- Abd-el-Kader, 23
- Abdur-Rahman, 2
- Afghan War, officers of the 9th Lancers in the, 14
- Afghans, Sir Montague Gerard and the, 11
- Aids, conventional, 194;
- natural, 195
- Alexander the Great, 1
- Alexander, General, 26, 145
- Amateur officers entirely out of place in war, 97
- American Civil War, 73, 135
- American view of British cavalry in South African operations, 8
- Arab horses, a type bred for war, 23;
- proverb, 52
- Arabs’ old-world wisdom as regards the horse, 23
- Aristocracy in the armies of the French Republic, 97
- Armament, 10
- Artillery fire, relative effect of, 46
- Artillery, horse, 26, 41
- Atlanta campaign, 149
- Attachment to other arms on the part of officers, 159
- Attila with his Hunnish squadrons, 2
- Australian Commonwealth, Manual of, 55
- Australians as horsemen, 13
- Ballistics from horseback, 5
- Basuto pony, 21
- Batteries of horse artillery, 5
- Bayonet of German cavalry, 10
- Bernhardi, Von, on bayonet, 11, 147;
- cavalry literature by, 17;
- Cavalry in Future Wars, 52, 77, 90, 94, 99, 169, 187;
- Cavalry in War and Peace, 62, 66, 95, 208;
- on fundamental principles of action, 101
- Birch, Major Noel, 192
- Boers, 71, 75, 82, 99, 133, 134
- Boer system of training a horse, 197
- Bloch, De, 5, 113
- BlÜcher, 3, 85, 128
- Bonie, Colonel, 6, 7
- Botha, General, 75<
r, his Nation in Arms, 10, 69, 93, 97, 161, 162, 167
- Gordon, Lindsay, poem by, 32
- Gourko, General, his raid across the Balkans, 146
- Grumbling—the soldier’s privilege to grumble, 217
- Gustavus Adolphus, 3
- Haig, General Sir D., 35, 38, 51, 67, 71, 78, 113
- Haute École, 196, 197, 203
- Henderson, Colonel, in Science of War, 56, 117, 118, 128
- Hood, General, and Wheeler’s raid, 149
- Horse, the, 18;
- Arab, 23;
- in South African operations, 82;
- what will the cavalry horse live on? 86;
- despatch-riding, 139;
- loss of many overriden, 149;
- exhaustion of, 151;
- Frederick the Great and his, 178;
- efficiency for war in, 181;
- training of the, 191
- Horse artillery, 26, 41, 76, 78, 93, 101;
- batteries of, 5;
- German, 72;
- and cavalry, 101;
- co-operation of, with cavalry, 108;
- fire effect compared with rifle fire, 117
- Horse-management, good system of campaigning, 205;
- theory of, 25, 26
- Horse, training of the, 191;
- economy in, 204
- Hunting as an exercise for a cavalry officer, 159, 168, 197
- Hutton, General Sir E., 55
- Imagination, want of, 165
- Inaction, 61
- Independent cavalry, 94
- India, cavalrymen in, 184
- Infantry attack, cavalry practising the rÔle of, 57
- Infantry Training, Manual of, 85;
- the taking of, very desirable, 128;
- as a means of obtaining information, 143
- Problems, practical, and their proposed solutions, 188
- Protective cavalry, their duty to secure positions for infantry columns following them, 92
- Punchestown, training horses, 198
- Pursuit, 83;
- parallel, 84
- Rafts, 211
- Raids, 145
- Rally, the, 32;
- instantaneous, 14
- Rearguards, 1, 144, 189, 214
- Recruits, 136, 207
- Reich, Emil, 169
- Rennenkampf, his reconnaissance to Kuan-tien-cheng, 150
- Resolute offensive, 78
- Revolver as a weapon in place of a sword, 15
- Riding, methods of teaching, 202
- Rifle, the, 16;
- magazine, cavalry armed with, 50
- Rifle fire compared with horse artillery fire effect, 117
- Romer, General, 204
- Royal Artillery Mounted Rifles, 12
- Rozhestvenski, fleet of, 131
- Rupert, his defeat, 34
- Ruskin, sayings of, 25, 155
- Russian successes in Central Asia, 7;
- officers, 76, 217;
- campaign of 1812, 89
- Russians, 146, 149–51
- Saddles, General Romer on, 204
- St. Cyr, General, 85
- Samsonov, General, 8
- Sands, seaside, digging hasty field fortifications at, 213
- Scabbard, steel, 10
- Schmidt, Von, his Instructions for Cavalry, 4, 5, 29, 33, 38, 41, 108, 164, 177, 178
- Scouts, 127, 130, 142
- Section leaders, competition of, 184–185
- Seydlitz, 3, 80, 193
- Shaikh Sadi, sayings of, THE END
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