Abbeville, South Carolina, 87
Aberdeen, 37
Adams County, 30
Adams, Prof. H. B., 73
American Law Review, 42
Amsterdam, 36
Arnold, Dr. Thomas, 78
Athens, 34
Atlantic Monthly, 42
Audubon, J. J., 87, 88
Autumn, a poem, 12
Australian Ballot, 48
Backwoods Poem, appreciation of, 3
Bacon's Landing, 57
Ballot, 48
Baptists, Early Settlement, 86
Baskerville, 20
Batesville, 37
Bayou Pierre, 56
Bay St. Louis, 33, 34, 37, 40
Beauregard, 37
Benela, 37
Berryhill, S. Newton, 2, 20
Bethel Church, 86
Bettie Bell, a poem, 5
Beuford District, S. C., 86
Bienville, 70
Biloxi, 37, 40
Biography, Relation of to History, 76, 78
Biography, Importance of in Literary Study, 20
Bledsoe, 20
Blewett, 101
Bluntschli, J. C., 73, 74
Blount, Senator, 63
Bolton, 39, 40
Bondurant, Prof. A. L., 104
Bonner, 37
Brandon, 34, 37
Brookhaven, 40
Brooksville, 40
Brown, Mr., a poem, 5
Burr, Aaron, arrest of, 86
Butler, Major, 87
Camargo, 87
Campbell, G. W., 108
Canada, 61, 64
Canton, 37
Carlyle, 76
Carondelet, Baron de, 57, 58, 61, 64
Chambers, Prof. H. E., 67
Chickasaw Bluffs, 56
Chisholm, W., 87
Choctaws, 101-103
Claiborne, Col. J. F. H., 85, 101-103
Clarke, General, 62, 63
Clarksdale, 40
Clarksville, 57
Clinton, 34
Columbia, 40
Columbus, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40
Constitution of 1817, 30, 31
Constitution of 1832, 35
Constitution of 1869, 37
Constitution of 1890, 40
Cook, Mr. and Mrs., 87
Cooksville, 37
Copiah County, 95
Cotton Gin Port, 37
Crystal Springs, 37
Davis, Jefferson, 71, 88
De Bow's Review, 85
Deupree, Prof. J. G., 95
Dialect, writing in, 22
Dillon, John F., 42
Duncan, Rev. W., 86
Durant, 39, 40
Eastport, 37
Educational Qualification, 43
Elective Judiciary, 47
Ellicott, Andrews, 55, 56, 58, 64, 65, 66
Ellisville, 40
Emory, 37
Eureka Springs, 39
Farmington, 37
Fence Law, 48
Florida, 62, 68, 71
Folch, 71
Fort Adams, 86, 88
France, 52, 53, 54, 57, 64
Frost and Forest, a poem, 13
Froude, James Anthony, 76
Fulton, 40
Fulton, Chancellor R. B., 91
Gainsville, 37
Gallatin, 34
Galloway, Bishop G. B., 20
Gayoso, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
George, Senator J. Z., 44
Georgia, 62, 87
Godoy, 50, 51
Governor, how elected under Constitution of 1890, 46, 47
Grand Gulf, 37
Great Britain, 51, 52, 58
Greenville, Washington Co., 33, 34
Greenville, Jefferson Co., 40
Greenwood Springs, 40
Hadley, Rev. Moses, 86
Harris, Joel Chandler, 21
Harris, Dr. W. T., 83
Harrison, James A., 20
Hart, Prof. A. B., 105, 106
Hazlehurst, 27
Hermans, 37
Hernando, 37
Hinsdale, Prof. B. A., 52, 56
Hickory, 37
History and literature inseparable, 17
History and Poetry, Relation of, 1
History, Conception of, 80, 81, 82, 83
History of Literature, 23
History, Local and general compared, 75, 76
History, Study and Teaching of, 73, 74
History, Unity of, 75
Holden, F. M., 104
Holmesville, 33, 34
Huntsville, 29
Hutson, 20
Iberville, 70
Indian Legends in Mississippi, 21
Indian Names in Mississippi, 21
Indians, 59, 60, 63
Indianola, 40
Irion, Bob, 88
Jackson County, 30, 34
Jackson, city of, 34, 36, 39, 40
Jones County, 104, 106
Jones, Dr. Joseph, 92, 94
Jones, Prof. R. W., 85
Johns Hopkins University, 75
Judges, How Chosen in Mississippi, 47
Kemper, Reuben, 71
Kentucky, 53, 87
Kilpatrick, Dr. A. R., 86, 87
Laurel, 39
Lawrence County, 91
Lecky, Bob, 86
Legislature, Power of to elect officers, 47
Lewis, Henry T., 20
Lewis, John S., 86
Liberty, 34, 36
Lincoln County, 92, 93
Lipscomb, Prof. Dabney, 1, 20
Literature in Mississippi, 17, 19
Literature, History of, 23
Local Historical Work in Maryland, 75
Local History and general compared, 75
Local Historians, suggestions to, 96
Local Historical Societies, 97
Lodi, 37
Loftus Cliffs, 57
Louisiana, 61, 62, 64, 70, 71, 88
Lowry, Gov. Robert, 105
Macon, 37, 40
Madison County, 33
Manchester, 34, 36
McLaurin, Gov. A. J., 105, 106
Meadville, 34
Mississippi River, 53, 55, 64, 66
Mississippi State, 70
Mississippi Territory, 25, 30
Mississippi Historical Society Archives, 97
Mobile, 29, 71
Monticello, 33
Mount Pleasant, 87
Municipal Suffrage, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40
Murrell, 22
My Castle, a poem, 18
My Motherland, a poem, 10
Natchez, 27, 37, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70, 86, 88
Negroes, Rights of to vote, 34, 38, 42
New Orleans, 53, 54, 58, 70, 86
Northwest Territory, Suffrage in, 25, 26
Note-Taking, Method of, 79
Ogden, Capt. John, 87
Ohio River, 63, 64, 65
Oregon, 67
Outlaws, Doings of, 22
Pardons, Effects of upon rights of suffrage, 32
Pass Christian, 37, 39, 40
Paulding, 37
Pearlington, 33
Percy, 88
Philadelphia, 37
Pickering, 54, 61, 62, 64
Pinckney, Thomas, 50
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