Accounts, 515, 586 (See also Publicity)
Act to Regulate Commerce (See contents of chapters as follows:
original law, XIII;
emasculation, XIV;
Hepburn Amendments, XV and XVI;
Mann-Elkins Act, XVII;
and subsequent details, XVIII, XIX),
congressional history, 450;
outline, 452
Acworth, 65, 168
Adams, H. C., 44, 515
Agreements (See Pools)
Alabama, and Federal laws, 632
Alabama Midland case, 270 (map), 390, 462, 473, 481, 482 (map)
Anthracite coal (See also Coal), tonnage and ton-mile revenue, 1910, 421;
Federal case, 549
Arkansas, and Federal laws, 632
Ashburn case, (map), 388
Atchison, rebates, 190
Attorney-General, 570
Average train load (See Train Load)
Back loading (See also Direction), 287
Baltimore, 404
Baltimore & Ohio, railroad, 7, 18;
car supply case, 541
Banana rates, 532
Basing point system (See also contents of chapter XI, South, etc.),
compared with transcontinental basing line system, 239;
main objections to, 242;
citation of cases, 380;
economic defence, 384
Basing points, enumerated and defined, 383;
distinction between natural and artificial, 383, 387
Beef, exports in 1870, 21;
and cattle rates, 139
Beef Trust, 550
Betterments, 83
Bishop, A. L., 648
Bituminous coal (See also Coal), tonnage and ton-mile revenue, 1910, 421
Blanchard, S. R., 257
Blanket rates (See Postage Stamp Rates, Flat Rates, etc.), 611
Board of Uniform Freight Classification, 338
Bogue differentials, 162
Bond, 510
Bonds, 553, 573
Books and papers (See Witnesses)
Boston, 404
Boston & Albany Railroad, 11
Brimson case, 459
Brown case, 459
Buffalo, competition with Duluth, 145
Burnham, Hanna, Munger case, 442
By-products, marketing of, 142
California, wheat and Kansas flour, 138;
raisin culture and rates, 178;
fruits, 537;
lemon case, 592;
coastwise competition, 607
Camden and Amboy, 450
Canadian Pacific Differentials, 262
Canadian railroads, 33, 400
Canals (See also contents of chapter XX),
early interest in, 2;
early construction of, 3;
in the West, 6,
supersession in '70s, 24, 638
Capital investment, as affecting operating costs, 65, 257
Capitalization, and rates, 574
Capital stock, 575
Carload rates (See contents of chapter IX),
few in South, 311;
theoretical basis, 326;
mixed, 331, 340;
in transcontinental system, 398
Carmack amendment, 572
Cars, larger in '80s, 24;
economy of large, 95;
capacity and classification, 334;
complaints as to supply, 527
Car supply cases, 199, 538
Cartage case, 191, 257, 464
Cattle (See Texas, etc.), exports in 1870, 21, 401;
and beef rates, 139;
legislation as to carriage, 443;
eveners, 445;
rates, 510, 536
Centralization, 162
Central Pacific, 41
Central Traffic Association, 377
Central Yellow Pine Association case, 489
Chandler, 495
Chanute, 103
Charging what the traffic will bear
(See Value of Service)
Chattanooga case, 228 (map), 240, 461, 464, 483
Cheese, 428
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 5
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad case, 513
Chicago Terminal Charge case, 509
China, rates on, 183
Cincinnati Freight Bureau case, (See also Maximum Freight Rate Case), 248;
as a part of southern problem, 392;
Supreme Court opinion, 469;
Commerce Court revival, 588
Circuitous competition, 604
Cities, relative size in 1850, 12;
rivalry between, 127;
competition of large, 278;
location in trunk-line zones, 368
Citrus fruit, 537
Civil War, effect on transportation, 16;
primitive conditions, 17
Classification (See contents of chapter IX),
and relativity of rates, 180;
and use of commodity, 183;
cost v. value of service, 183;
historical development, 306;
according to use, 318;
in practice empirical, 319;
and tariffs interlock, 347
Classification committees, conflicting rules and territory, 340
Coal (See also Commodity Clause),
early shipments by river, 14;
rates, 469, 513, 585
Coal Car cases, 199
Coastwise traffic, 274, 608
Colorado Fuel and Iron case, 503
Commerce Court (See contents of chapters XVII, XVIII), 566;
jurisdiction, 568;
docket, 581;
congressional history, 582;
Intermountain rate decision, 620
Commercial competition (See Competition Of Markets),
in the oyster case, 234;
in trunk-line system, 372
Commission, Federal v. state, 627
Commodities, increase in ratings,309
Commodity clause, 513, 552
Commodity rates, 108;
and law of joint cost, 266, 322, 324, 606;
v. class rates in transcontinental traffic, 615
Common point system, 393
Company cars, 539
Competition, as affecting rate sheets, 104;
three sorts of, 114;
of routes, 114;
of facilities, 116;
of markets, 118;
differences between trade and transportation, 136;
Hadley's illustration, 164;
no abandonment of field, 165;
nature of, in local discrimination, 219;
of routes, which line makes the rate? 255;
between eastern and western cities, 391;
less for passenger fares, 429
Competition of markets, two varieties of, 118;
as applied to jobbing business, 124;
as distinct from rivalry of routes, 242;
in transcontinental rates, 613, 620
Complaints decline in number, 485;
under Hepburn Act, 523;
nature under Hepburn Act, 526;
none too petty, 531
Concentration points, 537
Conducting transportation, in operating costs, 47, 53;
declining cost of, as related to capital investment, 65
Conflict (See contents of chapter XX),
of state and Federal authority, 631
Congestion of traffic, in 1903-'05 and in 1906-'07, 62, 80, 548
Consolidation, 487
Constitutional questions, as to Act of 1887, 451;
in Hepburn Act, 502, 506;
as to amended long and short haul clause, 603;
as to minimum rates, 625
Constructive mileage, 275
Cooley, T. M., 140, 456
Cordele, Alabama case, 387
Corn, and flour rates, 143
Cost keeping, 517
Cost of carriage, by highway heavy, 3;
declining by 1860, 16;
as affected by distance 103, 108
Cost of service, and value of service compared, 166-184;
objections to, 169;
but essential, 170;
not mere distance important, 256;
in coal cases, 585
Cotton piece goods, rates, 345, 346, 348, 400, 536
Cotton, rate controversy in 1900, 153;
rates, 356, 384, 401;
tonnage and ton-mile revenue, 1910, 421
Counselman case, 458
Courts, relation to Commission in 1887, 453;
original law, 460;
unsatisfactory after 1887 as to evidence, 461;
record in appeal cases, 463;
judicial review in 1905, 503;
objections to judicial control, 504;
indefinite basis of review, 507;
futility of procedure, 562;
new mode of procedure on appeal, 570;
broad v. narrow review again, 593
Coxe Brothers Coal case, 469
Creameries, 537
Credit Mobilier, 450
Cullom Committee, 442, 444, 448, 450
Cullom, S. M., 495
Cumberland Road, 3
Dairy products, 537
Damage claims, 524, 534
Danville case, 227, 483
Decade 1840-'50, 11;
1870-'80, 85
Decentralization, 385
Delaware and Hudson, 554
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Company, 554
Density of traffic, 86
Denver, 242
Des Moines Committee, 344
Detroit, 373
Differentials (See also contents of chapter XI), 22;
Bogue, 162, 262, 361;
Canadian, 400, 404, 579;
in Intermountain rate cases, 617
Direction of traffic, 287, 374
Discriminations (See contents of chapters VI and VII),
complaints in 1887, 445
Distance, as a factor in tariff construction, 102;
subordinated in United States, 350
Houston, 394
Huebner, 627, 630
Hutchinson salt case, 195
Illinois Central car supply case, 538, 568
Illinois Central Railroad, construction, 14
Immunity Bath, 550
Import rates, 406, 409, 438, 464
Imprisonment, 451, 493, 513
Improvements, in operation, 93
Increasing returns, law as applied to railroads, 71-75;
law of, qualified, 76;
as tested practically, 77;
law of, obscured since 1906, 84;
final conclusion as to, 98
Industrial Combinations, and rebates, 213, 491
Industrial railroads (See also Terminal Railroads), 195, 212-213, 512
Injunction, 561, 562, 569, 586, 633, 634
Ink, 302
Intermountain rate case (See also Transcontinental Rates and contents of chapter XIX), 610;
history, 614;
new orders, 616;
Commerce Court opinion, 620
Internal waterways (See also contents of chapter XX, Canals, Rivers, etc.), 640
International Harvester case, 196
Interstate Commerce Act (See Act To Regulate Commerce)
Interstate Commerce Commission (See also chapters XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, Courts, Procedure, etc.),
reduction in tariffs filed, 324;
created by law, 453;
record on appeal cases, 460;
rate-making power demanded, 468;
complaints analyzed since 1906, 526;
dissenting opinions in Shreveport case, 636
Intrinsic reasonableness, 622
Iowa Development Company, 434
Iron pyrites, 536
Iron rates, 399
Jobbing business, market competition in, 124;
car load rates, 327-329;
in the South, 384;
decentralization, 385;
in transcontinental rates, 397;
and Pacific rates, 616
Joint cost, 67;
two limitations upon the law, 265
Joint Rate Committee, 367
Joint rates, 529
Judicial review (See Courts)
Kansas, wheat and California flour, 138;
meal and Texas corn, 143
Keeping everyone in business, 119, 149
Kentucky and Indiana Bridge case, 461
Kindel case, 399
La Follette, 498, 559, 629
Lake Shore road, 419
Lake traffic, 358
Lakes to the Gulf canal, 638
Land grants, Illinois Central, 14;
others, 35
Lemons, rates on, 345, 537;
rate case, 592
Lighterage cases, 586
Lime, rates, 336
Lincoln, Nebraska, case, 147
Live stock (See also Cattle, etc.),
tonnage and ton-mile revenue, 1910, 421
Local Discrimination (See contents of chapters VII and XIX and also Long and Short Haul Clause),
definition, 215;
before 1887, 448
Local rates, in the South, 383;
in Texas, 394;
and revenue per ton mile, 421;
reduced after 1887, 456, 591;
the Shreveport case, 635
Local traffic, as affecting averages, 91;
proportion of, 259;
in basing point system, 385
Locomotives, 24;
increased power of, 94
Logging in transit, 401
Long and Short haul clause (See Local Discrimination and also contents of chapter XIX),
tariff structure, obviating waste, 295;
final text, 452, 565;
congressional history, 473;
English cases, 473;
emasculation by courts, 476;
amendment in 1910, 564
Long line, defined, 256;
competition, 604
Louisiana rates, 634
Louisville & Nashville, 590
Louisville & Nashville case, 223, 244, 296, 474, 479
Louisville Properties Company, 556
Lumber, competitive rates for, 142;
and wood pulp rates, 148, 181;
tonnage and ton-mile revenue, 421;
stakes, 533
Lumber rates, Pacific coast cases, 150, 535, 543, 581;
tap line case, 212;
logging in transit, 401;
from Georgia, 489
MacGraham, 360
Maintenance of Equipment, 47, 52, 64
Maintenance of Way, expenses analyzed, 47, 51, 74
Mann-Elkins Act (See contents of chapter XVII),
congressional history, 558;
provisions, 562
Manufactures, westward drift in '80s, 30
Market, definition of, 119
Markets, competition of, 118, 605;
consuming capacity as affecting carload rules, 336
Massachusetts Railroad Commission, 627, 629
Maximum Freight Rate case (See also Cincinnati Freight Bureau Case), 248, 469-473, 502
Maximum rates, constitutionality of, 623;
state laws, 630
Memphis, 403
Meyer, B. H., 495, 629
Meyer, H. R., 385
Middlemen (See Jobbing Business)
Midnight tariffs, 197
Mileage, statistics since 1890, 79
Milk rate cases, in New York, 243, 255;
in New England, 329
Milling in transit, 402
Minimum carload rates (See contents of chapter IX), 332
Minimum rates, 254, 624
Minnesota, and Federal laws, 632
Misquotation of rates, 571
Misrouting, 527
Mississippi river, tonnage on 1845, 13;
declining traffic in '80s, 26
Missouri, carload minimum rates, 335;
and Federal laws, 632
Missouri-Mississippi rate scheme, 128, 442, 543
Mixed carloads, 331, 340
Monopoly, resulting from rebates, 187;
distrust of, in 1887, 446
Montgomery, Alabama, case, 590 (map)
Morawetz, V., 165
Munn case, 452
Nashville, 342
Nashville Grain Exchange, 587
Natural market and territory, 158
Net Earnings (See Earnings), 79
Nevada, 611
Newcomb, H. T., 73
New England, oil rates, 202;
milk rates, 329;
common point system, 395
New Orleans, 31, 32, 33, 437
New York Board of Trade case, 306, 325, 407
New York Central railroad, construction, 15;
importance in '80s, 30;
compared with Pennsylvania Railroad, 58
New York city (See also Differentials, Exports, etc.),
importance in export trade, 30;
supremacy threatened, 31
Nickel Plate line, 29
North Carolina, and Federal laws, 632
Northern Pacific railroad, 28
Official classification committee, 304
Ohio river, tonnage in 1845, 13
Open car system, 330
Operation (See also Expenditures, etc.),
improvement in '80s, 23;
recent technical improvements in, 93;
in 1910, 597
Orange rates, 345, 471, 537
Orange Routing case, 546, 572
Osborne case, 476
Oyster case, 217
Pacific coast (See also Transcontinental Rates, etc.),
early trade with, 19;
rapid development in '80s, 28;
lumber cases, 150;
routes by sea and rail, 276
Panama Canal, 638, 643
Panic, of 1857, 16;
of 1907, 75;
of 1893, 433
Par value, 575
Parallelling, 29
Passenger traffic, 429, 609
Passes, 512
Pennsylvania, internal improvements, 8;
state works, 648
Pennsylvania Railroad, 8, 11;
illustration of theory of rates, 62;
coal supply scandals, 199;
and steel companies, 556
Performance, of equipment improved, 96
Periodicity of expenditures, 61
Personal Discrimination (See contents of chapter VI), 185;
philosophy of, 185;
as creating monopoly, 187-189;
distinction from general rate cutting, 188
Philadelphia (See Differentials, Exports, etc.), 404
Physical valuation, 518
Pools, before 1887, 23, 446;
obviating waste, 293;
prohibited, 453, 579;
after 1887, 457
Population, westward drift in '80s, 30
Portland Gateway case, 547, 572
Portland, Oregon, 608
"Postage-stamp rates" (See Flat Rates), 397, 611
Powder Trust, 571
Prices, and rates, 172, 430, 471, 510, 587, 597
Primary commercial competition, 121
Private car lines, 140, 192
Procedure (See Courts, Witnesses, etc., and also Commerce Court),
under Hepburn Act, 505, 511
Proctor and Gamble case, 584
Produce Exchange case, 405
Pro-rating, system of rates into, 248;
high local rates, 260;
classification conditions, 311;
commodity rates, 323;
jobbers in, 327
South Carolina Railroad tariff, 307
Southern Basing Point (See Basing Point System)
Southern Classification (See contents of chapter IX)
Southern Classification Committee, 304
Southern Pacific Railroad, construction, 28;
water competition, 1912, 607
Southern Railway & Steamship Association, 23
Special rates (See also Commodity Rates),
as distinct from class rates, 113;
and joint cost, 266, 280
Speculation, rampant in '80s, 29
Spokane, 226, 303, 611
Standard Oil Company, rebates on tank cars, 192;
allowances on sale of supplies, 198;
later forms of rebates, 198, 200, 200-206, 445, 491
State railroad commissions, 574, 627
Stock, 552, 573
Stock-watering, 444, 448
Stock-watering laws, 576
Storage, 191
Subsidies and public appropriations, 37
Sugar, rate war, 439; rates, 586
Sunday Creek Coal case, 209
Supreme Court (See also Courts),
delay in appeal cases, 461;
divided opinions, 464
Surplus, statistics since 1890, 80
Suspension of rates, 561
Taft, President, 559
Tank cars, 192
Tap line decision, 212
Tarbell, Miss, 491
Tariffs, construction of, 101;
too complex and numerous, 155;
concealment of rebates in, 198;
as distinct from classification, 301;
classification as affecting, 321;
reduction in number filed, 324;
as interlocked with classification, 347;
and rates, 407;
new law concerning, 571
Taussig, F. W., 67
Tax, economic waste, 291
Telegraph companies, 572
Telephone companies, 572
Terminal cost, 101
Terminal railways, as means of rebating, 195;
complicated phases of, 213, 512
Testimony (See Witnesses)
Texas Cattle Raisers case, 70, 167, 567
Texas, corn-meal and Kansas corn, 143;
rate system, 393, 635
Theory (See contents of chapters II and III),
of classification, 314
Through freight lines, 23
Through rates, 359, 442, 529, 587, 588
Tobacco, 384
Tobacco Trust, 210
Ton mileage, statistics since 1890, 78
Ton-mile revenue (See Revenue Per Ton Mile), 364
Tonnage, statistics since 1890, 77;
distribution by years, 417;
increasing diversification, 418;
classified for 1909, 420
Traffic Density (See Density of Traffic), 86
Traffic Expenses, 48
Traffic (See Tonnage),
trunk line conditions in 1882, 357;
nature of, as affecting ton-mile revenue, 416;
by Panama canal, 643
Train load, 88;
limit to economy of, 92
Train mile, cost and revenue per, 98
Transcontinental classification committee, 304
Transcontinental rates (See contents of chapters XI and XIX),
rigidity, 154;
compared with basing point system, 239, 245;
general high level, 396;
demoralization after 1893, 433;
commodity v. class rates, 615;
future traffic, 643
Troy case (See Alabama Midland Case),
(map), 270, 390, 462, (map), 481
Trunk Line Rate System (See contents of chapter X),
as related to separate line tariffs, 111
Trusts, and rebates, 213; 491, 571
Two-for-one-rule, 343
Under classification, 190
Uniform classification (See contents of chapter IX), 338;
objections and advantages, 345
Uniform Classification Committee, 339
Union Pacific Railroad, 19, 40
Union Stockyards Company, 587
Valuation, 518
Value of service, and cost of service compared, 166-184;
objection to, 172;
dynamic force in, 177;
inadequate alone, 179;
in classification, 315;
in coal cases, 585
Vanderbilt, Commodore, 450
Volume of traffic (See Tonnage, etc.),
as an element in cost, 261
Wabash, St. Louis, & Pacific Railway case, 451
Wages, 518
Wagons, 109, 621
Wars (See Rate Wars)
Waste (See contents of chapter VIII),
in transportation, 268;
six causes of, 280;
five results, 288;
remedy for, 292
Water carriage, circuitous routing, 273;
cost compared with rail, 638;
controlled by railways, 641
Water carriers, failure to regulate, 579
Water competition, by coastwise steamers to Chattanooga, 232, 359, 475;
in the South, 382, 385, 387, 392;
by sea in Pacific coast traffic, 396;
new law covering, 566, 591;
and new long and short haul clause, 606;
neutralized in Pacific rates, 612;
v. market competition in Pacific cases, 620
Waterways (See contents of chapter XX and also Canals, Rivers, etc.), 638
West, classification conditions, 311
Western & Atlantic road, 12
Western classification committee, 304
West Shore railroad, 29
What the traffic will bear (See Value of Service),
illustrated by rate sheets, 107
Wheat, and flour rates, for export, 135;
domestic, 138; rates, 467
Wichita cases, 232
Willamette lumber case, 535, 545
Windom Committee, 442, 443, 446, 447
Wisconsin, Two Cent Fare decision, 69;
investigation as to rebates, 206;
the "Wisconsin idea," 629
Witnesses, 451, 455, 457, 549
Wooden pipe rates, 303
Wool rates, 333, 352, 401
Youngstown case, 223, 244, 296, 480
Zone rates, trunk line territory, (map), 365;
transcontinental, (map), 618