Once there lived a little gnome Who had made his little home Right down in the middle of the earth, earth, earth. He was full of fun and frolic, But his wife was melancholic, And he never could divert her into mirth, mirth, mirth. He had tried her with a monkey And a parrot and a donkey, And a pig that squealed whene'er he pulled its tail, tail, tail. But though he laughed himself Into fits, the jolly elf, Still his wifey's melancholy did not fail, fail, fail. THE BLINKING BEAR. "I will hie me," said the gnome, "From my worthy earthy home; I will go among the dwellings of the men, men, men. Something funny there must be, That will make her say 'He, he!' I will find it and will bring it her again, 'gain, 'gain." THE PATTYPOL. So he travelled here and there, And he saw the Blinking Bear, And the Pattypol whose eyes are in his tail, tail, tail. And he saw the Linking Gloon, Who was playing the bassoon, And the Octopus a-waltzing with the whale, whale, whale. THE LINKING GLOON. He saw the Chingo Chee, And a lovely sight was he, And the Baggle, and the Wogg, And the Cantilunar Dog, Who was throwing cotton-flannel at his foes, foes, foes. All these the little gnome Transported to his home, And set them down before his weeping wife, wife, wife; But she only cried and cried, And she sobbywobbed and sighed, Till she really was in danger of her life, life, life. THE OCTOPUS AND WHALE. Then the gnome was in despair, And he tore his purple hair, And he sat him down in sorrow on a stone, stone, stone. "I, too," he said, "will cry, Till I tumble down and die, For I've had enough of laughing all alone, 'lone, 'lone." THE BAGGLE, THE WOGG, and THE CHINGO CHEE. His tears they flowed away, Like a rivulet at play, With a bubble, gubble, rubble, o'er the ground, ground, ground. But when this his wifey saw, She loudly cried "Haw, haw! Here at last is something funny you have found, found, found." She laughed, "Ho, ho! he, he!" And she chuckled loud with glee, And she wiped away her little husband's tears, tears, tears. And since then, through wind and weather, They have said "He, he!" together, For several hundred thousand merry years, years, years. THE CANTILUNAR DOG. |