Aargau, 338, 346, 349
Abbott, Dr. E., 37, 106 n.
Abderrahman I, 154
---- III, 153
Abdy, Prof., 201, 373
Abortion in Greece, 102, 117
Abyssinia, 179
Academy, the French, 444 n., 445
Achaian League, 51
Adams and Cunningham, 331, 351 n.
Adrian IV, 235
Æschines, 50
Æschylus, 136
Aetius, 96, 185
Ætolian League, 51
Ager publicus, 77
Agis, 51, 104
Agrarian distress, 403-5
Agriculture, 88;
Egyptian, 56;
Roman, 76, 79, 82 sq., 94;
Greek, 99, 108, 117;
Feudal, 202;
Italian, 221;
Dutch, 328;
English, 88, 348 n., 403;
Scandinavian, 270, 283;
Swiss, 347, 348
Alaric, 185
Alba Longa, 14
Alboin, 188, 194
Albuquerque, 358
Alcibiades, 46, 50
Alcuin, 189
Alexander the Great, empire of, 111
---- of Parma, 307, 309, 310
Alexandria, 133, 134
Alfonso de Sousa, 362
Alfred, 370 n., 375
Algiers, French. 57 n., 156-7, 177
Alkman, 132
Allen, C.-F., 264 n.
Almohades, the, 155
Almoravides, the, 155
Althusius, 441
Alva, 308
Amalfi, 194, 204
Ambrose, 194
Amphictyonic Councils, 53
Amsterdam, 315;
bank of, 324
Anabaptism, 306, 307
Anarchism, 424
Anastasius, 96 n.
Anaxagoras, 46
Anglo-Saxons, 275, 369-76
Anne, 468
Anskar, 267
Antioch, 133
Antonines, 89, 113, 117, 166, 167
Antony, franchise policy of, 4 n.
Antwerp, 308, 310, 311, 313
Anund Jakob, 267, 272
Anytus, 50
Appenzell, 337, 338, 344, 347
Apuleius, 167
Aquinas, Thomas, 118 n., 212, 235, 440
Arab character, 146 sq.
Architecture, 150, 151, 192, 205, 220
Arianism, 97, 168
Aribert, 206
Ariosto, 230
Aristocracy, Roman, 17, 21, 22 sq., 29-30, 78;
and culture, 62, 166;
and politics, 70;
Greek, 42, 49, 98, 109;
Feudal, 200, 202, 209;
Italian, 236, 245, 255;
English, 288, 376, 379, 385, 390 sq., 396, 403, 410;
Dutch, 306;
Scandinavian, 275, 276, 277, 281;
Portuguese, 355;
Swiss, 336, 348;
French, 391, 415 n., 461
Aristotle, 50, 127, 448 sq.;
on militarism, 45;
on slavery, 98, 133 n.;
on Sparta, 101 n.;
on population, 102;
on education, 126;
and Aquinas, 212
Aristophanes, 50, 135
Armada, 308, 311, 314, 399, 408
Arminianism, 310
Arnold of Brescia, 235, 246
Arnold, M., 434
Arnold, W.T., 78
Artaxerxes, 113
Art, evocation of, 63, 122, 134, 150, 159, 220, 327, 409;
in Athens, 48-49, 106;
in medieval Italy, 220-21, 225;
in Holland, 327;
in Portugal, 359;
in England, 409
Arteveldt, J. van, 299
Ashley, Prof., 379 n., 394
Asia Minor, 55, 123
Associations, religious, 113, 115
Assyria, 135
Aston, Sir A., 428
Astronomy, 149, 150, 151
Athaulf, 186
Athens, variety of stock in, 16;
social problem in, 40, 107;
reforms of Solon in, 40 sq., 99;
morals in, 47-48, 50;
superstition and ignorance in, 45 sq.;
art and letters in, 48-49, 106, 124;
imports of, 84;
commerce of, 99;
buildings of, 105;
silver mines of, 105-6;
citizenship of, 124;
retrogression of, 134
Attila, 185, 191
Attraction and repulsion in politics, 5-7, 23, 28, 202, 207, 210, 257 sq., 299, 369, 377, 386, 460;
modes of, 70
Augustine, 34, 118 n., 168, 261
Augustus, 81, 83, 164
Australian aborigines, 128
Aurelian, 87 n., 184, 185
Autocracy. See Despotism and Tyranny
Avitus, St., 187
Babylonia, 68
Bacchic mysteries, 164
Bacon, 461
BagaudÆ, the, 175
Bagehot, cited, 23 n., 57 n.
Bain, R.N., 264 n., 277 n.
Balfour, A.J., 72 n., 171 sq., 180 n.
Ball, John, 390
Banking, 218, 435
Barante, 292
Barneveldt, 310, 318
Barros, 359
Basle, 338, 344, 346, 348
Bayle, 326
Beaconsfield, 72
Becker, cited, 9
Becket, 377
"Beggars," Confederacy of, 306
Beghards, 305
Behn, Aphra, 442 n.
Belgium, 260, 307
Belisarius, 96, 184, 191, 194
Bent, J.T., 181
Bentham, 449
Berbers, 154 n., 155
Berlin, University of, 139
Berne, 336, 337, 338, 343, 344, 345, 346, 349
Bertrand, A., cited, 64
Bibliolatry, 152, 154, 157, 396, 405, 410
Bijns, Anna, 326
BikÉlas, cited, 143, 144
Bishops and Italian cities
60@39860-h@39860-h-12.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190, 192, 258, 279, 375, 378
Chancery, Court of, 432
Chapman, 412, 413
Charlemagne, 188, 189,
191, 192, 267, 295
Charles I of England, 410, 414 sq., 426, 443
---- II of England, 319, 320, 437, 438, 442, 443, 451
---- III of Spain, 363
---- IV, 246
---- V, 300, 301, 302, 304, 309 n., 311
Charleton, W., 444 n.
Chasles, Ph., cited, 74
Chastity, barbaric, 184
Chaucer, 384, 386
Chemistry, 149, 150
Chievres, 302
Child, Sir J., 316, 458, 462, 463 n., 464, 467
Chilperic, 186
China, polity of, 56, 57, 59-60, 67, 73, 180, 260;
secret societies of, 26 n.
Chinese and Europeans, repulsions of, 6
Chivalier, 294 n.
Chivalry, 383
Christian II, 276
---- III, 277
Christianity, conditions of success of, 27, 114-15, 165;
effects of, 28;
and progress, 34-5, 179, 205, 272, 431;
and Roman Empire, 95, 96, 97, 265;
and heresy, 97, 115, 168, 300, 303, 344;
spread of, 112, 114-15;
and infanticide, 117-18;
and slavery, 118 sq., 214 sq., 372-73;
and culture, 142, 144, 168, 280;
and Islam, 149, 157;
in Gaul, 167;
and morals, 186, 210, 272, 431, 434;
and Italian disunion, 210;
in Scandinavia, 265 sq., 272, 274;
and fish eating, 293;
in modern Holland and Belgium, 307;
strife of sects in, 422
Chrysostom, 118
Church in politics, 96, 145, 152, 168-69, 198, 203, 206, 210, 223, 234, 235, 265, 274, 377, 391
Cicero, on Roman politics, 20-21;
on manumission, 215
Cimabue, 220
Cincinnatus, 12, 19
City States, 29, 38 sq., 52, 53, 124, 179, 198, 202 sq., 209 sq., 286 sq., 295
Civilisation and superstition, 46;
modern, roots of, 169
Civilisations, primary and secondary, 55 sq.
Clans, Highland, 11, 67
Clarendon, 437, 451
Class degradation, effects of, 62, 68, 372;
relations in England, 376, 379;
as political factor, 70
Classes, strife of, in Rome, 17 sq.;
in Greece, 38, 45;
in Florence, 229 sq.;
in Flanders, 296-97;
in Switzerland, 336, 350;
in England, 393-94, 405
Claudian, 167
Claudius II, 185
ClÉmenceau, 271
Cleomenes, 51, 104
Clientes, Roman, 11
Climate and race, 193, 361
CloacÆ, the Roman, 14
Clothaire, 186
Clovis, 187
Coal civilisations, 79, 88, 365, 366
Coinage, alleged debasement of, by Solon, 41;
Roman debasement of, 175;
Papal debasement of, 223;
debasement of, by Henry VIII, 397.
See currency
Colbert, 140, 315, 445, 446, 461, 464, 465
Cologne, 288
Colonies, Greek, 39, 48, 100;
and culture, 63 n.;
Roman, 86;
Scandinavian, 271;
Dutch, 312
Comines, 391
Comitia, Roman, 9 sq.
Commerce, Roman, 76-7, 80;
Athenian, 99, 108;
Greek, under Roman Empire, 113;
Byzantine, 117;
Italian, 211, 218-19, 221, 256, 383;
Danish, 273;
Norwegian, 284;
Medieval, 288;
Dutch, 297, 310 sq.;
Portuguese, 357 sq.;
Anglo-Saxon, 370;
English, 380, 393, 404, 459;
Irish, 453;
Spanish, 461;
and civilisation, 70, 99, 104, 109, 113, 205, 211, 221, 287, 315, 457, 458;
and war, 297, 460
Compass, the, 205
Competition of societies, 58, 70
Comte, A., 2 n., 4
Conrad the Salic, 203
Conradin, 241
Conservatism and isolation, 56, 144;
Chinese, 60;
Egyptian, 125;
and militarism, 132-33;
English, 424
Constantine, 27 n., 114, 117, 215
Constantinople, evolution of, 116 sq.
Consuls and Italian cities, 198, 203, 207
Corinth, 105, 110, 131 n.
Corporations, religious, 160, 235, 377
Cox, Sir G., cited, 66, 161
Creed politics, 405, 415, 424
Creighton, Bishop, 401 n.
Cremona, 216
Crete, polity of, 59 n., 131-32, 133
Crichton and Wheaton, 264 n., 272, 273, 275
Cromer, Lord, discussed, 177 sq.
Cromwell, Oliver, 318, 417-21, 424-33, 453;
Richard, 436;
Thomas, 395
Crusades, effects of, 69;
and slavery, 214, 296;
and civilisation, 383
Culture, Greek, 46 sq.;
and the sexes, 61;
importance of diffusion of, 62
Culture-contacts, effects of, 57, 63;
conditions of success of, 57, 58;
and Greek civilisation, 64, 122;
in Christendom, 69, 150;
in Japan, 69, 70;
in modern Europe, 138 sq.;
and Saracen civilisation, 146;
and Roman civilisation, 158, 163, 164;
and post-Roman civilisation, 189, 193;
and medieval Italy, 211, 219, 254;
and England, 212 n.;
and Scandinavia, 279;
and Holland, 326;
and Renaissance, 340;
and England, 375
Cunningham, Dr., on Greek civilisation, 36, 129;
on Roman expansion, 67;
on Roman wars, 76 n., 78 n.;
on Roman decline, 133 sq.;
Italian and other, 212, 215 sq., 221;
Scandinavian, 270, 277;
Dutch, 293, 295, 306, 313 sq., 324;
Portuguese, 359-60;
Brazilian, 366;
English, 397, 411, 412
Education and democracy, 63;
Greek, 123, 126;
Saracen, 153, 154 n.;
Italian, 231, 247 n.;
Scandinavian, 276;
Dutch, 319, 325-26, 330;
Portuguese, 364, 365;
Swiss, 346, 353-54;
Brazilian, 367;
English, 391, 396, 419 n.
Edward III, 380, 384, 394 n.;
IV, 392, 393;
VI, 397
Effen, Van, 326
Egypt, effect of Nile on polity of, 56;
civilisation of, 64;
culture of, 68;
art of, 125, 135;
human sacrifice in, 129;
modern, 177;
Moslem, 222
Eichhorn, 191
Eleusinia, the, 132
Eliot, 415, 416
Elizabeth, 398, 399-402
Emerson, 457
Emigration, Greek, 100;
Scandinavian, 270-71;
Swiss, 348, 353
Emilius, Paulus, 78
Empire, sociological process of, in Rome, 25 sq., 33, 87 sq., 92, 166, 170 sq.;
in Byzantium, 115 sq.;
in Greece, 133 sq.;
in Turkey, 176;
in Florence, 249, 252;
in Scandinavia, 265, 271;
in Holland, 316, 324;
in France, 320;
in Britain, 323, 384, 386;
in Portugal, 356 sq.;
and literature, 359
Enclosures, 393, 403
England, evolution of, in Anglo-Saxon times, 61, 191, 192, 204, 370, 374-75;
after Conquest, 69 n., 212, 288, 371 sq., 376, 384;
in Tudor period, 392 sq.;
process of Rebellion, 414-17;
Cromwell's rule, 417-23;
Restoration politics, 423, 436 sq.;
influence on French culture, 138;
influence on German culture, 139;
and Spain, 406-7, 420;
in eighteenth century, 229;
Reformation in, 238, 396 sq.;
Industrial evolution of, 458 sq.;
present polity of, 72, 79, 87 sq., 261;
and Holland, 318, 319, 320, 323, 425, 463;
and France, 320, 384, 392
Ennius, 158, 165
Epicurus, 135
Epimenides, 133
Equality, schemes of, 104
Equilibrium, social, 71, 114
Erasmus, 348
Erik I and II, 268
Essex, 399 n., 406, 407
Etruscans and Romans, 16, 158, 159 n.;
civilisation of, 25, 185;
unity of, 68
Euripides, 46, 131
Europe, political variety of, 59
Exposure of infants, 100, 270
Ezzelino, 239
Falkland, 423
Fatalistic reasoning in politics, 178
Faustrecht, 286, 378
Favourites, royal, 382-83, 415, 468
Federalism, in Greece, 51-52;
in Italy, 233;
in Netherlands, 295, 309;
in Switzerland, 331, 332 sq.
Ferdinand, Duke, 224
Ferguson, cited, 14
Ferrero, on Roman character, 8 n.;
on Roman trade, 11 n., 76 n., 79 n., 83 sq.;
as sociologist, 75;
on Roman civilisation, 176
Feudalism, 199 sq., 295, 335, 371, 374, 395
Filmer, 441 n., 442, 443
Finance, Roman, 77 sq., 92 sq., 119-20, 175;
Byzantine, 96, 116;
Greek, 106 sq.;
Spanish, 309, 311;
Papal, 221, 223;
Dutch, 310-11, 328;
Portuguese, 363, 364;
English, 88, 397-98, 419, 420
Finland, 278, 283 n.
Finlay, as sociologist, 38;
on Roman finance, 78;
on Roman decline, 94;
on Byzantium and Lombard invasion, 95;
on Eastern Empire, 97, 115, 119-20, 143;
on Greece under Roman Empire, 113 n.;
on Christianity and slavery, 118 n.;
on philosophic schools at Athens, 143
Fisheries, Danish, 273-74;
Dutch, 293, 311, 313, 317, 329;
Portuguese, 355
Flanders, 288 n., 294, 295, 296, 302, 309, 311, 321, 380
Fletcher of Saltoun, 455
Flint, Prof., cited, 73, 74
Floods in Netherlands, 298
Florence, constitutions of, 202, 211, 240, 241, 243, 245;
political evolution of, 206-7, 243 sq.;
factions at, 202, 207, 213, 236 n., 239 sq.;
and her allies, 208;
industry of, 211, 218;
wealth of, 217, 219;
interest at, 217 n.;
art in, 220, 226, 227 n.;
and papacy, 223;
under Duke Ferdinand, 224;
literature of, 226;
causes of eminence of, 229;
commercial development of, 231;
militarism at, 231;
and Pisa, 237, 248, 252-53;
and Venice, 243, 249;
under Medici, 249 sq.;
taxation in, 251;
collapse of, 254
Food and polity, 11 n.
i>, 55, 65, 73, 293, 315
Ford, 413
Fowler, W. Warde, 37; cited, 23 n., 29 n., 66, 161 n.
France, intellectual evolution of, 138, 140, 212;
and Holland, 319, 464-65;
and England, 320, 323, 377-78;
empire in, 320;
religion in, 321;
population in, 322-23;
and Switzerland, 349
Franks, polity of, 186, 188, 192, 197
Frederick Barbarossa, 210, 216, 235
---- II, 211, 216, 219
---- the Great, 139
---- of Denmark, 276
Freedom of the press, 310, 344
Freeman, on Greek federation, 51-52;
on Greek history, 66;
on Athenian citizenship, 124 n.;
on Simon de Montfort, 382
Free trade, 284, 465
French politics, 1-3. See France
---- Academy, 444 n., 445
---- Revolution, 72, 149 n., 397, 449
Fribourg, 337, 338, 344, 346
Fronde, the, 415 n., 436
Fronto, 167
Frontiers, theories of, 178
Froude, 402
Fustel de Coulanges, 52, 67, 265 n.
Fyffe, cited, 66
Gaeta, 204 n.
Galileo, 227
Galton, on "race," 64, 66, 131-32;
on Lycurgus, 99;
on Greek infantici de, 101;
on Lesbos, 126;
on Athenian drama, 127;
on Sparta, 131;
on Crete, 131-32;
on Switzerland, 331 n., 332 n., 354
Grotius, 309, 310, 326, 442 n.
Grundy, Dr. G.B., 36, 65
Gubbio, 225
Guicciardini, F., 232 n.
---- L., 291, 313
Guilliman, 334
Guizot, on Roman Empire and Christianity, 26 n., 96;
on European progress, 58;
on Gaulish monasteries, 167;
on Christian persecution, 168 n.;
on Teutonic barbarism, 184 n.;
on Charlemagne, 189;
on France and Germany, 192 n.;
on decline of slavery, 213-14, 215;
on the Reformation, 238
Gustavus Vasa, 274, 277
Guthry, Bishop, 441
Hadrian, 113
Hakam I, 154
---- II, 153
Halifax, 451
Hallam, on genius, 121;
on the Lombards and Italy, 198;
on feudalism, 201;
on Venice, 229;
on Simon de Montfort, 382;
on Henry VII, 392 n.;
on English nobility under Henry VIII, 396;
on Anne, 468 n.;
on Ireland, 451 n.;
on Whigs and Tories, 421 n.;
on Charles I, 417 n.;
on James I, 414 n.
Hamburg, 287
Handel, 140
Hannibal, 30
Hansa, 274, 286-90;
of London, 287, 288, 393
Harald Bluetooth, 268
Harald Klak, 268
Hardwick, 266, 267
Haren, Van, 326
Harold Fairhair, 268
Harrington, 443
Harrison, F. 425-26, 428-30
Hartmann, L.M., 182
Hassencamp, 450 n., 452
Hawkwood, Sir J., 248
Hazlitt, W., cited, 396 n.
---- W. C, 181
Heeren, cited and discussed, 37, 39 n., 234, 237
Hegel, cited and discussed, 5 n., 58
---- Karl, 199, 379 n.
Hegewisch, 138
Hektemorioi, the, 41
Henry the Fowler, 197 n.
---- the Navigator, 356
---- IV of England, 391
---- V of England, 386, 391
---- VII of England, 394
---- VIII of England, 395, 401, 402
Heracleia, 104
Heraclius, 115-16
Heredity, official, 120, 199, 235
Heredium, the Roman, 12 sq.
Heresy, 97, 115, 168, 300, 303, 390
Herodotus, 127, cited, 44, 129
Hertzberg, 38, 67, 113 n.
Heyd, W. von, 183, 222
Hiero, 136
Hildebrandt, 59 n., 203, 206, 235
Hill, Rev. G., 371
Hippocrates, 127
Hippodamus, 104
Hisham, 154
Historiography, modern, viii, ix;
Greek, 127
Hobbes, 421-22;
on communism, 13
Hochart, on Constantine, 27 n.
Hodgkin, T., 181, cited 184 n., 202 n.
Holbein, 408
Holberg, 281
Holland, primary conditions of, 293;
slavery in medieval, 295-6;
empire of, 312;
political evolution of, 294 sq.;
historiography of, 291-2;
industry in, 294, 296, 310 sq.;
factions in, 296-7, 298, 299;
despotism in, 300;
revolt of, 301 sq.;
religious distribution in, 307;
constitution of, 309;
commerce of, 310 sq., 328-9;
finance and currency of, 310-11;
public debt of, 312, 328;
and England, 318, 320, 323, 425, 463;
and France, 319, 320, 464-65;
decline of, 321 sq.;
capitalism in, 324;
culture evolution of, 325 sq.;
art in, 327-28;
population in, 327, 328-30
Holm, 37, 134 n., 136 n., 141
Homer, 126
Honorius, 94, 173, 185
Hooft, 326
Hooker, 441
"Hooks and Codfish," 298
Horace, 165, 166
Houses, Athenian, 105; Italian, 205
Howell, 325, 463
Hudson, H., 312
Huguenots, 272, 303, 321, 343, 438
Humanists, Italian, 227
Hume, cited, 58, 102, 109, 133 n., 348 n.
Huns, 184, 185, 197
Hunt, W., 181
Huxley, cited, 61
Hygiene, ancient, 91
Ibn Khaldun, 155-56
Ibsen, 282
Iceland, 270, 271, 278 sq., 340
Ihne, cited, 16 n.
Illyria, 194
Image-worship, 145
Imperialism, Roman, 25 sq., 89;
Athenian, 47 sq.;
Greek, 50 sq.;
Ancient and modern, 177 sq.;
Barbaric, 189;
Danish, 269, 271;
Dutch, 318;
British, 323, 384, 407, 420-21
India, evolution of, 74;
British, 57 n., 177, 179;
Portuguese, 358, 362
Indigitamenta, 160 n.
Indulgences, Catholic, 342
Industry, in Greece, 109;
in Italian cities, 205, 211, 218-19;
in Netherlands, 294, 296;
in Iceland, 454;
in Spain, 461;
modern, 467
Infanticide, 26, 38, 100, 117
Innocent III, 236
---- IV, 210
Inquisition, 303, 308, 362, 406
Interest, Roman limitation of, 20;
Roman, 79 and note;
Florentine, 217 n.;
in Holland, 313, 321
Ionia. See Asia Minor
Ireland, 189, 192, 378;
English misgovernment of, 406, 418, 426-33, 450 sq.
Ireton, 429
Islam, 61, 149,
153, 154, 179
Isocrates, 50
Isolation and polity, 56, 144
Italy, structure of, 28;
Greek cities of, 29;
modern, economics of, 85;
post-Roman, evolution of, 85, 183 sq.;
medieval, culture evolution in, 90, 152, 209 sq.;
republican collapse in, 233 sq.
See Rome
Jacquerie, 387
James I, 398, 401, 414, 415, 461
---- II, 444, 452
Japan, evolution of, 69-70, 74
Java, 312, 329
Jeffreys, 444
Jesuits, 350, 362-63
Jewry, 67, 125, 146
Jews, modern, 358, 361
John II of Portugal, 355, 357
John, King, 392
Johnson, 442 n.
Jonson, Ben, 412, 413
Julian, 57 n., 94
Juste, 292
Justice, in Greece, 48
Justin, 95
Justinian, 96, 116, 118, 143, 449
Juvenal, 166
Kampen, J. van, 292, 307
Kant, 138;
cited, 5
Keightley, 161
Kemble, J.M., 371, 372, 373
Keymor, 317, 325
Kings, Roman, 18
Kleisthenes, 44
Kleon, 50
Knox, 398
Knut, 282-84, 352
467, 468
Manley, 427-28
Marck, W. van der, 308
Marcus Aurelius, 167
Margaret of Norway, 275
Marignano, 341
Marius, 24
Marks, Alfred, 438 n.
Marlborough, 320
Marlowe, 411
Marvell, 421, 439 n.
Mary of England, 397
---- of Scotland, 399
Maspero, cited, 125 n.
Mathematics, 149
Matilda, Countess, 206, 207
Maurice (Emperor), 96, 115
Maurice of Orange, 310, 313
Maximilian I, 300
Mazarin, 415 n.
Mazdeism, 125
Medicine, evolution of, 127, 147 sq.;
schools of, 212
Medici, the, 225, 227, 249 sq.
Megalomania, 261
Megara, 124 n.
Melville, Andrew, 398
Menander, 118, 135
MÉnard, cited, 132
Mencius, 73-4
Mental development in Greece, 46
Menzel, 139 n.
Mercantile system, 460 sq.
Merchant Adventurers, the, 459, 466
MerimÉe, 3
Merovingian Kings, the, 187, 191
Mexico, 361
Meyer, Ed., on Quirites, 9 sq.;
on Roman land law, 12;
on Greek taxation, 42;
on Solon, 43 n.;
on Greek civilisation, 64;
on ager publicus, 77 n.;
on Roman culture, 158 n.
---- Ernst von, cited, 150
Michel Angelo, 254
Milan, 194, 199, 206, 210, 211, 218, 219, 225, 241, 249
Militarism, and democracy, 21 sq.;
Roman, 25, 55, 76;
and culture, 61, 131, 153, 341;
Spartan, 131;
Saracen, 153, 154;
Turkish, 157;
Florentine, 231;
Dutch, 318;
Swiss, 341;
English, 425
Mill, J.S., 58, 121
Milman, 146 n., 197
Milton, 426, 431, 441, 448
Mining, Roman, 80;
Greek, 105-6;
Brazilian, 363;
medieval, 460
Ministerial Government, 437, 468
Mitchell and Caspari, 41, 42, 44 n., 136-37
Mitford, 37, 38
Mithraism, 27, 113, 165
Mommsen, on Quirites, 9;
on the plebs, 10;
on Roman land law, 12, 13;
on Roman city life, 14 n.;
on Roman taxation, 77;
on the Antonines, 89;
on Roman religion, 158, 160, 162;
on antiquity of writing, 160 n.;
on the Celts, 190, 192
Monasteries, 167, 402-3
"Money economy," 80
Monk, 436
Monopolies, trade, and civilisation, 59;
Athenian, 108;
Byzantine, 117;
Dutch, 313, 315, 316, 463;
English, 320, 321, 323, 404, 415, 459, 461 sq.;
Flemish, 296;
Papal, 223;
Portuguese, 356, 358;
Spanish, in Italy, 223;
Hanseatic, 289
Montaigne, vii, 230
Montesquieu, on civil war, 25;
as sociologist, 28 n.;
on Hannibal, 30;
on soil and polity, 56
Montmorency, 386
Moors. See Saracens
Morals, Greek, 47 sq.;
Byzantine, 118;
Frankish, 186-87;
English, 395, 433
More, Sir T., 403 n., 405, 408
Morgarten, 335
Morin, F., cited, 3 n., 118 n., 465
Morley, Lord, cited, 66
Mosheim, 265-66, 434
Motley, 291;
on Celts and Teutons, 187, 238, 300 n., 304, 307;
on the Reformation, 238;
on Dutch slavery, 295;
on Spain and Holland, 302
Mountjoy, Lord, 440 n.
MÜller, K.O., cited, 130, 131 n.
Mummius, 110
Murray, Gilbert, 129
Mysteries, religious, 160
Mythology, Greek and Roman, 124, 159 sq.
Names of abuse, 372
Nantes, Edict of, 321
Napier, Capt., 181
Naples, 195, 204 n., 211, 224, 225, 249
Napoleon, 349;
Prince, cited, 3 n.
Narses, 185 n., 188, 194
National character. See Race
National Debts, 312, 322, 364, 450
Nationality, notion of, 257 sq.
Navigation Act, 318, 425, 453, 463, 464
Navy, English, 294 n., 314;
Spanish, 314;
Dutch, 314
Nerli, 227 n.
Nero, 186
Netherlands. See Holland
NeuchÂtel, 347, 349
Newman, F.W., cited, 9
Niebuhr, cited, 11 n., 108
NÖldeke, 149 n., 151
Normandy, 376, 381
Normans, 191, 211, 375
North, Dudley, 466
Norway, structure of, 269;
political evolution of, 268-69, 274, 277;
religion in, 268-69;
Reformation in, 277;
population in, 282, 284, 285
Oates, Titus, 438
Odoaker, 185, 194
Odour in races, 6
Oebly, 344
Olaf the Lap King, 267:
Tryggvason, 269;
St., 269
Oligarchy, 255
Oman, cited, 117, 118
Orange. See William of
Orosius, cited, 186
Ortolan, cited, 10 n., 11
OttÉ, 264 n.
Otto I, 188, 189, 198, 201
Overton, R., 424 n.
Padua, 212
PÆderasty in Greece, 103
Painting, Italian, 220-21, 223, 225, 288-89
Pais, Prof., 15
Palermo, 225
Papacy, and Italian disunion, 210, 234-35, 240 sq., 253;
and culture, 212, 227, 237;
and slavery, 215;
and trade, 223;
finance of, 223;
and art, 225, 226;
and celibacy, 235;
and Rienzi, 246;
and Florence, 246;
and Divine Right, 440
Paparrigopoulo, 36
Parliaments, 378, 380 n., 381
Parma, 216, 240 n.
Parthian empire, 113
Paterini, 220
Patricians, the Roman, 17
Patriotism, 258, 262, 308, 406, 407;
and art, 411
Patterson, W.R., 36, 76
Paul, 118
Paul the Deacon, 270
Pauw, D
Powell, Prof. York, quoted, 279
Presbyterianism, 398, 410, 417, 444
Priesthoods, 125, 142, 160, 235, 266
Printing, effects of, 221, 226
Privateering, 319
n., 323
Procopius, 144
Procter, Colonel, 181, 197 n.
Progress, 469 sq.;
European, factors in, 35;
nature of, 54;
in the East, 73, 180
Proletariate, Roman, 17, 80;
Greek, 39 sq.;
Flemish, 297;
Dutch, 315;
Italian, 244, 247 sq.;
English, 380, 387, 434, 467
Protection, evocative, 135, 140, 224 sq.; 283, 314, 315
Provence, 219, 220
Prudentius, 35 n.
Publilius, 20
Puchta, 12
Pulszky, 398 n.
Puritanism, 343-46, 418 sq.; 430 sq.
Pym, 416
Pythagoreanism, 190 n.
Quirinus, 9
Quirites, the name, 9
Race, theories of, 1 sq., 23 n., 29, 31, 60, 64, 66, 123, 128 sq., 146 sq., 158, 183, 190, 193, 209, 233-34, 237, 257, 271, 275-76, 300 n., 304, 307, 339, 369, 378;
crosses of, 50, 148, 164, 184, 271, 377;
homogeneity in, 56, 184, 339;
function of, in politics, 70
Raleigh, 314, 466
Ranke, 182, 184 n., 198, 450 n.
Rashdall, Dr., 212 n.
Rationalism, Greek, 46;
Saracen, 155;
medieval, 220;
modern, 326, 422, 447
Ratzel, 59
Ravenna, 195, 204, 212
Reade, Winwood, cited, 64
Reber, 123
Redskins, civilisation of, 361
Referendum, 351
Reformation, 221, 237;
in Italy, 237 sq., 306;
in Spain, 238, 303, 306;
in France, 238, 306;
in Germany, 192, 238, 239, 305-6, 342;
in Holland, 238, 301 sq.;
in Scandinavia, 276 sq.;
in Switzerland, 341 sq.;
in England, 238, 395, 396-98;
in Scotland, 398;
in Iceland, 280
Religion in politics, 70, 177, 265 sq.;
at Rome, 17, 19 n., 159 sq.;
as substitute for politics, 26 sq., 397;
paralysis of intellect by, 61, 237;
and monarchy, 265 sq.
Rembrandt, 327
Renaissance, 220, 225, 227, 339-40
Renan, 147
Republics, Italian, 183-256
Republicanism, Portuguese, 367-68;
English, 423, 442
Reumont, A. von, 182
Revolutions, South American, 366
Rhodes, 104, 140, 228
Richard II, 387, 390
---- III, 394
Richards, E., 192 n.
Richelieu, 140, 438
Rienzi, 233, 245-46
Rilliet, 331, 334, 335
Rio-Branco, 362 n.
Robertson, E.W., on Roman heredium, 12
---- W., 303
Rodogast, 185
Roger II, 218
Rogers, Prof. Th., 292;
and economic interpretation of history, 75 n.;
on trade in sixteenth century, 221-22;
on Holland, 298;
on population in medieval England, 388-89;
on Lollardism, 396 n.;
on enclosures, 404;
on medieval production of silver, 460
Rolf, 271 n.
Rome, political evolution of, 4, 8 sq., 16 sq., 28 sq., 67;
early civilisation of, 14, 15;
economic life of, 11 n., 75 sq.;
land system of, 11 sq.;
effects of war in, 21 sq.;
bribery in, 22;
army finance in, 25;
Pagan, religion of, 27, 159 sq.;
and Carthage, 30;
deterioration of, 31 sq., 69;
barbarian invasion of, 57, 95-6;
slavery in, 76;
commerce in, 76-77;
finance in, 77 sq., 172-73, 175;
doles in, 82;
agriculture in, 76, 79, 82 sq.;
fever in, 90 sq.;
confiscation of Pagan revenues in, 90;
collapse of, 92 sq.;
Church of, 95, 96, 168-69, 204, 206, 209, 212, 214 sq., 221, 234, 235, 399;
and Greece, 110 sq., 134 sq., 158;
law of, 112, 197, 205;
art and letters in, 125, 158, 165 sq.;
and Lombards, 195;
influence of, on Italian cities, 204;
in thirteenth century, 208;
under Rienzi, 245-46;
German conquest of, 254
Roscoe, 182, 223, 227 n.
Round, J.H., 378
Rousseau, 349, 449
Royal Society, 444-46
Royalism, 299, 300, 381, 394, 399, 416, 436
Royer-Collard, 2
Rubens, 327
Russia, culture-conditions of, 135, 139-40;
and the Far East, 178
Rutherford, S., 441
Sabines and Romans, 9, 14, 15, 16
Sacra, Roman, 9
Sacrifice, human, 129
St. Gall, 346, 349
Saint-Simon, 2 n.
Salerno, 212
Salimbene, 240 n.
Salmasius, 441 n.
Salting, 294
Salvation Army, 28 n.
Salverte, cited, 5, 56
Salvian, 35 n., 119, 214
Samber, 464 n.
Sappho, 126, 136
Saracens, and Christendom, 69;
and Byzantine trade, 117;
civilisation of, 146 sq.;
and Italy, 197, 211, 212 n.;
and Sicily, 219;
and Provence, 219
Savigny, 191, 203
Savonarola, 252
Saviour Gods, 115, 164
Scandinavia, prospects of, 260-61, 285;
evolution of, 264 sq.;
histories of, 264 n.;
religion in, 266 sq., 272;
population in, 270, 273, 282 sq.;
social conditions in, 272-73, 278;
Reformation in, 276 sq.;
separatism in, 275-76, 278;
culture evolution of, 278 sq.
Schaffhausen, 338, 344, 347
Schanz, 392
tenberg@html@files@39860@39860-h@39860-h-22.htm.html#Page_337" class="pginternal">337, 338, 344, 345, 347
Solon, 40 sq., 99, 100
Somaliland, 129
Sousa, Alfonso de, 362
Spain, Roman, 23, 24, 80, 92, 173;
Christian, evolution of, 156, 221, 222-23, 305;
Parliament in, 382;
and Portugal, 360-61;
and Italy, 223-24;
and Holland, 301 sq.;
Inquisition in, 303;
finance of, 311;
and England, 406-7;
prospects of, 156, 260;
stagnation of, 222-23, 230, 311, 361;
industry in, 461;
Gothic, 191;
Saracen, 150 sq.
Spalding, 136, 181, 224
Sparta, polity of, 51, 98, 101, 103-4, 130 sq.;
women in, 130 n., 142
Spencer, H., 2 n.
Spiegel, 146 sq.
Sprat, 444 sq.
Spreghel, 326
Sprengel, cited, 150
"State," the word, 309
Staley, E., 182
Stephen, King, 377
Stephens, H.M., 355 n., 359, 362 n.
Stilicho, 96, 185
Stoics, 118-19
Strabo, 103
Strafford, 415 n., 437, 453
Strife, modes of, 6-7, 70
Struensee, 281
Stubbs, Bishop, on Teutons, 196;
on feudalism, 200, 201;
on Spain and Germany, 305;
on Normans, 375;
on Parliament, 387 n.;
on Magna Carta, 392;
on English commerce, 403 n.;
on enclosures, 404
Suarez, 440-41, 450
Sulla, 21, 25, 82, 86, 110
Sumptuary laws, 415
Superstition, Roman, 27;
Greek, 46;
Byzantine, 145;
and natural phenomena, 304
Sweden, structure of, 265;
political evolution of, 267, 274, 275;
religion in, 267;
polygamy in, 272;
slavery in, 274;
population in, 283-84, 329
Switzerland, 260-61;
structure of, 67;
evolution of, 331 sq.;
histories of, 331;
population in, 339, 352 sq.;
culture evolution of, 339, 341 sq.;
Reformation in, 342 sq.;
modern, 350 sq.
Sybaris, 39 n.
Symes, Prof., cited, 389
Symonds, J.A., 182, cited 96, 197 n., 210, 224-25, 238;
discussed, 225-32
Synthesis, 5
Syracuse, literature at, 136
Tacitus, 118 n., 184
Taine, 1-3
Tanquelin, 306
Tasso, 230
Taxation, Roman, 31, 77, 110;
Athenian, 42;
Byzantine, 119-20;
Moslem, 152;
Dutch, 321 n., 322;
English, 395, 404, 415, 416;
Spanish, 223, 300, 311;
Florentine, 251;
Papal, 223;
Venetian, 228;
Scandinavian, 278
Tell, myth of, 334-35
Temple, Sir W., 291, 315, 319, 321 n., 324, 449
Testa, 215 n.
Teuffel, on Roman degeneration, 32-3
Teutomania, 183, 187, 190, 192, 238, 300, 304, 307, 378
Teutonic evolution, 184 sq., 306, 340
Tertullian, 441 n.
Theodoric, 187-88, 191, 194
Theognis, 40
Theresa of Portugal, 355
Thessaly, 132, 133
Thierry, 385 n.
Thirlwall, 37; cited, 103, 106 n., 136 n.
Thirty Years' War, 460
Three, the number, 8
Thucydides, 45, 49, 128
Thurgau, 338, 346
Ticino, 338, 346, 349
Tocqueville, De, 1 n., 62
Toleration, 438, 450
Torquemada, 303
Totila, 187
Traill, H.D., 454
Trench, Bishop, 451 n.
Trollope, T.A., 181, 236 n.
Troubadours, 219, 220
TÜbingen, 139
Tucker, Dean, 322-23
Turkey, religion in, 154;
prospects of civilisation in, 157, 176, 260;
empire in, 176
Turner, Sharon, 370
Tyndale, 390
Tyranny, effects of, 51, 173;
and art, 135 sq.;
Greek, 137;
at Florence, 244;
in England, 392 sq.;
in Scotland, 398
Twysden, 398
Ulster, 454
Umiliati, 218, 289 n.
United States, civilisation of, 88, 119, 365
Universities, 139, 211, 325, 348, 419 n.
Unterwalden, 332, 333, 337, 338, 344, 347
Urban II, 215
Uri, 332, 333, 337, 338, 342, 344, 347
Usher, 440
Usury, Roman, 76, 78, 79;
Roman legislation against, 20;
in Greece, 39-40;
medieval, 217;
in England, 435
Utopia, 469
Utrecht, 295
Valais, 337, 338, 346, 349
Valentinian, 90, 93
Valla, L., 227
Vandals, 92, 191
Vandyck, 327, 416
Variation, social, 144
Varro, 161 n.
Vaud, 338, 346, 349, 352
Vaughan, 418
Velasquez, 135, 327, 359, 413
Venice, evocation of art in, 63, 225, 226, 228;
trade of, 120, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@39860@39860-h@39860-h-14.htm.html#Page_222" class="pginternal">222, 228, 293;
rise of, 195, 254;
and Byzantium, 204, 254;
and Turks, 222;
social conditions in, 227-28;
and Florence, 241;
and France, 253;
polity of, 254-55
Verity, Dr. R., cited, 27 n.
Verres, 32
Vespasian, 166 n.
Vicente, 359
Vico, 11, 227
Vieusseux, 331
Viglius, 304
Vijnne, 292
Villainage in England, 371 sq.
Villani, G., 217, 247 n.
Villari, Prof., 182, 218, 226, 236 n.
Villemain, 420 n., 433
Vinogradoff, 371, 372
Virgil, 165, 166
Viscontis, 241, 245, 246, 248, 249
Visigoths, the, 119, 191
Volney, 34
Voltaire, 59, 349
Vondel, 326
Wagner, 140
Waitz, 200
Walckenaer, 34, 56, 74, 121
Wales, 258, 384
Waller, 421
Walloons, 307
War, persistence of, 6-7;
and democracy, 21, 24, 45, 72;
private, 202, 286, 290;
in medieval Italy, 216, 237;
and class relations, 379-80;