, 99, 100

Barbarossa, 103

Baruch, Apocalypse of, 121

Bauer, Bruno, 195 sq.

Baur, F. C., 9, 53, quoted, 16

Beatitudes, 122

BÉziers, capture of, 99

Bible, study of, xiii

Blass, F., Dalman on, 65;
on Harnack, 71, 72, 58;
as critic, 72 sq.;
on predictions, 83 sq., 93, 95–96, 104, 105, 107, 114;
on Papias, 121;
on Luke, 124 n.

Bleek, 162

Bodin, 5

Book of the Dead, 180

Bousset, 114 n., 152 n.

Boyle, 5

Brandt, 161, 166

Brescia, sack of, 103

Bruce, Edward, 101

Buddha, 76

Burckhardt, cited, 98

Burke, E., prediction of, 84

Burkitt, Prof., 147 n.

Butler, Bishop, and Mencius, 17

CÆsar, Julius, assassination of, xii

CantÙ, cited, 96 n.

Carlyle, 118, 206

Carpenter, J. E., and the historic sense, 18;
on the Good Samaritan, 23

Catastrophic reform, theory of, 15

Celsus, 139, 140

Cerinthus, 154

Charles VIII, 87–89

Charles, Canon, quoted, 13;
and Dalman, 66 and n.;
on Baruch, 121

Chinese ethics, 17, 28

Chrestos, xxi

Christianity, progress of, 16;
early sectarianism in, 169;
communism in, 190–91

Christianity and Mythology, Schweitzer on, 198

Christs, 120

Chronology, 71, 84, 108, 109, 124, 129–30, 136–38

Clergy and new doctrine, 4

Clodd, E., 38

Colenso, 5, 70

Commines, Philip de, cited, 101–102

Confucius, 28

Constantinople, sack of, 100

Conybeare, F. C, xvii, xxii sq., 79 n., 116 n., 214

Copernicus, hostility to, 1 sq.

Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., quoted, 100–101

Cranmer, 4

Dalman, Gustaf, 64 sq., 176 n.

Damnation, doctrine of, 15

Darwin, opposition to, 3

Davidson, S., quoted and criticized, 81

Demiourgos, the, 153, 154

Denton, Rev. W., cited, 99

De Quincey, 190

Derogatory stories of gods and heroes, 47

Desecration of churches, 94 sq.

Devils, casting out of, 55

Diodorus Siculus, 44

Dionysos, derogatory stories of, 47

Disciples, calling of, in Mark, 35;
problem of alleged teaching of, 52 sq.;
the seventy and the twelve, 125 sq.

Divorce, 178–79

Drama, in the Gospels, 59, 169

Drews, Professor, xii, 185, 210

Drummond, Principal, 152 n.

Du Bartas, 2

Dupuis, 193

Ebionites, 191

Eliezer, Rabbi, 179

Enoch, Book of, 121, 122

Eschatological theory, 201 sq.

Essenes, 190

Ethics, Gospel and other, 12 sq., 23 sq., 120, 178 sq.

Eusebius, 121

Experts and new theories, 2 sq.

Fabius Maximus, Plutarch’s presentment of, 39

Faith healing, 79, 145 sq.

Flint, Prof., on Christian and Chinese ethics, 17

Florence, plagues in, 98;
sacrilege in, 102

Folk-lore, verisimilitude of, 38

Frazer, Sir J., xiv, 172, 207 sq.

Friedmann, Dalman on, 65

German, critical partizanism, 72;
habits in war, 96;
temperament, 196, 197;
and English criticism, 214–15

GfrÖrer, 152 n.

Ghillany, 206

Gladstone, xx

Glanvill, 5

Gnosticism, 153–54

Golden Rule, the, 28

Good Samaritan, the, 23 sq., 181 sq.

Gospel, the primitive, 51 sq., 58, 125

Gospels, the, Inge on, 8 sq.;
moral standards of the compilers of, 20 sq.;
dating of, 71, 84, 129–30;
Gentile and anti-Gentile texts in, 112, 113, 128;
apocalyptics in, 114 n.;
incompatibilities of teaching in, 117–18, 119;
trials related in, 163 sq.;
infancy episodes in, 124, 153;
episodes of the seventy and the twelve, 125 sq.;
oral theory of, 129 sq.;
plan of, 130;
synoptics and John, 132 sq., 139;
apocryphal, 153, 178;
Maries in, 155 sq.;
Petrine and anti-Petrine texts in, 157 sq.

Guicciardini, 88, 103

Guiscard, Robert, 95

Halcombe, 135

Harnack, Dalman on, 66;
Blass on, 71, 72, 158;
on Christian tradition, 138

Harris, Dr. Rendel, 111

Harvey, reception of his discovery, 2

Hawkwood, 95

Hennell, 11, 204;
Schweitzer on, 198

Herakles, character of, 44;
derogatory stories of, 47

Hetherington, Henry, 205

Hillel, 120

Historic sense, the, 18

Hochart, xxi n.

Holtzmann, Dalman on, 66;
on Christianity, 80

Homer, 38–39

Huxley, xix

Inge, Canon, criticized, 8 sq.

IrenÆus, 138

Italy, invasions of, 87 sq.

James, epistle of, 132, 190–91

Jerusalem, siege of, 105

Jesus, alleged originality of, 8 sq., 177 sq.;
betrayal of, 161;
Mill on, 9 sq., 79;
Arnold on, 22;
alleged moral reform effected by, 15;
alleged sublimity of, 8 sq., 19, 173;
entry into Jerusalem, 169–70;
imperfect ethic attributed to, 20 sq.;
use of name of, 174;
the pre-Christian, 55, 174, 190;
crucifixion of, xiv, 30, 136, 137, 169;
trial of, 162 sq.;
alleged personality of, 31 sq., 173;
the denial of his historicity, 193 sq., 205 sq., 213;
presentment of by Mark, 32 sq.;
Schweitzer on, 199, 201 sq.;
derogatory stories of, 45 sq.;
enigma of his evangel, 52 sq., 174 sq.;
Wrede on, 199, 201 sq.;
as political propagandist, 56;
the ritually slain, 208;
passion of, 57 sq.;
temptation of, 76–78;
conceptions of, 79;
prophecies attributed to, 104 sq., 113 sq., 120;
incompatible teachings attributed to, 117 sq.;
duration of ministry of, 136–38;
Loisy on, 141 sq., 161 sq., 173 sq.;
country of, 147 and n.;
as faith healer, 145 sq.;
as carpenter, 152 sq.;
Gnostic views of, 154

John, the Apostle, 132 sq.

John, the Baptist, 34, 54, 144

Jolley, A. J., cited and criticized, 57

Jonah, Book of, 45, 46

Joseph, xvii

Josephus, xx sq., 168

Joshua, xii

Judas, 32, 60, 166, 202

Kalthoff, A., 45, 190, 191, 198

Karabbas, 170, 171

Karppe, Dr. S., 154

Kautsky, Karl, 190

Khent, King, 207, 208

“Kingdom, the,” problem of, 32 sq., 69, 174, 175, 176

Kingship and sacrifice, 208

Koran, the, 118

Ladislaus of Naples, 95

Laible, H., Dalman on, 65

Latimer, 4

Law, Jewish, 164

Leibnitz, 5

LiÈge, sack of, 102

Logia, as Gospel material, 82, 107 sq., 123;
of Oxyrhynchus, 123

Logos, the, 133

Loisy, 7, 50 n., 75, 131 n., 141 sq., 161 sq., 173 sq., 192

Lucas, F., cited, 85

Luther, 131

Lycurgus, and Alcander, 24 sq.;
historicity of, xiii

Lyell, 206

McCabe, J., 12 n., 40

MahÂbhÂrata, ethics of, 28

Malachi, 179

Maries, problem of, 155 sq.

Mark, presentment of Jesus by, 32 sq., 46–47;
Weiss on, 58–59

Marshall, J. T., Dalman on, 66

Maurice, F. D., 70

Medici, Giuliano de’, murder of, 102

Mencius, 17

Messiah, requirements of, 152;
Jesus as, 201 sq.

Michaud, 100 n.

Mill, J. S., quoted and criticized, 9 sq., 18, 121 n.

Miller, Hugh, and geological progress, 3

Mohammed, 118

Montanists, 179

More, Henry, 5

MÜller, K. O., xiv

Muir, 118

Myth analogies and myth derivation, 190

Napoleon, 194

Nazarenes, 191

Nazareth, 147 n., 151

Neubauer, A., Dalman on, 65

Newman, J. H., on Christian ethics, 16

Nork, 11

Nucleus theory, 107 sq., 116, 119

Odes of Solomon, 123

Omar, Khalif, 111

“Oral” theory, 129 sq.

Origen, 139, 153, 161

Osiris, Frazer on, 207

Papias, 120, 121

Parvish, Samuel, 5

Passion, narrative of the, 57 sq.

Paul, Inge on, 8;
Mill on, 10;
Petrie on, 109;
Loisy on, 175, 185;
problem of, 185 sq.

Pentateuch, criticism of, 5

Pericles, Plutarch’s presentment of, 39–40

Peter, and John, 133;
in the Gospels and Acts, 157 sq.

Petrie, Dr. Flinders, 50 n., 82 sq., 96, 107 sq., 120

Philo, 170

Pilate, 166 sq.

Pistis Sophia, 123

Plato, 80

Plutarch, cited, 24, 26, 39–40

Predictions, and their fulfilment, 83 sq., 104 sq.

Presupposition, snare of, 1 sq., 79

Primitive Gospel, the, 51 sq., 82, 83

Psychology, 78 sq.

Raffaele da Firenzuola, 89

Ramsay, Sir W., 137

Reimarus, 194, 195

Renan, 173, 212

Resch, Dalman on, 65

Robe, the seamless, 154

“Rock” text, 111, 157, 158

Rodrigues, Hippolyte, 12

Rosenkranz, 206

Ruskin, 118

Ruth, Book of, 45, 46

Sabbatarianism, hostility to in Gospels, 42–43

Sacred Books, ethics of, 14

Salmon, 109

Sanday, 33 n.

Satan, 77

Savonarola, as prophet, 83 sq., 115

Schenk, Dr. J., 27

Schmiedel, Prof., xvi, 7, 45 sq., 69, 192;
Dalman on, 65;
on faith healing, 145 sq.;
on spiritual healing, 79–80;
on the Sermon on the Mount, 178 n.

Scholarship, and new doctrine, 3;
alleged consensus of, 62 sq., 211

Schweitzer, Dr. Albert, 195 sq., 201 sq., 213

Scott, Thomas, 204

Sermon on the Mount, 9, 11, 43, 177–78

Seventy, mission of, 125 sq.

Shrewsbury, Earl of, 97

Sinclair, Rev. F., 31 sq., 62–64

Smith, W. B., xii, xx, xxi n., 48 n., 49 n., 205

—— Robertson, xiv

Socrates, xiii

Soissons, sack of, 100

Spelman, quoted, 97

Strauss, 35 n., 129 n., 152 n., 192–93, 194–95, 211–12

Suetonius, xx, xxi

Sulpicius Severus, xxi

Tacitus, xx sq.

Talmud, 152 n., 154, 179

Temple, cleansing of, 161

Temptation, the, 76–78

Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, 12 sq.

Thorburn, Dr. T. J., 23 sq., 76–78

Toland, xiv sq.

Tom Tit Tot, 38

Tylor, 206

Tyndale, 4

Ullmann, 193

Van Manen, 185–86, 189

Venturini, 198

Villari, cited, 85, 86, 88

Volkmar, 162

Volney, 193

Voltaire, and the Pentateuch, 5;
on the historicity of Jesus, 194

Weiss, B., 33, 51, 58–59, 80–81

Wellhausen, on Mark, 36 sq., 60;
and Dalman, 66 and n.;
on the garden scene, 162

Wernle, 143 n.

Westcott, 138

Whately, 31

Whittaker, T., 189

Wieland, 194 n.

Wilke, 33

Witchcraft, defenders of belief in, 5

Wrede, 199, 201 sq., 213

Wright, Rev. A., 33 n., 60, 70–71, 129 sq.

WÜnsche, 65, 152 n.

Printed by Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street, London.


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