Abraham, Book of, 393, 398.
Actors in Christ's Crucifixion, Fate of, 58.
Adam, Fall of, 83.
Agitation, Religious in N. Y., 276,
Albert, Archbishop of Mentz, 212.
Alva, Duke of, 257.
America, Discovery of, 269, 270.
" Influence of on liberty, 263.
" Catholics seek liberty in, 264
Anarchy, Reign of, 200.
Announcement, Angelic, 12.
Anti-Christ, Rise of foretold, 193.
Apostasy—see Part II.
" in days of apostles, 154.
" admitted by Christian writers, 189.
" predicted in scriptures, 192, 196.
Apostles, Twelve, 45.
" a second time succeed to presidency, 404.
" equal in authority with first presidency, 344.
" Quorum filled, 70.
" Quorum of Twelve succeed to presidency, 402.
" Twelve organized, 336.
" Traveling, presiding high council, 343.
Associations, Primary, 352.
Athanasius, 172.
Atonement, a mystery, 98.
" Pact of, 86, 87.
" Love of God in, 89.
" Mercy and Justice of, 87.
" of Christ voluntary, 88.
" universal in application, 98.
Augsburg, Confession of, 220.
Augustus, 12, 31.
Aurelius, Marcus, 115.
Authority from God needful, 101.
Bartholomew's Eve, St., Massacre on, 267.
Baptism, 128.
" Form changed, 129.
" Manner of, among Nephites, 136.
" Of, 302.
" of children, 130, 136.
" Of the manner of, 303.
" symbol of burial and resurrection, 135.
Baptist, John, restores Aaronic Priesthood, 297.
Bethlehem, 11.
Bible corrupted, 65.
Bishopric, Powers of, 317.
Bishops, Equality among changed 141, 142.
" Pirst in the Church, 316.
" Local or Ward, 319.
" Manner of electing, 140.
" Objections to, 145.
" of Constantinople, 149.
" Presiding, 318.
" Pre-eminence of Roman, 144, 146, 150.
" Traveling, 319.
Blasphemy, 52, 57.
Boleyn, Anne, 259.
Bull of Excommunication burned, 215, 225.
Cajetan, Cardinal Thomas, appointed to hear cause of Luther, 212.
Cajetan urges Luther's excommunication, 215.
Calvin, John, 266.
" Spread of his doctrine, 254.
" Views on church government, 253.
" Views on eucharist, 254.
Ceremonies, Addition to, 128.
Charles V, Emperor Germany, 215.
" annuls edict of Worms and Augsburg, 221.
" decides against Protestants, 221.
" rupture with pope, 218.
Christian III of Denmark regulates religious affairs of his kingdom, 257.
Christians, Unwise Zeal of, 123.
Christiern II, King of Sweden and Denmark, 255.
" Banished from Denmark, 256.
" driven from Sweden, 255.
" Invites Reynhard, Carlstadt and Luther to Denmark, 256.
Church, The, 92,
" A corrupt, 244.
" Attempt to reorganize Nephite, 200.
" Anti-Christian Nephite, 198.
" Condition of, 2d century, 114.
" Condition of, in 4th century, 184.
" Condition of, in 5th century, 185.
" Condition of, subsequent to 5th century, 187.
" Condition of, in 10th century, 188.
" Conferences of, 354.
" destroyed, 189.
" Distinct Protestant, founded, 218.
" Division of, 9th century, 151.
" Early decline of, 155.
" Establishment of, by apostles, 139.
" Government of, modeled on plan of civil government, 143.
" government, opinions on, 99.
" government, Reflections on, 355.
" Growth and present condition of, 409.
" Immoral condition of, 184.
" in America, 64, 96, 97.
" Judiciary system of, 352.
" members of, Duties of, 304.
" Nephite, 198.
" Officers, divinely called, 95.
" Organization of by Joseph Smith, 299.
" organization not perpetuated, 139.
" Progress of, under Constantine, 121.
" The, what it is, etc., 341.
" Territorial divisions of, 349.
Clement VII proposes council in Italy, 222.
" rupture with Charles V, 218
" succeeds Hadrian VI, 217.
Clergy, Celibacy of, 183.
Commerce, afterwards Nauvoo, 393, 398.
Conferences appointed, 306.
" The first, 308.
Confirmation, Manner of, 303.
Consecration, Law of, 322.
Constantine, 119, 120, 121.
" Friendliness to Christians, 120.
Constantinople taken by Turks, 206.
Cornelius, 76.
Councils, Attempt to settle difficulties by, 244.
" Desire for general, 213.
" Difficulty of locating one, 222.
" General, appeal to, 212.
" High, Different kinds, 335.
" " Fair dealing in, 338.
" " how organized, 334.
" " Just judgment in, 339.
" " Order in, 338.
" " organized, 333.
" " Standing, The, 335.
" " Temporary, 336.
" " Traveling. The, 335.
" Nicene, The, 171.
" Rise of, 142.
" Trent, The, of, 223, 227.
" Usurpations of, 155.
Cowdery, Oliver, one of the three witnesses, 284.
" involved in errors, 309.
Cross, Luminous, 119, 124.
Crucifixion, 55.
Crusades, Influence of the, on liberty, 207.
Cumorah, Treasures of, 283.
" Description of, 286.
Cyprian, 149, 156.
Darkness, Age of, 205.
" Three hours', 55, 58.
Deacons, Duties of, 306.
" Quorums of, 348.
Dead, Baptism for, 381, 390.
" Salvation for, 377.
Diet at Augsburg, The, 220.
" Spire, The, 219.
" Worms, The, 215, 216.
Diocletian, 117,
Distinctions, Class, among Nephites, 198.
" Revival of, 199.
Dispersions, Miscellaneous, 367.
Dispensation of Fullness of Times,
" Preparation for opening the, 266.
" Meaning of, 275.
" Character of, 409.
Domitian, 110, 111.
Duties of deacons, 306.
" elders, 305.
" members, 304.
" priests, 306.
" teachers, 306.
Eckius, John, theologian of Ingolstadt, 212.
" Discussion with Carlstadt, 215.
" Discussion with Luther, 213.
Edicts of Severus, 113.
Elders, Duties of, 305.
" Quorums of, 347.
Elias, Appearing of, 360.
Elijah, Appearing of, 360.
Eucharist—see Sacrament.
Events, Chronological order of, neglected, 49.
" Order of, 47.
Excommunication, Manner of, 162.
Faith, Catholic, Rule of, 242.
Far West, Founding of, 392.
Fear, Political, 51.
Feudalism, Breaking up of, 207.
Frederick, Elector of Saxony, 215.
" Death of, 218.
" Duke of Holstein and Sleswick succeeds Christiern II of Denmark, 256.
" Gives religious liberty to Denmark, 256.
Free will, Discussion on, 213.
Gamaliel, 73.
Gathering, first command to gather, 316.
" Object of, 372.
Gentiles, Gospel taken to, 76.
George, Duke of Saxony joins in demand for general council, 213.
" at the discussion between Luther and Eckius, 215.
" on the corruptions of the church, 225.
Gifts Spiritual, 92.
" Decline of, 161, 176.
" On continuance of, 175.
Glory, different degrees of, 382.
" Celestial, The, 384.
" Terrestrial, The, 385.
" Telestial, The, 385.
" Degrees within the three great divisions, 386.
" Progress within degrees of, 387.
God, Appears to Joseph Smith, 278.
" Arian theory of, 171.
" Christian doctrine respecting, 164.
" Existence of, 301.
" Form of, etc., 279.
" Immateriality of, 173.
" Orthodox view of, 170.
" Sabellian theory of, 170.
Godhead, Oneness of the, 173.
" Illustration of, 176.
" Man may attain unto, 395.
Gods, Heathen, 21.
Gospel, supplants the law, 44.
" Spread of, 77.
" Messiah, author of, 177.
" Fragmentary histories of, 65.
" Moral precepts, Departure from, 180.
Government, Helps in, 351.
" Roman, 24.
Grace, Catholic view of, 233.
" Controversy on, 230.
" Facts which enter the question of, 231.
" Falling from, 302.
" Pelagian view of, 233.
" Protestant view of, 233.
Gregory VII, 205.
Harris, Martin, one of the three witnesses, 284.
Henry IV, Humiliation of, 205, 224.
Henry VIII, of England, champion Roman church, 258.
" Marriage to Catharine of Aragon, 258.
" Divorce of, 259.
" Rupture with pope, 259.
Hermit, Peter the, 207.
Herod, Antipas, 38, 41.
" the Great, 13, 17.
Herodias, 38.
Hosanna, Shout of, 359.
House of the Lord, All nations to flow unto the, 374.
Huguenots, Character of the, 255.
Immaterialists, Atheists, 178.
Indulgences, Nature of, 209.
" Origin of, 209.
" Position of Catholic church respecting, 230.
" To be accompanied by reformation, 238.
" Traffic in, 210.
Interpretation of Bible, Private, 243.
" Private, effects of, 246.
Israel, Blood of, sprinkled in all nations, 367.
" Captivity of, 363.
" Enslaved, 363.
" Latter-day Saints of, 375.
" Miscellaneous Dispersion of, 367.
" Revolt of Ten Tribes of, 363.
" Scattering of, 365.
" Settlement of, in Canaan, 373.
" The gathering of, 368.
" Ten tribes of, preparatory work to their return, 370.
" Who are, 362.
Jealousy, Religious, 51.
Jesus Christ, Appearance among Nephites, 62.
" Appears to Prophet Joseph and Oliver Cowdery, 278, 360.
" Ascension, 62.
" Baptism of, 37.
" Before Pilate and Herod, 54.
" Betrayal of, 53.
" Birth of, 11, 16.
" Burial of, 56.
" Charges against, 52.
" Childhood of, 340.
" Aaronic, Restoration of, 296.
" Spirit of government by, 340.
" Sphere of Aaronic, 326.
" Time of restoration of Melchisedek, 311.
Priests, Duties of, 306.
" High, Duties, Powers, 346.
" Quorums of, 348.
Prophecies on gathering of Israel, 368.
" quoted by Moroni, 281.
Protestant, Confession of Faith, 220.
" Origin of name, 219.
" objection to Catholic abuses, 220.
" Reverses of, 222.
" Victory of, 223.
Punishment, Eternal, Sectarian dogma, of, 378, 389.
Puritans Character of, 269.
" Intolerance of, 264.
" not satisfied with reformation, 260.
Rebellion, Luther's, 242.
" Revolution, not, 244.
Reformation, Catholic view of, 245.
" in Switzerland, 252.
" in France, 255.
" in Sweden, 255, 267.
" in Denmark, 256, 268.
" Motives back of, 249.
" Reproach of, 250.
" Revolution, not, 246.
" True cause of, 245, 249.
Reformers, Divisions among, 250.
" The error of, 248.
Relatives of Jesus, 111.
Resurrection, 60.
Rigdon, Sidney, accepts gospel, 315.
Rites, Pagan, joined to Christian, 137.
Sacrament, 52.
" Administration, Manner of 134, 304.
" Corrupted, 132.
" Suppression of half, the 134.
" Views of Calvin and Zwingle on, 254.
Sadducees, 27.
Saints, Latter-day, added to Church title, 299.
" Errors of, 309.
" Expulsion of from Illinois, 402.
" Expulsion of, from Jackson County, Mo., 330.
" Flight of, to the west, 402.
Salvation, Conditions of, 91.
" General, 84.
" Individual, 89.
Samaritans, 29, 365.
Sanctification, 302.
Sanhedrim, 32.
Schools, Sunday, 351.
Scripture, Missing parts of, 66.
Sects, Multiplication of, 248.
Serfdom, Release of masses from, 206.
Seventies, 46.
" Nature of calling, etc., 344.
" Organization of,