My little one came to me weeping, weeping, Over her cheeks the bright tears creeping: “Oh, Mammy! ’tis raining and pouring away; We cannot go to the picnic to-day!” I took the darling up in my lap, And tried to make light of the great mishap. “Be patient, child, with the rain, for oh, It makes Mr. Somebody’s garden grow!” Chorus.—Garden grow, garden grow! My little one came to me sighing, sighing, Almost ready again for crying. “Oh, Mammy! the sun is so blazing hot, The flowers I planted are dead on the spot!” I took the darling up on my knee, And kissed, and spoke to her cheerily. “Be glad, my child, of the sun to-day! It helps Mr. Somebody make his hay.” Cho.—Make his hay! make his hay! It helps Mr. Somebody make his hay. My little one came to me panting, panting, Hair a-flutter, and bonnet a-wanting. “Oh, Mammy! the wind came roaring at me, And blew my bonnet right up in a tree!” I took the darling up on my arm, And soon the poor bonnet was out of harm. “Be glad, my child, of the wind, for you know, It makes Mr. Somebody’s windmill go!” Cho.—Windmill go! windmill go! It makes Mr. Somebody’s windmill go. There’s many a thing that seems “just too bad!” To this little lass or that little lad; But, dears, that which hardest to you may be, May fill Mr. Somebody’s heart with glee. Cho.—Heart with glee! heart with glee! May fill Mr. Somebody’s heart with glee. |