Abendana, I., 72 Acton, Lord, 148, 149 Adams, Sir T., 54 Aldrich, R., 4 Andrewes, L., 60 Anstey, C., 105 Archdeacon, J., 111-118 Bacon, Francis, 29, 35 Baker, T., 146 Baldwin, Archbp., 11 Barker, C., 32, 33, 68 Barker, M., 68 Barnes, J., 73, 92 Barrow, I., 67, 146 Baskerville, J., 106-111 Baskett, J., 104 Bathurst, C., 102 ff. Beale, J., 36 Bede, 60 Bentham, E., 102 Bentham, James, 101-105 Bentham, Joseph, 101-111 Bentley, R., 74-93 Blomfield, C. J., 134 Blore, E., 131 ff. Bowes, R., 12, 13, 55, 59, 63 Bowyer, W., 112 Brewster, E., 53 Breynans, P., 16 Brooke, T., 44 Brown, E. W., 144 Browne, I. H., 118 Browne, Sir T., 93 Brownrigg, R., 42 Buck, F., 48, 75 Buck, J., 47-53, 59, 62, 63, 70 Buck, T., 44-59, 62, 70, 75 Bullock, H., 8, 11 Burges, J., 116-119 Burghley, Lord, 23, 32 Caius, Dr, 6 Camden, Marquess, 129 ff., 136 Cantaber, 1 Carter, E., 1, 2 Caxton, W., 1, 2 Cayley, A., 148 Charles I, 45 Charles II, 65, 68, 70 Charters, Printing, 19-20, 45 Clarendon, Lord, 68 Clark, J. W., 148 Clay, C. F., 143, 151 Clay, C. J., 142, 143, 145 Clay, J., 142, 143 Clowes, W., 136 Coke, Sir E., 20 Colbatch, J., 86 Cole, W., 50, 104 Colet, J., 15 Collyer, J., 72 Cotes, R., 85 Cowell, J., 43 Cox, G., 145 Crashaw, R., 56, 70 Croke, R., 3, 4 Cromwell, O., 61, 65 Crosse, T., 86 Crownfield, C., 73-101 Crownfield, J., 101 Cudworth, R., 60, 65 Daniel, R., 48-61 Davies, J., 88, 92 Day, J., 31, 32 Deighton, J., 117, 120 Dillingham, W., 69 Dilly, E., 113 Donne, J., 56 Duff, E. G., 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 Dyer, G., 73, 127 Elizabeth, 30, 31, 41 Erasmus, 3 ff., 17, 72 Fenner, M., 98, 99 Fenner, W., 95-99 Field, J., 63-70, 74 Fisher, J., 1, 4, 5, 12, 13 Flesher, M., 53 Fletcher, G., 42, 55 Fletcher, P., 41, 55 Freind, W., 116 Fuller, T., 2, 15, 20, 41, 56, 60, 65 Galen, 12 Ged, W., 95 ff. Gibbs, J., 105 Godfrey, G., 17, 21 Gooch, B., 35 Graves, W., 62 Gray, G. J., 4, 18, 111 Gray, T., 5, 105, 116, 117 Green, R., 92 Greene, L., 44, 46, 47 Grey, Z., 105 Hamilton, Adams & Co., 145 Hansard, T., 129, 134 Hardy, J., 15 Hare, F., 84, 138 Harraden, R., 119 Harvey, W., 60 Hayes, J., 70-73 Heitland, W. E., 146 Henry VIII, 19, 45 Herbert, G., 56 Hodson, F., 120 Holdsworth, R., 61 Holme, R., 81 Hurd, R., 105 Innys, W., 91 Isola, A., 117 Jackson, J., 73 James I, 36, 37, 39, 42 James, J., 96 ff. James, T., 96 ff. Janssen, Sir T., 88 Jebb, Sir R. C., 148 Jenkes, H., 73 Jones, T., 117 Jugge, J., 31 Kaetz, P., 3, 14 Kelvin, Lord, 146, 148 Kilburne, W., 67 Kingston, J., 22, 31 Kipling, T., 116 Knight, S., 92 Kuster, L., 77, 87 ff. La Butte, R., 112, 117 Lamb, J., 129 Leathes, Sir S., 16, 149 Le Clerc, J., 92 Legate, J. (the elder), 30-34, 75 Legate, J. (the younger), 53, 62, 63, 75 Legge, C., 34 ff. Lily, W., 14, 34, 38, 45, 46, 113 Long, R., 105 Love, R., 65 Ludlam, W., 118 Luther, M., 13 Lyons, I., 92 Maclear, G. F., 147 Maitland, F. W., 2, 148 Margaret, The Lady, 4, 5, 16 Marshe, T., 31 Martin, H., 73 Martyn, T., 117 Mason, A., 144 Mason, W., 105 Masters, R., 105, 117 Maundeville, Lord, 38 Mawe, L., 36 Mayor, J. E. B., 146 Mead, R., 53 Merrill, T., 92, 113 Middleton, C., 85 Milner, I., 120 ff. Milton, J., 58 Monk, J. H., 74 ff., 134, 138 More, H., 60 Mullinger, J. B., 4, 10, 145, 146 Nasmith, J., 117 Nevile, T., 42 Newcomb, R., 120 Newton, Sir I., 85, 90, 92, 93 Nichols, J., 112 Nicholson, S., 18, 19, 21 Noke, R., 21 Nutter, J., 128 Ockley, S., 92 Ogden, S., 116 Owen, D., 42 Owen, J., 87 ff. Oxford, Printing at, 2, 120, 123 Parker, J., 53 Parker, J. W., 136-141 Parris, F. S., 103 Peace, J. B., 143 Pearson, J., 69 Peck, J., 73 Pepys, S., 60, 67 Perkins, W., 41, 44 Perowne, J. J. S., 146, 147 Perse, S., 41 Piers, W., 92 Pilgrim, N., 21 Pindar, J. (i), 73 Pindar, J. (ii), 73, 95 Pitt, W., 117, 129 ff. Plumptre, R., 116 Porter, J., 34 Prior, M., 82 Prothero, Sir G. W., 149 Pulleyn, O., 62 Quarles, F., 60 Randal, J., 116 Ray, J., 68, 70 Rayleigh, Lord, 148 Reynolds, O., 148 Rivington, J., 113, CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS
FOOTNOTES: TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES —Obvious print and punctuation errors fixed. —The transcriber of this project created the book cover image using the front cover of the original book. The image is placed in the public domain. |