| PAGE | A diller, a dollar, | 30 | A duck and a drake, | 52 | A little old man and I fell out, | 26 | A man of words and not of deeds, | 19 | As I was going to sell my eggs, | 46 | As I was going up Pippen hill, | 44 | Bah, bah, black sheep, | 22 | Barnaby Bright, he was a sharp cur, | 45 | Bee baw babby lou, on a tree top, | 17 | Bee baw bunting, | 17 | Bell horses, bell horses, | 42 | Betty's gone a-milking, mother, mother, | 60 | Bye, O my baby, | 18 | Can you make me a cambrick shirt?, | 4 | Cock-a-doodle-doo, | 29 | Come, let's to bed, | 32 | Cross patch, draw the latch, | 23 | Danty baby deddy, | 47 | Did you hear of Betty Pringle's pig, | 16 | Dickery, dickery dock, | 44 | Ding dong bell, | 11 | Dingle, dingle doosey, | 47 | Doctor Foster was a good man, | 43 | Four-and-twenty tailors, | 26 | Gay go up and gay go down, | 37 | Giles Collins, he said to his old mother, | 49 | Girls and boys come out to play, | 41 | Goose-a goose-a gander, | 31 | Great A, little a, | 25 | Hark, hark, the dogs do bark, | 34 | Here comes a lusty wooer, | 9 | Here stands a fist, | 25 | High ding-a-ding, and ho ding-a-ding, | 58 | Humpty dumpty sate on a wall, | 47 | I am a pretty wench, | 30 | I doubt, I doubt, | 33 | I had a little husband, | 35 | I had a little moppet, | 35 | If all the world was apple-pie, | 45 | If I'd as much money as I could spend, | 57 | I'll sing you a song, | 14 | I'll sing you a song, | 48 | I'll tell you a story, | 24 | I love a sixpence, a jolly, jolly sixpence, | 52 | <