Page numbers in bold-face type indicate reference to the Navigation Laws. A - Abandonment of seamen, 297
- Able seamen, duties, 236-240
- Advance, 265
- Agreement, form of, 241-242
- in coasting trade, 256
- in foreign trade, 249, 250
- Allingham, 319
- Allotment of wages, 265, 266, 267
- Alongside, 96
- Amendments to Rule V, 155
- Amplitudes, 181
- Anchor watch, 74
- Anchorage data, 73
- Anchoring, 95
- Application for register, 9
- Apprentices, 244, 248, 249
- Arbitration, 270
- Arms, export to American countries, 61
- Arson, 295
- Assault, 293
- Assistance at sea, 62, 63
- Average, general, 51, 52
- Awnings, 77
B - Baggage, 12
- Barratry, 298
- Berth, fair or foul, 75
- Bills of lading, 75, 84
- Boarding, 24, 25, 26
- Boat covers, 77
- Boatswain, 78
- Boatswain's stores, 77
- Bond, general libel, 57, 58
- Books, 319
- Bowditch, 319
- Bradford, 319
- Bribery, 50, 51
- Bridge, persons allowed on, 170
- Bullion and coin, 21
- Buoys, 111
C - Cadets, laws, duties, 145
- Captain, call, 179
- Cargo, battens, 79
- care of, 82
- chilled beef, 87
- comparison of cargo and manifest, 39
- clusters, 74, 75
- coal-trimming, 85
- coal-ventilation, 85
- cotton, 86
- damage to, 83
- delivery in various districts, 33, 34
- diagrams, 75, 84
- duty to, 82
- explosive, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
- frozen, 87
- gear, 75, 80
- general, 87, 88
- grain, 86
- in bulk, 31
- inflammable, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
- kinds, 84
- munitions, 89
- ore, 85
- pilfering, 83
- re-export, 31
- returns of unlading, 47, 48
- special, 88
- stowage, 83
- ventilation, 84
- wet coal, 85
- Carpenter, 73, 78
- Cask fenders, 74
- Casting away vessels, 299
- Ceiling, 79
- Chafe, 74
- Chief Mate, the, 72
- coastwise, 162
- duties, 73, 74, 75
- duties at sea, 100, 101, 102
- duties in port, 78
- examination, 161
- License, 149
- qualifications, 72
- reports for duty, 72
- service, 159
- Vessel in stream, 73
- Charts, pilot, 181
- Clearance, form of, 20
- Clothing, exempt from attachment, 267
- Coal, 35
- Coaling, 97
- Cork fenders, 74
- Cost data, 89
- Collision, 175
- Coming alongside, 96
- Complaints re provisions, 12
- Construction, future, 105
- Conventions, 269
- Corporal punishment, 290
- Crew, 76
- failure to produce, 253
- ill treatment of, 297
- papers relating to, 254
- quarters, inspection, 75
- Crimes, 291-300
D - Dangerous conditions, 176
- Davits, test of, 106, 107
- Death from negligence, 169
- negligence, misconduct, 294
- Deck, 178
- Delivery, ports of, 29, App. A
- Desertion, abroad, 268
- of foreign seamen in U. S., 268
- Discharge, 245
- Discharging, 75
- Discharge in foreign ports, 258
- Discipline at sea, 286-287
- Distress, vessels in, 48, 49
- Docking, notes on, 99, 100
- Docking plan, 98
- Dodgers, 77
- Draft, 75
- Drift lead, 74
- Dry dock, entering, 98
E - Engagement, period of, 251
- Engineer's license, 150
- Entry and clearance, 18
- of merchandise, 27, 38
- Ports of, 28, App. A
- post, 47
- Examinations, Chief and second mate coastwise, 164
- master, 156
- original license, 153
- Third mate coastwise, 165
- Exemption, militia duty, 241
- of private property at sea, 62
- Export of arms, 61
- merchandise laden for, 32
- transfer of imported merchandise, 32
F - Fees, 21
- Fellow-servant clause, 283
- Fire-fighting equipment, 92
- Fire lines, 75
- Fire, protection against, 63, 64, 65
- Flogging, 290
- Forgery, 296
- Freeboard, 83
G - Gangway, 74
- General average, 51-52
- General libel bond, 57, 58
- Great Lakes, licenses, 166
- Ground tackle, 94
- Gun, drill with line carrying, 113
H - Harbor defenses, 61
- Harter Act, 55, 56, 57
- Hatch battens, 76
- Hawsers, 77
- Heaving in, 95
- Holds, 75
- preparation to receive cargo, 78, 79, 80
- Hose, on foc's'le, 73
I - Ice, 176
- Illegal boarding, 24
- Inland licenses, 165
- Rules of road, 185-222
- waters—limits, 222-228
- Inspection of inward manifests by boarding officers, 35, 36, 37, 38
- Instructions for gun and rocket apparatus, 113
- Insurance, war risk, 283, 284, 285
- International Rules of Road, 184-220
- Inventories, 76
- Invoices, 84
J - Jacoby, navigation, 319
- Junior officers, duties, 133
- Jurisdiction over seamen, 277, 278, 279
K - Keys, 92
- Keys, master, 92
- Knight, 319
L - Larceny, 295
- Laws effecting duties of master, 9
- Lecky, 319
- Log books, 15, 16, 17
- Look out, 176
- Liability of owners, masters, shippers, 53, 54, 55
- Libel bond, general, 57, 58
- Licenses, duration of, 147
- Liens for freight or general average, 51, 52
- Lifeboats, care of, 108
- equipment, 103
- how carried, 105
- launching, 108
- manning, 108-109
- marking of, 107
- men, certificated, 108-109
- provisions, 104
- Life buoys, ring, 111
- preservers, 111
- rafts, equipment, 110
- saving equipment, 77, 94 105
- Lighters, 73
- Lights, running, 179
- Live stock, 90
- Lodgers, 270
- Luminous buoys, 111
M - Mail, 129
- Manifest, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 30, 31
- Manning of merchant vessels, 280, 281, 282
- Manslaughter, 292
- Mast covers, 77
- Master, the, 1
- acting as pilot, 151
- always in command, 4
- articles, 2
- authority over pilot, 4
- authority to protect lives and property, 8
- authority to suspend officers, 8
- cannot delegate responsibility, 4
- certificate of inspection, 7
- change of, 9
- charter, 4
- coaling, 2
- coastwise, 157
- correct lading, 3
- course of vessel, 7
- declaration of, 29, 30
- delivery of specie and cargo, 3
- departure, 7
- disaster, 8
- drills, 7
- duties, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- enters and clears, 3
- examination, 156
- general management of vessel, 2
- insurance, 3
- keeps official log, 2
- keeps wage account, 4
- last to leave ship, 8
- laws, must be familiar with, 3
- liability, 53, 54, 55, 169
- license, 149
- licensed engineer officer on duty, 3
- licensed officer always in charge, 4
- live stock, 5
- maneuvering vessel, 3
- medicine chest, 3
- navigator, 5
- navigation laws, 8
- oath-manifest, 18
- oath of citizenship, 9
- official log book, 5
- passengers, 4, 7
- property of deceased persons, 7
- punishments to crew, 5
- qualifications, 2
- removal of, 152
- report to U. S. Local Inspectors, 7
- represents owner, 4
- report on accidents, 7
- responsibilities, 1, 2, 4
- rules of road, 5
- safe carrying of mail, 4
- sail, 158
- scale of provisions, 3
- service required, 155
- ship's log book, 7
- ship must be well found, 2
- skill, 8
- slop chest, 3
- smuggling, 5
- Mate, acting as pilot, 151
- Mayhem, 294
- Medicines and anti-scorbutics, 14
- Merchandise, fraudulent importation, 50
- Mines, 61, 62
- Miscellaneous laws, 59
- Mooring lines, 73, 74
- Murder, 292
- Muster-list roll and drill, 114-115
- Mutiny, 297
N O - Oath of officer, 151
- Offenses, 287, 288, 289
- Offenses against registry law, 9
- Officer's citizenship, 146
- Orders, night, 178
- Owner's liability, 53, 54, 55
P - Pacific Islanders, sale of arms to, 62
- Painting, bottom, 99
- Paints, 77
- Papers, deposit of, 21
- Passengers, 90
- Passenger accommodations, 116, 117, 118, 119
- Act of 1882, 116
- vessel, boarding, 124
- steamer, cattle on board, 123
- carriage of, 126
- cleanliness, 122
- death of, 125
- discipline, 122
- embarkation in boats and rafts, 108
- steamer, explosives on board, 123
- light and air, 119, 120
- list, 124
- medical attendance, 121, 122
- act, penalties, 125-126
- privacy, 122-123
- provisions, 121
- Passports, 22-23
- Permit to unlade by night, 40, 41, 42
- Pilot's license, 151
- Piracy, 300, 301, 302, 303
- Plundering vessel, 299
- Pilot, must yield to master, 4
- Ports of entry, 29, App. A
- Post entry, 47
- Provisions, scale of, 243
- Provisions and water, 11
- Private property, exemption at sea, 62
- Procedure, 290
- Projectiles, line carrying, 113
- Propeller signs, 74
- Protection against fire, 63, 64, 65
- Punishments, 287, 288, 289
Q R - Rafts, handling, 105
- Rape, 293
- Rat guards, 75, 97
- Ration, navy, 60, 61
- Reduction of allowance, 13
- Responsibility, watch officers, 172
- Riding lights, 74
- Robbery, 295
- Rockets, 112
- Rose boxes, 79
- Rules of road, 173, 184-221
- Rule, unwritten, 174
S - Sails, 77
- Sale of arms to Pacific Islanders, 62
- Salvage at sea, 62, 63
- Salvage of merchandise, 49, 50
- School ships, 59, 60
- Sea letters, 22, 23
- Sea library, 319
- Seamen, abandonment of, 297
- effects of deceased, 272-276
- naturalization of, 245
- Seamen, rescuing shipwrecked American, 59
- return of, 271
- shipment in coasting trade, 255
- sick and disabled, 276, 277
- witness fees, 279
- Search, 24, 25, 26
- Sea stores, 34, 35
- Second mate, 78, 128, 129, 160, 161, 163
- Seduction, 293
- Service, substituting, 155
- Sheath knives, 289
- Shipment, before consul, 252
- Shipment without agreement, penalty, 251
- Shipments, illegal, 247
- Shipper's liability, 53, 54, 55
- Shipping commissioner, 270
- Shipping officers, 246
- Ship's register, 9
- Shipwrecked American seamen rescuing, 59
- Side ladders, 74
- Signal gear, 77
- Skids, 74
- Slop chest, 14
- Smoke helmets, 87
- Smothering lines, 79
- Solicitation of bribes, 50, 51
- Soliciting lodgers, 270
- Sounding pipes, 76
- Stairways, 115
- State inspection laws, 20
- Station bill, 75, 76
- Steamer's name on equipment, 114
- Steel strongbacks, 76
- Stevedores, 82
- Stolen property, 295
- Stores, receiving, 92
- Storm oil, 113
- Supervising Inspector General, Recommendations, 180
T - Tank steamers, 90-91
- Tarpaulins, 76, 77
- Telegraph, 73
- Third mate, 78, 131, 132, 161, 162, 164
- Todd and Whall, 319
- Torpedoes, 61
- Treaties, 269
- Trial, place of, 291
- Turning to, 92, 93
- Twin screws, 74
U - Undermanning, 283
- Unloading by day, 42, 43
- by night, 40
- supervision of, 43, 44, 45
- time limit for, 46
- Upkeep, 93
- Unseaworthy vessels, 283
- U. S. Local Inspectors, 7
- Supervising Inspectors, rules relating to life saving, 103
V - Ventilator covers, 77
- Vessel alongside, 74
- Vessels, different types, 76
- exempt from entry, 34
- in distress, 48, 49
- Vessels, overtaken, 179
- plundering, 299
- unseaworthy, 283
W - Wages, 260-265
- exempt from attachment, 267
- Walton, 319
- War documents, 22, 23
- Warmth and clothing, 15
- War risk insurance, 283, 284, 285
- War zone, 179
- Waterline, striking, 100
- Water plugs, 75
- Watch officer, 167
- Watch-relieving, 170
- rest before going on, 169
- Watches, three, 168
- Wedges, 76
- Weights and measures, 13
- Whistle signals, 81
- White, 319
- Windlass notes, 73
- Wooden steamers, 86
- Working boat, 74
- Work of Chief mate, 76
- Wrecking, 298