Lily Family Sand Lily, Leucocrinum montanum , NUTT.


Flower is an inch in diameter, of 6 petals and sepals all alike (perianth segments) united at their base into a tube over an inch long. Several of these rise from the buried crown of the plant, as do also the leaves, ? inch wide and over 6 inches long, resembling heavy curved blades of grass. The matted, cordlike roots store, through the long dormant period, the starches and sugars needed for rapid Spring growth. Grows in sandy soil in plains or low foothills. Blooms April-May.

When sand lilies begin to dot the gray plains with their singularly pure white stars we can know that the season of growth and color is returning. We called them Mayflowers and hoped they would be in bloom for May-baskets. They usually were—along with Johnny-jump-ups (little yellow violets) and sprays of pepper and salt parsley. To pluck them one by one and suck the drop of nectar from the long white tube is one of the delights of childhood. The plants are crowded with flowers during the blooming season, but, when it is over, disappear completely from the scene.


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