A List of the Full-Page Drawings in the Book


"The leader of the caribou herd ... returned the stallion's inquiring stare with a glance of mild curiosity" (See page 122)
"Some inexperienced seal had been foolish enough to lie basking close beside an ice-cake" 7
"She led him farther and farther across the ice" 13
"Would run gleefully to snap them up and eat them" 14
"Some one on deck discerned the crouching bear" 24
"He saw a big sucker settle lazily where the thronging fry were thickest" 34
"Held firmly between the edges of his great beak" 42
"Leaping high out of the pools" 45
"Vanquished in their own element by the mink" 59
"Again he shot into the spray-thick air on the face of the fall" 68
"Scuttled off into the woods like a frightened woodchuck" 74
"The moose came in sight up the brook channel" 79
"At this moment a passing shrike swooped down" 85
"Lay motionless but for the easy waving of its fins" 97
"Only that sharp black fin, that prowled and prowled, kept always in sight" 101
"Directly beneath the shark the stranger came" 105
"He struck out desperately, and soon cleared the turmoil of the breakers" 111
"The southward journeying ducks, which would drop with loud quacking and splashing into the shallows" 121
"It was the cow moose calling for her mate" 125
"The plucky little animal jumped as far as he could" 136
"Then, with the largest prize in his jaws, he swam slowly to the rock" 151
"Lay down in sullen triumph to lick his wounds" 152
"The baffled shrew jumped straight into the air" 158
"With a frantic leap he shot through the air" 160
"Turn his narrow, snarling face to see what threatened" 173
"When he stopped to drink at the glassy pool" 180
"Noiselessly faded back through the covert" 185
"Then he leaped the fence again" 186
"He was in the iron clutch of a muskrat trap" 198
"His course took him far out over the soundless spaces" 203
"For all his seeming awkwardness he moved as delicately as a cat" 208
"The water splashed high and white about him" 213
"The shrew-mouse ... darted out into the light" 218
"His round, sinister eyes glared palely into every covert" 220
"He saw the gray forms of the pack" 228
"A snipe which flew too low over the ditch" 238
"Madly joyous, he killed, and killed, and killed, for the joy of killing" 241
"Would whisk sharply into the mouth of the black tunnel" 247
"Confronting the two great cats with uplifted paw and mouth wide open" 258
"Once more the watchful sentinel appeared" 260
"The noiseless wings were now just behind him" 266
"His apprehensive ears caught a curious sound" 274
"The big owl had been disturbed at its banquet" 277
"Which seemed to scrutinize him steadily" 278
"Those swift and implacable little whales who fear no living thing" 296
"Far offshore, one of these monsters came up and sprawled upon the surface" 300
"Up darted a livid tentacle, and fixed upon it" 302
"A singular figure, descending slowly through the glimmering green" 304



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