
(1) Could the Civil War have been avoided? If so, how? If not, why not?

(2) What concrete goals was each side trying to attain in that war?

(3) How did North and South differ in way of life?

(4) List, in parallel columns, the viewpoints of each side on such important issues as slavery, states’ rights, nationalism, etc.

(5) In what ways was the Civil War unlike any other war?

(6) What different military strategy might the North have employed?

(7) What different military strategy might the South have employed?

(8) What do you consider as the climactic moment of the war?

(9) Compare the structure and personnel of the two respective governments.

(10) What effect did the war have on homefronts North and South?

(11) What five wartime inventions do you consider most important?

(12) Prepare short reports on medicine, religion, slavery, and women in the war.

(13) Compare Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, both as men and as presidents.

(14) Compare soldiers of the 1860’s with modern “GI’s.”

(15) Could the South have won the Civil War? Prove your answer.

(16) Who is your favorite Civil War figure? Why?

(17) Discuss the best book you have read on the Civil War from the standpoint of information, readability, and interest.

(18) Exactly what national questions did the Civil War solve?

(19) How did Northerner, Southerner, and Negro each benefit from the war?

(20) What problems, present in the Civil War, remain unsolved today?

Soldiers preparing for action.


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