Absent images, Association of, 94.
Abstraction, 15;
Late appearance of, 146.
Abulics, 11.
Activity, normal end of imagination, 11.
Adaptation of means to end, 264.
Advance plans in commerce, 288.
Adventure, Eras of, 287.
Affective states, RÔle of, 8.
Alcoholic liquors, 74.
Alembert, d', 87.
Alexander, 138, 142, 143.
Alfieri, 56.
Allen, 150.
Americans, change occupations, 257.
Analogy, 299;
Abuse of, 305;
based on qualitative resemblance, 26;
essential to creative imagination, 25;
not trustworthy in science, 27;
RÔle of, in primitive life, 125;
Thinking by, 117.
Anatomical conditions, 65.
Anger, 34.
Animal fancy, 97.
Animals, Association fibers or centers, lacking in, 100;
Discoveries of, 98;
Imagination in, 93, 94;
Usefulness of, to man, 274.
Animism, 107, 189;
of primitives, 123.
Anticipations of later inventions, 277.
Apollo, 50.
Apperception, Importance of, 16.
Apprehensio simplex, a logical figment, 110.
Arago, 145.
Aristotle, vi, 134, 141.
Art, Indefiniteness of modern, 203;
Realistic, 250;
Various theories of, 46.
Artificial motors, Use of, a late development, 275.
Aryan race, 129.
Association, 22, 23;
Forms of, 196;
Laws of, 23;
of ideas, 59, 353;
of ideas, Criticism of the term, 23;
of ideas, Discovery depends on, 250;
suggests cause, 261.
Associational systems, 67.
Astral influences, 261.
Asyllogistic deduction, 283.
Attention, 86.
Australians, 285.
Automatisms, 71.
Azam, 325.
Bach, 69, 214, 216.
Bacon, Roger, 245, 303 n.
Baillarger, Dr., 324.
Baldwin, 104.
Barter, 286.
Baudelaire, 39, 55.
Beethoven, 52, 71, 148, 218.
Bernard, Claude, 52;
idÉe directrice of, 250.
Binet, 340.
Bipartite division of the brain, 67.
Bismarck, 271.
Blood circulation, Importance of, 70.
Boehme, Jacob, 335.
Bonnal, 298 n.
Borgia, Lucretia, 139.
Bossuet, 225.
Boulogne, De, 283.
Bourdeau, L., 272.
Brain- development and abstraction, 100;
regions, Development of, 67;
weights, 66.
Bramwell, 343.
Breguet, 277.
Brown-SÉquard, 77.
Buddha, Life of, 301.
Buffon, 52, 73.
Byron, 145.
Cabalists, 234.
Cabalistic mysticism, 226.
Cabanis, 78.
Campanella, 303.
Carlyle, 150, 186.
Carpenter, 284, 339.
Carthage, 282.
Categories of images, 16.
Causality, Search for, 260.
Charcot, 6.
Charlemagne, 138.
Chateaubriand, 76.
Chatterton, 145.
Cherubini, 145.
Child, Adult misinterpretation of, 104;
Creative imagination in the, 103 ff.;
Exaggeration of his intelligence, 115;
Oscillation of belief and doubt in the, 113;
Stages of development, 105.
Child-study, Difficulties of, 104.
Chopin, 52, 215.
Chorea, 101.
Cid, The, 140.
Classes of discoverers, 249.
Classification, 181.
Coleridge, 37.
Colored hearing, 38.
Columbus, Christopher, 89.
Commerce, Combative element in, 295.
Commercial imagination, Conditions of, 281;
development due to increasing substitution, 287;
development, Stages of, 285.
Common factor in comparison, 40.
Complementary scientists, 246.
Complete images impossible, 16.
Comte, 146.
Condillac, 243.
Confucius, 300.
Confusion of impressions, 18.
Conjecture, beginning of science, 245.
Conscious imagination, a special case, 58.
Constellation, 59, 126.
Constitutions by philosophers, 309.
Contiguity and resemblance, 24.
Contrapuntists, 214.
Contrast, Association by, 40.
Cooperation, 309;
of intellect and feeling, 43.
Copernicus, 246.
Counter-world, 304.
Creation hindered by complete redintegration, 22;
in physiological inhibition, 6;
Motor basis of, 258;
Physiological and imaginative, 76;
versus repetition, 5.
Creative imagination, a growth, 9;
Composite character of, 12;
conditioned by knowledge, 173;
either esthetic or practical, 44;
implies feeling, 32;
Neglect of, by writers on psychology, vii;
Reasons for, 313.
Creative instinct, non-existent, 42.
Crisis, not essential, 58.
Critical stage of investigation, 252.
Cromwell, 144.
Cumulative inventions, 272.
Curiosity, 99;
of primitive man, 45, 131.
Cuvier, 183.
Daedalus, 269.
Dante, 205.
Darwin, 117, 346.
Dauriac, 350.
Deduction, Process of, 283.
Deffant, Madame du, 48.
Deities, Coalescence of, 200;
Momentary, 199;
Multiplicity of Roman, 125.
Delboef, 342.
DeQuincy, 55.
Descartes, 73, 294.
Determinism, Neglect of, by idealists, 303;
of art, 278;
of invention, 264.
Dewey, John, 132 n.
Dialectic, Hegelian, 254.
Diffluent imagination, 196 ff.
Dii minores, 269.
Disinterestedness of the artist, 35.
Dissociation, 15, 268;
by concomitant variations, 21;
of series, 19.
Double personality, 325.
Dreams, 38;
Emotional persistence of, 324.
Drugs, Effect of, 55;
Use of, as excitants, 70.
Dualism of Fourier, 306.
DÜrer, 145.
Egypt, 135.
Egyptian conception of causality, 260.
Emotion, and sensation, 38;
material for imagination, 33;
presupposes unsatisfied needs, 32;
Realization of, 80.
Emotional abstraction, 196;
factor, 31 ff.
Empedocles, 136.
Epic, Rise of the, 138.
Essenes, 307.
Esthetic imagination,
contrasted to mechanical, 264;
Fixity of, 264.
Ethics, Living and dead, 302.
Euclid, 244, 245.
Eureka, Moment of, 247, 302.
Evolution of commerce, Law's statement of, 294.
Exact knowledge requisite in commerce, 289.
Expansion of self, 314.
Experience requisite for literary invention, 146.
External factors, 21.
Facts and general ideas, 252.
Faith, 112;
-cure, 6;
highest in semi-science, 241;
RÔle of, 7.
Fancy, 346;
in animals, 97;
Source of, 260.
Fear, 34.
Fenelon, 303.
FÉrÉ, 325, 340.
Fiduciary money, 286.
Fixed ideas, 88, 89.
Flechsig, 67, 68, 100, 103.
Flournoy, 38, 344.
Forel, 96.
FouillÉe, 193.
Fourier, 304.
French, not strong in imagination, 193;
Revolution, 151.
Fresnel, 145.
Fromentin, 17.
Froschammer, 75, 346.
Fuegians, 285.
Gauss, 69, 183.
Gautier, ThÉophile, 55, 189, 190.
Gavarni, 187.
Generic image, 18.
Genius, and brain structure, 68;
depends on subliminal imagination, 57;
exceptional, 149;
No common measure of, 143.
Geniuses, of judgment, 142;
of mastery over men, and matter, 142.
Gilman, 219 n.
Gnostics, 234.
Goethe, 29, 149, 150, 216.
Gold, Curative powers of, 82.
Interesting, defined, 36.
Invention arises to satisfy a need, 271;
Higher forms of, 140 ff.;
in morals, 300;
in successive parts, 296;
of monopolies, 282;
Pain of, 51;
Spontaneity of, 51;
subjected to tradition, 269.
Inventions, Amplifiers of, 270;
largely anonymous, 275;
Mechanical, neglected by psychologists, 263;
Stratification of, 272.
Inventors deified, 269;
Oddities of, 72.
James, William, 21, 25, 37, 83, 112.
Janet, 340.
Jealousy, stimulates imagination, 34.
JordÆns, 145.
Joy, 34.
Kant, 248.
Kepler, 246, 247.
Klopstock, 215.
KÜhn, 129.
Lagrange, 71.
Lamennais, 73.
Lang, 128, 261.
Language, Origin of, 120.
Laplace, 250.
Larvated epilepsy, 141.
Lavoisier, 246.
Law, 294.
Lazarus, 47.
Leibniz, 73, 74, 146, 253, 296 n.
LÉlut, 141.
Leurechon, 277.
Liebig, 244.
LinnÆus, 183.
Literal mysticism, 226.
Localization, 65.
Loch Lomond, 58.
Locke, 309.
Lombroso, 141, 142.
Louis XIV, 150.
Love, 34;
and hate, 134.
Love-plays, 99.
Machiavelli, 73.
Machines, counterfeits of human beings, 279.
Man and animals, Specific quality of, 273.
Manu, 300.
Mastery, Spirit of, 114.
Materials of imagination, 299.
Maury, A., 6 n.
Mechanic and poet, 279.
Mechanical aptitude, 145.
Mechanical imagination, Ideal of, 268.
Mediate association, 59.
Memory, Predominant tendencies in, 61;
untrustworthy, 17.
Men, Great, as makers of history, 150.
Mendelssohn, 145, 213 n., 215, 216.
Mental chemistry, 82.
Merchant sailors, 282.
Metamorphosis, 28;
of deities, 129;
Regressive, 171.
Metaphysical speculation, 251;
thought, Stages of, 252.
Metaphysics, 252 ff.
Methods of invention, 243.
Meynert, 100.
Michaelangelo, 145, 148, 149.
Michelet, 186, 306.
Middle Ages, predominantly imaginative, 174.
Military invention, 295;
Conditions of, 297.
Mill, John Stuart, 82, 284.
Milton, 73.
Mimicry, 98.
Mind, Varieties of, 320.
Mission, Consciousness of, 148.
Misunderstanding of the new, 151.
Mobility of inventors, 258.
Monadology, 253.
Money, Invention of, 286;
sought as an end, 289.
Monge, 237.
Moses, 300.
More, 303, 309.
Morgan, Lloyd, 99.
Mormons, 307.
Monoideism, 87.
Montgolfier, 277.
Moral geniuses, 301.
Moravian brotherhood, 307.
Mosso, 71, 340.
Motor elements in all representation, 4;
elements, RÔle of, 7;
manifestation basis of creation, 9.
Movements, Importance of, in imagination, 3.
Mozart, 73, 145.
MÜller, Max, 120, 129, 130.
Mummy powder, 261.
MÜnsterberg, 60.
Muses, 50.
Music an emotional language, 220;
Precocity in, 144.
Musical imagination, 212, 350.
Musset, Alfred de, 335.
Myers, 342.
Mystic imagination, 221 ff., 335.
Mystics, Abuse of allegory, by, 225;
Belief of, 227;
Metaphorical style of, 224.
Mysticism by suggestion, 229.
Myth, defined, 123;
Depersonification of, 133;
in Plato, 134;
in science, 134;
Subjective and objective factors in, 122.
Myths, Significance of, 119;
Variations in, 127.
Myth-making activity, viii, 331.
Napoleon, 10, 66, 71, 142;
his war practice, 298.
Natural, and human phenomena, 299;
law, Uniformity of, opposed to dissociation, 21;
motors, Use of, 275.
Naville, 245.
Need of knowing, 314.
Neglect of details in sensation, 20.
Nerval, GÉrard de, 229, 324.
Nervous overflow, 71.
New Larnak, 309.
Newbold, 340.
Newcomen, 270.
Newton, 58, 87, 146.
Nietzsche, 150.
Nomina Numina, 120, 262.
Nordau, 142.
Numerical imagination, 207 ff.;
mysticism, 226;
series unlimited, 207.
Objective study of inventors, 71.
Oddities of inventors, 72.
Oelzelt-Newin, 33, 95.
Old age, Effect of, on imagination, 77.
Organic conditions, 65.
Orientation conditioned by individual organization, 48;
Personal, 270.
Owen, Robert, 309.
Paradox of belief, 242.
Paralysis by ideas, 6.
Pascal, 146, 244.
Pasteur, 142, 143, 251.
Pathological view of genius, 141.
Pathology and physiology, 74.
Perception, 15;
and conception, 184;
and imagination, 106.
Perez, B., 115.
Persistence of ideas due to feeling, 79.
Personification, 186;
characteristic of aborigines and children, 27;
source of myth, 28.
Phalanges, Organization of society into, 305.
Philippe, J., 17 n.
Philosophy, a transformation of mystic ideas, 233.
Phlogiston, 248.
Physiological states, 70.
Physiology and pathology, 74.
Plastic art and mythology, 191;
imagination, 184 f.
Plato, 134, 303, 309.
Platonic ideas, 81, 253.
Play, 47, 97;
Uses of, for man, 114.
Plotinus, 234.
Poe, 39, 206, 324.
Poet, a workman, 190.
Poetical imagination, general characters, 267;
Inspiration in, 268;
special characters, 270.
Poetical invention, Stages of, 266.
Polyideism, 87.
Polynomy, 120.
Poncelet, 143.
Positive minds, 318.
Powers of nature, Exploitation of 271.
Practical imagination, Ubiquity of, 254.
Practice, essential in motor creation, 186.
Precocity, 144;
in poetry, 145;
of mathematicians, 147.
Pre-Raphaelites, 204.
Preyer, 117.
Primitive man, 45;
and myth, 118 ff.
Principle of unity, 250.
Progressive stages of imagination, 84.
Prometheus, 269.
Provoked revival, 94.
Pseudo-science, 240.
Psychic atoms, 19;
paralysis, 6.
Psychological regressions, 248.
Puberty, Influence of, on imagination, 76.
Pythagoras, 226, 246.
Pythagoreans, 134.
Qualities, Attribution of, to objects, 124.
Raphael, 145.
Rational Metaphysics, 234.
Reason, Objectivity of, 10.
Reciprocal working of scientific and practical discoveries, 249.
Recuperative theory of play, 97.
Redintegration, Law of, 19;
Total, 36.
Regis, 54.
Religion, Universality of, 128.
Renaissance, 151, 175.
Reni, Guido, 73.
Repetition versus creation, 5, 23.
Representation and belief inseparable, 110.
Representations, Interchange of, 323;
Number of, 322.
Revery, 38, 198, 316.
Reymond, Du Bois, 52.
Reynolds, 6, 325.
Roland, 138.
Roman Republic, 151.
Romans, 125.
Romanes, 94, 95, 96.
Romantic invention, 112;
a coordinating function, 9;
Effect of, on physiological functioning, 5.
Words, RÔle of, 96.
Wundt, 24, 40, 182.
Zeller, 226.
Ziehen, 61, 62.
Zoroaster, 300.
Page 23: Fn. 8: Phychology amended to Psychology
Page 25: Missing footnote marker in original. Added footnote marker after James quote.
Page 35: casual amended to causal
Page 38: haphazard amended to haphazardly; grouping amended to groupings
Page 39: subejct amended to subject
Page 54: vender sic
Page 56: "Under the influence of alcoholic drinks and of poisonous intoxicants attention and will always fall into exhaustion." sic Possibly the word "does" or similar is missing before "and," or "and" is superfluous.
Page 55: subtances amended to substances
Page 75: images amended to image
Page 84: unisersale amended to universale
Page 85: The following lines transposed: "which, for the time being, should represent the" and "all the forces and capacities upon a single point"
Page 123: fill amended to fills
Page 151: duplicate "the" removed ("the the deep working of the masses")
Page 155: Section II amended to IV
Page 163: Section III amended to V
Page 193: Saxin amended to Saxon
Page 200: everyone amended to every one
Page 208: apalling amended to appalling
Page 213: Missing footnote marker in original. Added footnote marker after last paragraph on page.
Page 226: caballists amended to cabalists
Page 229: plant and tree amended to plants and trees
Page 236: In Chapter IV, "The Scientific Imagination," there are sections II, III, IV and V, but no section I.
Page 250: dyssymetry amended to dyssymmetry
Page 280: Missing footnote marker in original. Added footnote marker after "... inorganic life."
Page 286: Fn. 132: Evolution amended to Évolution
Page 292: acording amended to according
Page 294: managable amended to manageable
Page 297: opoprtune amended to opportune
Page 319: or amended to of ("the double of savages")
Page 321: quintescence amended to quintessence
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Page 348: quivalent amended to equivalent
Page 351: l'Opera amended to l'OpÉra
Page 365: Lammennais amended to Lamennais
Page 365: Michelangelo amended to Michaelangelo
Part II, Chapter II: The chapter heading in the table of contents differs from that shown on page 102. Left as is.
Accented letters, italicisation and the punctuation of abbreviations have been standardised.
Where a word is spelt differently and there is an equal number of instances, the variant spellings have been left as is: Hephaestos/HephÆstos; Jordaens/JordÆns; Linnaeus/LinnÆus.