A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z A. Academician’s, predictions, 370. Accident at the OdÉon, 315. Accomplice, a kind, 135. Acrobatic canaries, 39. Africa, life in, 373. AÏssaoua, miracles of the sect of, 396. Alarum, a novel, 37. Alarum-light, the, 195. Albertus Magnus and his brazen man, 157. Alboni, Madame, 337. Algeria, journey to, 372; reception in, 373. Ali-Ben-el-Hadji Moussa, “the slave of God,” 393. Ambassador, Houdin as, 372. Amputation extraordinary, 390. Anderson, “Professor,” his flagrant puffery, 326. Angers, journey to, 58; arrival at, 61; Fair at, 61. Anthon, Mr., buys Automaton Chess-player, 171. Antonia, story of, 114; at Constantinople, 125; death of, 130. Antonio, the nurse, 56; his confession, 73; in Paris, 180; his wife, 184. Arab address to Houdin, 391. Arab chiefs convoked, 378. Arcet’s metal, 432. Artificial man, the, 157. Artist’s home, the, 194. Asp, automaton, 161. Athlete, an Arabian, 383. Aubusson, accident at, 87. Audience, studying an, 142; a sleepy, 243; an indignant, 267. Auguste, the caterer, 203. Auriol, Houdin’s automaton clown, 179. Author’s overture, 13. Automata: Brazen fly, 156; by Vaucanson, 159; Houdin’s—the pastry cook, 179; Auriol and Debureau, ibid; orange-tree, ib.; time-dial, ib. Automaton, Houdin’s first, 36; Harlequin flute-player, 158; tambourine-player, 159; artificial duck, 159; discovery of its trick, 160; chess-player, 162; history of, 162. Autumnal fÊtes at Algiers, 378. Avalanche, the human, 351. Aviary, a wonderful, 39. B. Bab-Azoun Theatre in Algiers, 375. Bacon, Roger, makes a brazen head, 156. Balls, juggling with the, 49. Baths of Germany, 368. Belgium, Houdin’s visit to, 201. Belleville, retreat to, 198. Benefactor, a public, 29. Berlin, three months in, 369. Bernard, Colonel gives lessons to Houdin, 191. Berthoud on Clock-making, 43. Black-silk cap, story of, 301. Blois:—birth-place of Houdin, 17; Houdin retires to, 369. Bores, how to get rid of, 264. Bosco, the conjurer, 184. Botany, lessons in, 37. Bottle-trick at Manchester, 349. Bou-Allem’s house, 402. Bought and sold, 31. Bouquet À la Reine, 355. Boutigny, with red hot metal, 432. Box, the mysterious, 383. Brazen automaton fly, 156. Brazen head, Bacon and Bungey’s, 156. BrÈguet, the Cardinal’s, 110. Broken-English, Houdin’s, 346. Broken watch, the, 109. Brother and sister, 116; before the Sultan, 125. Brunnow, the Baron, 341. Brussels Theatre, engagement at, 276; journey to, 279; troubles en route, 281; arrives at, 287; success, 290; but no money, 291; cheated on all sides, 292. Buckingham Palace, Houdin at, 353; short commons at, 357. Bungey, Thomas, makes a brazen head, 156. Bush-Aga, abode of a, 402. Bust-making, extraordinary, 301. C. Cagliostro at Rome, 105. Cagliostro, the Houdin’s comic journal, 254. Cagliostro’s casket, 309; his seal, 308. Cambridge, Houdin at, 359. Canard, a real, 160. Canaries, the cage of, 38. Candle-lighting, 227. Caravan, a conjurer’s, 56. Card-rook, a, 211. Cards, a duel with, 85. Cardinal’s watch, 106; broken, 109; melted down, 111; restored whole, 112. Carlosbach, Dr., the conjurer, 27. Carpentier, Aristide le, the antiquarian, 271. Carriage smashed, 286. Castellan, Madame, 337. Castelli, Signor, eats a man alive, 69. Catherine II. plays with the automaton chess-player, 169; attempts to cheat, 170; wants to buy the figure, 171. Celestial Empire, the, 236. Challenge to Houdin, 268. Charivari, the, 252. Charlatan bills, Anderson’s, 329. Charles V., iron fly presented to, 155. ChaussÉe d’Antin, scene in, 272. Cheat, punishment of a, 83. Cheating cards, diagrams of, 216. Chess-player, history of the automaton (see Kempelen), 162-172. Chester Theatre, England, 289. Chinese and their conjuring tricks, 225. Choosing a Profession, 26. Cleopatra’s asp, 161. Clipping the coin, 51. Clock, the mysterious, 195. Clockmaking, treatise on, 43. Clowns, Houdin’s automaton, 179. Coffee, the conjurer’s, 382. Collation, a magical, 364. Colchester, audience and the nuts, 365. Componium, the, 172; repaired by Houdin, 175. Comte, the magician, 141; his tricks, 143; his cafÉ, 144; performs at the Tuilleries, 146; his King of Hearts, 147; hat-trick, 148; his ventriloquism, 149; visits Houdin, 150. Comus, the conjurer, 83. Conjuring bullets, 413. Conscientious audience, 298. Constantinople, conjuring at, 121. Convocation of Arab chiefs, 378. Cookery and clockwork, 194. Cossack, the automaton, 227. Course of miracles, a, 422. Court Journal, 355. Cousin Robert, 421. Covent Garden Theatre, 335. Critic, a severe, 204. Cronier, the mechanician, 161. Crystal Balls, the, 312. CuraÇoa from the bottle, 350. Curious discussion, 377. Custom at Colchester, 365. D. Dantan, junior, the caricaturist, 299; makes a bust, 301. D’Avaray, Duc, 37. Dazzling picture, a, 343. De Paris, the Count, 231. Deception, a rival’s, 99. Delay at Algiers, 375. Delirium, influence of, 53. Dial, Houdin’s magic, 179. Diagrams of cheating cards, 216 and 218. Diamond cut diamond, 150. Diplomatist and conjurer, 341. Director of the Belgian Customs, 283; tricks upon, 284. Doctor, a strange, 55. Domingo, the negro, 229. Dormeuil, theatrical manager, 336. Dorval, Madame, benefit of, 314. Doubtful applause, 75. Dreams, phantasmagoria of, 54. Debureau, Houdin’s automaton clown, 179. Duhart, chief of the claquers, 318. Dumas’ Monte Christo, 336. E. Electric shock, 385. Electric touch, an, 264. Electric clocks, future of, 421. Electricity applied to mechanism by Houdin, 370. Emile-Houdin, 256; performances by, 258. England invaded by French performers, 334. English theatrical costume, 332. Escamoteur, the, 153. Etherial suspension, 312. Exhibition of 1844, 231; medal voted to Houdin, 233. Expedient, an, 331. Experiments, curious, 256. Eye and hand, practice of, 49. F. Failure, an utter, 247. Fair-Unknown, a, 258. Family tickets, 143. Fancy Fair, Sir A. Webster’s, 337. Fantasia by Arabs, 378. Fantastic portfolio, 312. Fantastic SoirÉes, Houdin’s, 244. Farewell tour, Houdin’s, 368. Father Roujol, 152. Faubourg St. Germain, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@42916@42916-h@42916-h-7.htm.html#page_270" class="pginternal">270. Festival of Nankin, 228. Filings, how to make, 42. Financial crisis, a, 197. First bill, Houdin’s, 245. First fruits of labor, 135. First game played by Automaton chess-player, 163; the Turk beats the Doctor, 164. First magician in France, 181. First performance at Paris by Houdin, 246. First public performance, Torrini’s, 97. Five-franc pieces, the magical, 408. Flowers, the birth of, 145. Flute-player, automaton, 159. Forey, EugÈne, his drawing of Houdin’s theatre, 252. Fortune, a reverse of, 192. Fortunatus’s hat, 229. Four balls, juggling with, 49. Free admissions, 320. French towns, how lighted, 46. Fricot, a dish of, 199. Future experiments, Houdin’s, 420. G. Galerie de Valois, 237. Garde FranÇaise, 312. GÉnet, an optimist manager, 360. German-flute-player, automaton, 159. Germany, Houdin’s tour through, 368. Giovanni Torrini, 127. Glove, Victoria’s, 355. Gold-fish trick, 225. Grand Turk, the, 122. Gratuitous performance, 297. Great personages, 339. Great Wizard of the North, his frightful puffery, 326. Greek, a modern, 213. Grindstone, a nose on the, 43. Grisi, the Count Edmond de, 90. Grisi, Madame, 337. Gun-trick, a tragic, 129. Gymnastic machinery, 211. Gymnas, performance of, 319. H. Hamilton, successor to Houdin, 367; becomes his brother-in-law, 368. Happy moment, a, 203. Harem, the Sultan’s, 124. Harlequin automata, 77; Philippe’s, 228. Hat, the spoiled, 134. Hearts, the King of, 147. Her Majesty’s Theatre, 323. Hertford, Houdin at, 360. Hints for sharpers, 219. Hippodrome of Paris, 244. Hired applause, 319. Historic Theatre of Paris, 336. Home, return to, 136. Homicide by imprudence, 130. Houdin, Mademoiselle, 140; the conjurer marries her, 141. Houdin, M., the mechanical artist, ; a duel at, 85. Pius VII. and the conjurer, 107. Pocket, sauter la coupe in the, 50. Poison in the dish, 52. Police, the Prefect of, 238. Poor Piarot, 189. Pope, conjuring before the, 107. Porter, tyranny of, 288. Porter’s power, machine of, 38. Pot-au-feu, 194. Powdered glass, an appetiser, 425. Prepared playing cards, 214. Press, the English, 333. Prestidigitateur, title first assumed by Jules de RovÈre, 154. Prodigal son, 136. Prophet, a fallible, 250. Protector, a powerful, 318. Punch’s doings, 223. Punch bowl, the magic, 382. R. Race for time, 265. RagoÛt, the poisoned, 52. Rat, the captured, 21. Rat-trap, a novel, 23. Randon, Marshal, 380. Recollections of the soirÉes, 254. Red-hot metal, feats with, 432. Reforms in conjuring, 235. Rehearsal, Houdin’s first, 241. Repast, a wizard’s, 357. Retirement from Paris, 368. Revenge, a conjurer’s, 102. Revolution of 1848, 320. Reysolius, his artificial man, 157. Richardson’s incombustibility, 431. Rings’ trick, 225. Ritter, Captain, 399. Rival, a dangerous, 66. Robert, the elder, father of Robert-Houdin, his skill, 17; death of, 208. Roger, M., an honest lawyer, 37. Roger, the singer, 337. Romainville, music studies in the wood of, 207. Rose-colored tickets, 143. Royal patronage, 344. Royalty, insult to, 101. Rrrrrrrrouit, the nightingale’s, 207. S. Sabre-swallower, the French, 427. Saint’s head, a, 200. Sand-bag and stirrup trick, 33. Sauter de coupe, 84. Scheme of revenge, 103. School, Houdin at, 21. Sciences, Royal Academy of, 158. Scientific amusements, 44. Scotland, Houdin in, 366. Second-sight, invention of the, 255. Seductions of a theatrical agent, 273. Selim III., the Sultan, visits Torrini, 122. Sementrici’s feats with hot metal, 431. Seven thousand francs made by filings, FOOTNOTES:
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: - Robert-Houdin, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son thÉÄtre=> Robert-Houdin, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son thÉÂtre {pg 5}
- prestidigitatuer=> prestidigitateur {pg 9 & 136}
- recal my reminiscences=> recall my reminiscences {pg 55}
- my suprise was increased=> my surprise was increased {pg 56}
- A day had elasped=> A day had elapsed {pg 57}
- supported by trestels=> supported by trestles {pg 61}
- same degree of skill=> some degree of skill {pg 66}
- so much petulence=> so much petulance {pg 80}
- a jury should decided=> a jury should decide {pg 84}
- had concealed for any unforseen=> had concealed for any unforeseen {pg 90}
- I was enenchanted=> I was enchanted {pg 93}
- One repesentation the less=> One representation the less {pg 94}
- celebrated BrÉguet=> celebrated BrÈguet {pg 106}
- for the occassion> for the occasion {pg 108}
- prove its superority=> prove its superiority {pg 109}
- my experiperiment=> my experiment {pg 111}
- A brass motar=> A brass mortar {pg 111}
- Do yo not recognize Antonio Torrini=> Do you not recognize Antonio Torrini {pg 118}
- The only precaution neccessary=> The only precaution necessary {pg 129}
- her mornful handmaids=> her mournful handmaids {pg 131}
- contented himsely with=> contented himself with {pg 141}
- occassion=> occasion {pg 146 & 264}
- In fact, the the=> In fact, the {pg 147}
- there was the ball-headed gentlemen=> there was the ball-headed gentleman {pg 147}
- such a talened sorcerer=> such a talented sorcerer {pg 147}
- In it will he found=> In it will be found {pg 158}
- convalesence=> convalescence {pg 163}
- the brilliancy of their dÈbut=> the brilliancy of their dÉbut {pg 166}
- to enable to enable=> to enable {pg 167}
- this flatttering explanation=> this flattering explanation {pg 169}
- I have forgotton=> I have forgotten {pg 173}
- I was quite annihileted=> I was quite annihilated {pg 174}
- playing ÈcartÈ=> playing ÉcartÉ {pg 219}
- on a table two sugar-loves=> on a table two sugar-loaves {pg 229}
- sextett=> sextet {pg 242}
- the next day we sucseeded=> the next day we suceeded {pg 256}
- I know not how your will interpret=> I know not how you will interpret {pg 259}
- was to elaspe between=> was to elapse between {pg 265}
- had elasped since the curtain=> had elapsed since the curtain {pg 266}
- an affair of one hundred thousand france=> an affair of one hundred thousand francs {pg 274}
- I had sarcely uttered the words=> I had scarcely uttered the words {pg 296}
- I should like too see=> I should like too see {pg 306}
- During this conversatian=> During this conversation {pg 342}
- the the other six months=> the other six months {pg 344}
- be scarely held in both hands=> be scarcely held in both hands {pg 356}
- the incarnation of opitimism=> the incarnation of optimism {pg 360}
- “Yes, gentlemen, yes; you can go in,” GÈnet replied=> “Yes, gentlemen, yes; you can go in,” GÉnet replied {pg 362}
- Your are mistaken=> You are mistaken {pg 383}
- weaker than a women=> weaker than a woman {pg 384}
- than the once preceding it=> than the ones preceding it {pg 387}
- surrouuded the man=> surrounded the man {pg 389}
- with great affiability=> with great affability {pg 399}
- the ground strown with magnificent Turkey carpets=> the ground strewn with magnificent Turkey carpets {pg 403}
- The came other dishes=> Then came other dishes {pg 406}
- leaving the audience under the impression had I produced=> leaving the audience under the impression I had produced {pg 412}
- for its serves=> for it serves {pg 418}
- Auriol and Dubereau=> Auriol and Debureau {index}
- Dubureau, Houdin’s automaton clown, 179.=> Debureau, Houdin’s automaton clown, 179. {index}