Review Questions. Part I. |
  - What is meant by the Aborigines?
- What evidences indicate an earlier race than the Indians?
- What is known of the Mound-builders?
- What are the most notable mounds?
- Where are they located?
- Describe the shapes of the mounds.
- For what supposed purposes were they built?
- What are sometimes found in the mounds?
- Why were the native races of America called Indians?
- What is said of the origin of these races?
- To what family of men do the Indians belong?
- Name the principal Indian nations in America.
- What regions did the Algonquins inhabit?
- Where did the Huron-Iroquois live?
- What were the characteristics of this nation?
- Where did the Cherokees and Mobilian nations live?
- What were the principal tribes of the Mobilians?
- What regions did the Dakotas inhabit?
- Give the names of other Indian nations.
- What regions did they inhabit?
- What were the leading characteristics of the Indians?
- What can you tell of the Indian languages?
- Describe the personal appearance of the Indians.
- What tribes of Indians are now the most civilized?
- Give some account of the Esquimos.
- What does the name Esquimo mean?