-h@53019-h-10.htm.html#Page_274" class="pginternal">274; commands Confederate cavalry, 317. <
a>; removed, 75. Custer, General, defeat of, 334. D Da Gama, Vasco, doubles Cape of Good Hope, 42. Dakota Territory, organized, 325. Dakotas, the separation of the, 360. Dakotas, regions inhabited by the, 16. Dare, Virginia, birth of, 46. Darrah, Lydia, story of, 176. Davis, Jefferson, President of Confederacy, 277; sketch of, 289; escape of, 319; capture of, 320. Daye, Stephen, first printer in America, 81. Deane, Silas, commissioner to France, 178. Dearborn, Fort, surrender of, 225. Dearborn, Henry, commander-in-chief of American army, 224; expedition against Toronto, 231. De Ayllon, voyage of, 29. Decatur, captures the Philadelphia, 216; captures the Macedonian, 226; conquers the Algerian pirates, 242. Declaration of Rights, 153; of Independence, 165. Decree, the Milan, 220. De Gourgues, Dominic, revenge of, 38. De Kalb, joins patriot forces, 172; killed, 181. Delaware, Lord, governor of Virginia, 62; voyage to Virginia, 63; return to England, 34; death of, 67. Delaware, secession of, 120. Delaware, the, crossed by Washington, 169. De Monts, patent of, 38; at Port Royal, 39. De Soto, Ferdinand, expedition of, 30-32; discovers the Mississippi, 31; death of, 32. D'Estaing, fleet of, 179. Detroit, surrender of, 225. Dieskau, defeat of, 142. Discovery of America, 25. Division of land, 64. Dolbear, A. C., inventor of the telephone, 347. Donelson, Fort, capture of, 293. Dorchester Heights, fortification of, 163. Dorr's Rebellion, 258. Douglas, Stephen A., advocates State sovereignty, 274. Dover, founded, 113. Drake, Sir Francis, voyages of, 44; at Roanoke, 45. Dred Scott case, the, 276. Du Quesne, Fort, built, 250-253. Jackson, Stonewall, valley campaign of, 297; at Cedar Mountain, 300; seizes Harper's Ferry, 300; at Chancellorsville, 307; death of, 307. Jamestown, settlement of, 48; colony at, 57. Japan, intercourse opened with, 273. Jay, John, first Chief-justice, 206; envoy to England, 210. Jefferson, Thomas, prepares Declaration of Independence, 165; Secretary of Foreign Affairs, 205; elected Vice-president, 210; elected President, 213; administration of, 214-220; reelected, 217; death of, 249. Johnson, Andrew, elected Vice-president, 320; becomes President, 323; sketch of, 323; administration of, 323-327; issues Amnesty Proclamation, 324; impeachment of, 327. Johnston, Joseph E., at Bull Run, 289; wounded at Fair Oaks, 299; surrender of, 313; death of, 367. Johnstown flood, the, 363. Jones, Paul, conquers the Serapis, 186. Joseph, chief of the Nez PercÉ Indians, 338. K Kane, Elisha Kent, Arctic expedition of, 272. Kansas, troubles in, 274; admission of, 325. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, the, 274. Karlsefne, Thorfinn, explorations of, 22. Kearny, Philip, expedition to California, 263. Kenesaw Mountain, battle of, 311. Kentucky, admission of, 208. Kidd, Captain William, story of, 103. Kieft, Sir William, governor of New Amsterdam, 96. King's Mountain, battle of, 189. Kingston, destroyed by Indians, 98. Kossuth, Louis, tour of in America, 271. L Labor agitations, the, 351. Lafayette, Marquis de, enters American army, 172; wounded at Brandywine, 176; campaigns of in Virginia, 194-196; revisits America, 246. La Roche, Marquis of, brings colonists to America, 38. Laudonniere, in Florida, 38. Law, the alien, 213; the sedition, 213
gutenberg@html@files@53019@53019-h@53019-h-9.htm.html#Page_246" class="pginternal">246. Monroe, James, negotiates Louisiana purchase, 216; elected President, 243; sketch of, 244; administration of, 244-247; reelected, 246. Montana, organization of Territory, 325; admission of State, 360. Montcalm, General, at Fort William Henry, 142; at Plains of Abraham, 145. Monterey, capture of, 263. Montgomery, Richard, attack of on Quebec, 162; death of, 162. Mont Real, island and town of, 36. Morgan, John, raid of, 306. Mormons, troubles with the, 259, 275. Morris, Robert, gives financial aid, 170; Secretary of Finance, 192; brought to poverty, 200. Morse, Samuel F. B., inventor of the telegraph, 260. Morton, Levi P., elected Vice-president, 359. Morton, Oliver P., death of, 343. Mound-builders, account of the, 12-15. Moultrie, bombardment of, 164. Murfreesborough, battle of, 297. Mutiny in Continental Army, 192. N Narvaez, De, governor of Florida, 29. Nashville, siege of, 312. National Banks, establishment of, 320. National debt, the, 320, 324. Naval battles between the Chesapeake and the Leopard, 219; Chesapeake and the Shannon, 233; Constellation and the Insurgent, 212; Constitution and the Guerriere, 225; Constitution and the Java, 226; Essex and the Nocton, 226; Essex and the Phoebe and Cherub, 234; Hartford and the Tennessee, 314; Hornet and the Peacock, 232; Hornet and the Penguin, 241; Lawrence and the Detroit, 229; Monitor and the Merrimac, 294; Niagara and British fleet, 229; Poictiers and the Wasp, 226; Poor Richard and the Serapis, 186; President and the Little Belt, 223; United States and the Macedonian, 226; Wasp and the Frolic, 226. Nebraska, admission of 325. Necessity, Fort, built and defended, 138<
g@html@files@53019@53019-h@53019-h-3.htm.html#Page_76" class="pginternal">76. Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War, 281. Starving Time, the, 63. St. Augustine, founded, 33. St. Clair, expedition of against Miami Indians, 207. Steamboat, invention of, 220. Stephens, Alexander, defends theory of secession, 277; Vice-president of Southern Confederacy, 277. Stephenson, Fort, siege of, 229. St. Lawrence River, named, 36. Stony Point, taken by British, 184; retaken by General Wayne, 184. Strike, the great railroad, 337; the southwestern, 352. Stuyvesant, Peter, governor of New Netherlands, 97-99. Sumter, Fort, fired upon, 282. Sumter, Thomas, raids of, in South Carolina, 188. Supreme Court, organization of, 206. T Talladega, battle of, 231. Tariff, the protective, agitation of, 249; issue in presidential campaign, 358, 359. Taylor, Bayard, author of National Ode, 333; death of, 343. Taylor, Zachary, campaign in Florida, 254; campaigns in Mexican War, 261-264; elected President, 268; administration of, 269-270; death of, 270. Tea Party, the Boston, 155. Tecumtha, conspiracy of, 222; lays ambush, 224; besieges Fort Meigs, 228, 229; death of, 231. Telegraph, invention of the, 260. Telephone, invention of the, 347. Tennessee, admission of, 210. Territory, southwest of the Ohio, organization of the, 207. Territories, organization of the, 325. Texas, secedes from Mexico, 260; annexation of, 260. Thames, battle of the, 230. Ticonderoga, defeat of English at, 143; abandoned by French, 145; taken by Ethan Allen, 159; captured by British, 173. Tilden, Samuel J., election as President claimed by Democrats, 355; death of, 357. Tippecanoe, battle of, 223. Tobacco, cultivation of, 67. Toronto, attacked by Americans, 231. Treaty with Indians, 77; of Rysw
@html@files@53019@53019-h@53019-h-3.htm.html#Page_89" class="pginternal">89-91. Wives for colonists, 68. <