(Including a valuable consignment of books from Germany, received too late for classification.) 2024. Alpine Plants. Figures and Descriptions of the Most Striking and Beautiful of the Alpine Flowers. Edited by David Wooster. Royal 8vo, gilt edges, colored illus. London, 1872.$2.75 2025. Aristotle. Aristotelis de Animalium Historia Libri X. AdditÆ Theophrasto Collectanea quaedam de Animalibus, etc. In Greek and Latin. Two vols. in one. 4to, boards, 484+412 pp. Francofurdi, 1585-87.$6.50 2026. Beautiful and Curious Birds of the World. By Charles B. Cory. In original parts as issued. Imperial folio, finely colored plates. Published at $80. Boston, U. S. A. Pub. by the author for the subscribers, 1883.$50.00 2027. Beautiful Ferns. From Original Water-color Drawings After Nature by C. E. Faxon and J. H. Emerton. Descriptive text by D. C. Eaton. 14 colored plates with text, 158 pp., folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, fine copy. Boston, 1882.$5.00 2028. Bird-catching. Angenehme Land-lust, Deren Man in Stadten und auf dem Lande, ohne Sonderbare Kosten, unschuldig geniessen kan, Oder von Unterschied Fang Einstellung und Abrichtung der Vogel. Uber Hervieux von Canarien Vogeln und Uitinger vom Vogelstellen. Joseph Mitelli Jagd-Lust. 12mo, half vellum, worn, 512 pp., illus. Folding illus. engraved and rubricated titles. Curious and rare. Franckfurt, 1720.$8.00 2029. Bird Migration. Homeyer, E. F. Von. Wanderungen Der Vogel. Mit Rucksicht auf die Zuge der Saugethiere, Fische und Insecten. 415 pp. Leipzig, 1881.$4.00 2030. Birds of the Bahama Islands, Containing Many Birds New To the Islands and a number of undescribed Winter Plumages of North American Birds. By Charles B. Cory. Revised edition. In folded sheets, uncut, 4to, many plates. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1890.$5.00 2031. Birds. Bechstein, J. M. Naturgeschichte Der Stubenvogel, oder, Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Wartung derjenigen Vogel welche man in der Stube halten kann. 12mo, boards, 483 pp., colored plates, extra engraved hand-colored title. The very rare first ed. of this classic. Gotha, 1795.$6.00 2032. Birds. Bechstein, J. M. Same. Third Enlarged and Corrected Edition. 12mo, boards, 764 pp., 16 colored plates. Gotha, 1812.$4.75 2033. Birds. Brunnich, M. Th. Ornithologia Borealis, Sistens Collectionem Avium ex Omnibus, Imperio Danico Subjectis, Provinciis Insulisque Borealibus HafniÆ Factam, etc. Half roan, uncut, 80 pp., very rare. HafniÆ, 1764.$4.50 2034. Birds. Collett, R. Oversight of Christiania Omegns Ornithologiske Fauna. Boards, 231 pp., library stamp on title-page. Christiania, 1864.$2.75 2035. Birds’ Eggs. Brehm and Thienemann. Systematische Darstellung der Vogel Europa’s mit Abbildung der Eier im Vereine mit Ludwig Brehm, Geo. A. and Fred A. Thienemann. The 5 parts, with separate titles, bound in 1 vol. 4to, half roan, 28 hand-colored plates of eggs. Very rare edition. Leipzig, 1825.$16.50 2036. Birds’ Eggs. Delle Uova E Dei Nidi Degliuccelli Libro Primo Del Conte Giuseppe Zinanni Ravennate. Con una Differtazione sopra varie spezie di Cavallette. Folio, vellum, 130 + 55 pp., fine old engravings, fine copy. Venezia, 1737.$9.00 2037. Birds’ Eggs. Einhundert Tafeln Colorirter Abbildungen Von Vogeleiern. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Gesammten Vogel. Von Friedrich A. L. Thienemann. 100 fine color plates of 1800 eggs, complete. 432 pp. text (all published). Complete copy of a work issued in parts for a space of 9 years. Author’s Preface dated Oct., 1856. 4to, half roan and marbled boards, very rare. (Dresden), 1845 to 1854.$35.00 2038. Birds’ Eggs. Naumann, J. F., and Buhle, C. A. Die Eier Der Vogel Deutschlands und der Benachbarten Lander in Naturgetreuen Abbildungen und Beschreibungen, etc. 5 parts. 4to, engraved paper covers in orig. parts, as issued, uncut, all published. 10 hand-colored plates, very rare. Halle, 1818, 1826, 1828.$18.00 2039. Birds and Fishes. Ray, John. Synopsis Methodica Avium and Piscium; Opus Posthumum. In Quo Multas Species, in ipsius Ornithologist and Ichthyologia desideratas, adjecit, etc. Cum Appendice and Iconibus, First edition. 2 vols. in 1. Calf, 198 + 166 pp., plates, very rare. London. 1713.$5.00 2040. Birds. Giebel, Dr. G. G. Nusslichen Vogel Unserer Aecker-Wiesen, Garten und Walder. 12mo, boards, 162 pp., many wood cuts. Berlin, 1868.$1.50 2041. Birds. Gmelin, Carl G. Gemeinnutzige Systematische Naturgeschichte der Vogel fur gebildete Lefer. Nach dem Linneischen Natursystem entworfen. 2 vols. Half calf, 144 + 195 + 79 pp., 86 plates of 150 species. Rare and valuable colored-plate edition. Mannheim, 1809.$12.00 2042. Birds. Gray, J. E. List of Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 3, GallinÆ, GrallÆ and Anseres. 209 pp., 12mo, paper, author’s autogr. pres. inscript.: “Mr. J. E. Gray to Mr. Van der Hoeven.” Rare. London, 1844.$3.50 2043. Birds. Heuglin, Th. Von. Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika’s der Nilquellen- und Kusten-Gebiete des Rothen Meeres und des Nordlichen Somal-Landes. 4 vols. Half calf, 51 fine colored plates and chart. Autograph directions for binding inserted. Cassel, 1869-’74.$24.50 2044. Birds. Jonstoni, Joannis. Theatrum Universale de Avibus. Tabulis uabus et Sexaginta Ab Illo Celeberrimo Mathia Meriano. Aeri Incisis Orantum ex Scriptoribus Tam Antiquis, etc. Folio, calf, Royal Arms in gilt on covers, 238 pp., many plates, rubricated and extra engraved title-pages. Heilbrunnensis, 1756.$7.00 2045. Birds. Joubert, Ch. Manuel de L’oiseleur. Illustre de 24 Gravures Hors Texte et Suivi de L’Art de les Empailler. (Taxidermy.) 12mo, printed covers, uncut, 128 pp. Paris, 1856.$1.50 2046. Birds. Kaup, Dr. J. J. Die Vogel. Systematisch beschrieben. Half sheep, 392 pp., fully illus. by fine woodcuts. Hanau, circa. 1830.$2.50 2047. Birds. Klein, Jac. Theod. Stemmata Avium Quadraginta Tabulis Aeneis ornata, accedunt Nomenclatores: Polono-Latinus et Latino-Polonus. Geschlechtstafeln der Vogel. 48 pp., 40 folding plates, 4to, antique, boards, rare. LipsiÆ, 1759.$6.00 2048. Birds. Kleins, J. Theodor. Vorbereitung zu einer vollstandigen Vogelhistorie, nebst einer Vorrede von der Ordnung der Thiere uberhaupt, etc. Aus dem Lateinischen ubersesst durch D. H. B. Paper, uncut, 427 pp., illus. by folding plates. Leipzig, 1760.$4.50 2049. Birds and Mammals. Kaup, J. J. Classification der Saugethiere und Vogel. Pr. paper covers, uncut, 144 pp., 2 plates. Darmstadt, 1844.$2.50 2050. Birds. Malherbe, Alfred. Faune Ornithologique de la Sicile. Precedee D’un Apercu de L’Histoire Politique, Scientifique, Litteraire et Artistique de la Sicile. 242 pp., uncut, binding loose, paper covers, worn, contents in fine condition, author’s autogr. pres. copy. Metz, 1843.$4.00 2051. Birds and Mice. Klein, Jacobi Theodori. HistorÆ Avium Prodromus Cum Praefatione de Ordine Animalium in Genere. Cum Historia Muris Alpini et Vetus Vocabularium Animalium cum Figuris. 4to, paper, uncut, unopened, 238 pp., 8 plates, very rare. LubecÆ, 1750.$6.50 2052. Birds. Muller, Adolf und Karl. Charakterzeichnungen der Vorzuglichsten Deutschen Singvogel. Boards, 112 pp. plates. Leipzig, 1865.$2.00 2053. Birds. Nilsson, S. Skandinavisk Fauna. Foglarna. 2 vols. Orig. printed paper covers, uncut, 456 + 534 pp. Complete on Birds. Lund, 1835.$5.00 2054. Birds. Schaefferi, Jac. Chris. Elementa Ornithologica Iconibus Vivis Coloribus Expressis Illustrata. Editio Secunda. 4to, boards, title with finely engraved and rubricated vignette, 70 hand-colored plates, fine copy. RatisbonÆ, 1779.$8.00 2055. Birds. Schinz, H. R. Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vogel-Gattungen. Nach den neuesten Systemen zum Gemeinnutzigen Gebrauche entworfen, etc. Originalien und Lithographirt von K. I. Brodtmann. 2 vols. Folio, half mor., 1 vol. text, 1 vol. 144 finely executed plates on stone representing hundreds of Species. Zurich, 1830.$9.00 2056. Birds. Schlegel, H. Kritische Ubersicht der Europaischen Vogel. Printed covers, loose, uncut, 135 pp. + 116 pp., 2 titles. Leiden, 1844.$3.50 2057. Birds. Schlegel, H. Observations Zoologiques. A Collection of Separata by this author relating almost exclusively to Birds, apparently taken from some scientific magazine, various pagination, totaling about 150 pages, with 2 colored plates of Hawks numbered 5 and 6. Collected by some Ornithologist and bound together in half vellum. Folio. Circa. 1860.$3.50 2058. Birds. Smith, Rev. A. C. On Peculiarities in the Life History of the Cuckoo, Esp. re the Coloring of its Eggs. Paper, 16 pp. 1865.$1.00 2059. Birds. Von Kittlitz, F. H. Kupfertafeln zur Naturgeschichte der Vogel. 12mo, boards. Complete, with 28 pp. of explan. text, 36 exquisite hand-colored plates and printed cover of part 1 bound in. Very rare. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1832.$6.50 2060. Botany. Bauhini, Caspari. Theatri Botanici. Sive Index in Theophrasti Dioscoridis. Plantarum Circiter Sex Millium ab Ipsis Exhibitarum Nomina Cum Earundem Synonymiis and Differentiss. Opus XL. Annorum, etc. 4to, vellum, 522 pp., the very rare first edition. BasileÆ, 1623.$8.00 2061. Botany. Bauhini, Caspari. Same. Second edition, with the valuable Illustrated Supplement. 4to, vellum, 518 pp. + Index, and 160 pp. + Index. BasileÆ, 1671.$5.00 2062. Botanical Magazine (William Curtis’); or, Flower-garden, Displayed in which the most Ornamental Foreign Plants Cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-house, etc., will be accurately represented in their Natural Colors. Illus. with numerous plates, colored by hand. From 1787 to 1789, by William Curtis, and continued to 1816 by John Sims. With Index. 44 vols. in 23. Half calf, (slightly broken). London, 1787-1816.$48.00 2062A. The Same. From 1793 to 1801. Vols. 1 to 9. 9 Vols. Calf. London, 1793-1801.$7.50 2063. Botany. Dierbach, J. H. Anleitung zum Studium der Botanik. Fur Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterrichte. Boards, 291 pp., 13 folding plates. Heidelberg, 1820.$2.75 2064. Botany. Dierbach, J. H. Repertorium Botanicum oder Versuch einer System. Darstel, der Neuesten Leistungen im Ganzen Umfange der Planzenkunde. Boards, 266 pp. Lemgo, 1831.$2.50 2065. Botany. Jacobi Breynii, Gedanensis. Exoticarum Aliarumque Minus Cognitarum Plantarum Centuria Prima, cum Figuris Aeneis Summo Studio Elaboratis. Folio, vellum, 195 pp. + Index and Appendix, wide margins, engraved title by Visscher, plates. A most superb work of printing and 2066. Botany. Loeflings, Peter. Reise Nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751 bis 1756, etc. Antique boards, 406 pp., 2 folding copper plates, the very rare first edition. Berlin und Stralfund, 1766.$5.00 2067. Botany. Necker, Noel Joseph de. Phytozoologie Philosophique, Concernant les Animaux et les Vegetaux a ete Limite et Fixe per la Nature. Selon la Decouverte du Systeme Naturel. Boards, uncut, 78 pp., fine portrait of author, engraved by Karcher. Rare. Neuwied, 1790.$3.50 2068. Botany. Persoon’s LinnÆus. Caroli a Linne Equitis Systema Vegetabilum cum Characteribus et Differentiis. Editio Decima Quinta. A Andrea Murray a C. H. Persoon. Half roan, 1026 pp.+Index, GottingÆ, 1797.$3.50 2069. Botany. Stirpium Rariorum in Imperio Rutheno. Sponte Provenientium Icones et Descriptiones. CollectÆ ab Joanne Ammano, M. D. 4to, paper, uncut, 210 pp., 35 plates. Petropoli, 1739.$9.00 2070. Botany. Trew, Christopharus Jacobus. PlantÆ SelectÆ Quarum Imagines ad exemplaria Naturalia, Londini in Hortis Curiosarum, Nutrita Manu Artificiosa Doctaque Pinxit Georgius Dionysius Ehret. Illus. with 100 superb plates, colored by hand, and mezzotinto portraits of the author, painter and engraver, by Joannes J. Haid. Imperial folio, calf, gilt. Fine copy of a rare book. 1750-1773.$17.50 2071. Botany. Twining, Elizabeth. Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants, with Groups and Descriptions reduced from the Original Folio Editions. Numerous full-page colored plates. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half roxburghe, gilt edges. (R. axx.) London, 1868.$6.50 2072. Bradley, R. The Country Gentleman and Farmer’s Monthly Director. Boards, 132 pp., frontis. London, 1726.$3.50 2073. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, containing the Figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects and Plants, particularly the Forest-Trees, Shrubs and other Plants not hitherto described or very incorrectly figured by authors, together with descriptions in English and French, to which are added observations on the air, soil and waters; with remarks upon agriculture, grain pulse, roots, etc. To the whole is prefixed a new and correct map of the countries treated of. Revised by Mr. Edwards. Containing 220 full-page plates elegantly colored by hand. 2 vols. Imperial folio, full Russia, gilt, canary edges. A remarkably tall and clean copy. Binding in fine condition. London, 1754.$75.00 2074. Chinese Bird Paintings. Eleven superb old water-color paintings on rice paper of the various birds of China. Oblong 4to, original silk covers, with tie.$7.50 2075. Country Recreation, Sport, etc. New Feldt und Ackerbau. Darmen Ordensich begriffen Wieman aus Rechten Grund der Natur, auch Langwiriger Erfahrung, so bendes Althier in ro. Bucher Beschrieben ist, jedes Landgut Bevoorab den Acker und Fruchtfeldter des Landsart. Erstlich durch den Hochgelchrien Herm. Petrum de Crescentijs Beschrieben, etc. Folio, stamped super libris, dated covers, vellum, 646 pp., illus. Very rare and curious. Strassburg, 1602.$30.00 2076. Edwards’s Botanical Register; or, Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery, consisting of Plants and Shrubs, cultivated in British Gardens, accompanied by their History, Best Method of Treatment in Cultivation, Propagation, etc. Edited by John Lindley. Illus. with 750 full-page plates (some folding), colored by hand. New series. Complete in 10 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Rare and fine. London, 1838-57.$45.00 2077. Elephants. Petri, D. Georgio Christophoro (ab Hartenfelz). Elephantographia Curiosa, seu Elephanti Descriptio, Juxta Methodum et Leges Imperialis AcademiÆ Leopoldino-CarolinÆ NaturÆ Curiosorum, etc. 4to, boards, 285 pp., numerous fine old copper plates, very rare. ErfordiÆ, 1715.$7.50 2078. Fish. Coste, M. Instructions Pratiques sur la Pisciculture, Suivies de Memoires et de Rapports sur le Meme Sujet. 12mo, boards, 140 pp., 4 plates. Paris, 1853.$1.75 2079. Fish. Lacepede. Naturgeschichte der Fische als eine Fortsetzung von Buffons Naturgeschichte. Nach dem Franzosichen mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet von Ph. Loos. 2 vols. in 4 parts, bound in 4 vols. full calf, gilt, 1953 pp. Very many excellent hand-colored plates of accuracy and finish. Title-pages have colored engravings of groups of boys examining a tub of fish, etc.; also there is a strange frontis of catching Sharks by man-bait. Heckscher did not have a copy of this work. Fine set of a rare work. Berlin, 1799-1804.$12.00 2080. Fish. (Marston, Edward.) An Amateur Angler’s Days in Dove Dale; or, How I Spent my Three Weeks’ Holiday. Large paper, 12mo, orig. printed vellum covers, uncut, gilt top. An extra etched title of a fisherman on India paper. Only 100 copies printed, a fine copy. London, 1884.$4.75 2081. Fish. Philipp Cavolini’s Mitgliedes Mehrerer Akademieen, Abhandlung uber die Erzeugung der Fische und der Krebse. Mit Anmerkungen von C. A. W. Zimmermann. Half calf, 192 pp., 3 folding plates. Berlin, 1792.$3.00 2082. Fish. Rondeletii, Gulielmi. Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in Quibus VerÆ Piscium Effigies ExpressÆ Sunt. QuÆ in tota Piscium Historia Contineantur, Indicat Elenchus Pagina nona et Decima. (Also) UniversÆ Aquatilium HistoriÆ pars Altera, Cum Veris Ipsorum Imaginibus. Folio, vellum, 583+242 pp., illus. Edward Ruppell’s, the noted Zoologist’s, Autograph copy. Rare first edition. Lugduni, 1555.$18.00 2083. Fish. Siebold, C. Th. E. V. Die Susswasserfische von Mitteleuropa. Mit 64 Holzschnitten und 2 Farbigen Tafeln. Boards, 431 pp., illus. with 64 woodcuts: lacks the 2 colored plates. MSS. corrections by author in ink. Leipzig, 1863.$2.00 2084. Fish. Stannius, Dr. Hermann. Das Peripherische Nervensystem der Fische, Anatomisch und Physiologisch Untersucht. 4to, boards, uncut, 156 pp., 5 plates. Rostock, 1849.$2.75 2085. Flora Germanica Excursoria. Sive Principia Synopseos Plantarum in Germania Terrisque in Europa Media Adjacentibus. Sponte Nascentium, Cultarumque Frequentius. By Lud. Reichenbach. Thick 12mo, half calf, 928 pp. 2 maps. LipsiÆ, 1830-1832.$4.00 2086. Flora Heidelbergensis. Plantas Sistens in Praefactura Heidelbergensi et in Regione Adfini Sponte Nascentes, etc. In 2 parts. By J. H. Dierbach. Square 12mo, half calf, map, 406 pp. HeidelbergÆ, 1819.$2.75 2087. Flora Jenensis. Haller, Alberti. Flora Jenensis Henrici Bernhardi Ruppii ex Posthumis Auctoris Schedis et Propriis Observationibus Aucta et Emendata Accesserunt Plantarum Rariorum NovÆ Icones. JenÆ: 2088. Flora Jenensis Sive Enumeratio Plantarum, in Usum Botanophilorum Jenensium. Edita Multis que in Locis. By Henr. Bernh. Ruppii. 12mo, vellum, 311 pp.+copious Index, plates. Francofurti, 1726.$4.00 2089. Floral Magazine and Botanical Repository, Supplement to. Published by D. and G. Landreth, Nursery Men of Phila. Paper, 12 pp. List of Plants and Seeds. Pub’d as an advertising brochure. Very rare. Phila., 1833.$1.50 2090. Flowers, Ferns, Fungi, AlgÆ, etc. Audouit, ed. Atlas de L’Herbier des Demoiselles. Dessins de Belaife, Gravures de Leblanc. Oblong 4to, boards, 123 leaves of colored plates and text. Paris, 1850.$4.75 2091. Fowling and Trapping. Liger, le Sieur L. Amusemens de la Campagne, ou Nouvelles Ruses Innocentes. 2 vols. 12mo, calf and gilt, 562+511 pp., curious cuts throughout. Paris, 1734.$6.50 2092. Forest Insects. Bechstein, J. M., und Scharfenberg, G. L. Vollstandige Naturgeschichte der Schadlichen Forstinsekten, nebst einem Nachtrag der Schonenswerthen Insekten, welche die Schadlichen Vertilgen Helfen. Ein Handbuch fur Forstmanner, Cameralisten und Dekonomen. 3 vols. 4to, marbled boards, 1042 pp., fine colored plates, fine copy of the best early treatise on this subject. Leipzig, 1805.$14.00 2093. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Anleitung zur Wohlfeilen Kultur der Waldblossen. Durch 680 Beyspiele erlautert. Fur Forstbeamte und Gutsbesitzer. 4to, boards, cracked, paper label, 1 plate, 3 tables, uncut. Berlin, 1826.$2.75 2094. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Anweisung zur Taxation und Beschreibung der Forste. Nebst einem Anhange uber die Berechnung des Geldwerthes eines Forstes. Dritte Auflage. 2 vols. 4to, boards, 200+232 pp., tables, 2 colored plates, portrait of author inserted, fine copy of a historic work. Giessen, 1813.$6.75 2095. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Neue Instructionen fur die Koniglich Preussischen Forst-Geometer und Forst Taxatoren, durch Beispiele Erklart. Mit Einem Katen und einer Illuminirten Forst Karte. 4to, uncut, paper, 119 pp., colored map and chart. Berlin, 1819.$5.00 2096. Forestry. Hartig, Dr. T. Vollstandige Naturgeschichte der Forstlichen Culturpflanzen Deutschlands. 4to, boards, 580 pp.+Index and Explanation of Plates, 120 fine hand-colored plates. Berlin, 1851.$18.50 2097. Fossils. Owen, Richard. PalÆontology; or, A Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and their Geological Relations. Second ed., Augmented. 463 pp., uncut, illus. Edinburgh, 1861.$2.00 2098. Fungi. Larber, Giovanni. Sui Funghi Saggio Generale. Descrizione e Tavola Sinottica de Funghi Mangerecci Piu Comuni D’Italia. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, 4 parts in 2 vols., 168 pp.+328 pp., 21 fine hand-colored plates. Bassano, 1829.$12.00 2099. Fungi. Lenz, Dr. H. O. Die Nusslichen, Schadlichen Und Verdachtigen Schwamme. Vierte, veranderte Auflage. 12mo, boards, 175 pp., 19 fine colored plates. Gotha, 1868.$2.50 2100. Fungorum Agri Ariminensis Historia A. J. Antonio Battarra. Aeneisque Tabulis Quadraginta Locupletata Quam sub Auspiciis Plurimum Reverendi DD. Francisci-Raynaldi Gargani. Second Edition. Folio, vellum, 80 pp., wide margins, 40 finely engraved plates, curious vignette on title, fine copy. Rare. FaventiÆ, 1759.$12.00 2101. Game Laws. Seidenstikker, Antonii. Furibus Ferarum, Von Den Wild Dieben. Dissertatio Juridica, publice in Academia Julia An., 1675, etc. 4to, paper. Helmestadi, 1677.$3.50 2102. Gardens. Chambers, Sir Wm. Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. (Also) Heroic Epistle to Sir Wm. Chambers, Knight, Author of Oriental Gardening, with Explanatory Notes. (Also) Heroic Postscript to the Public. Three Titles. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf, The “Dissertation” has an illus. title and headpiece engraved by Bartolozzi. Armorial book-plate of John Claudius Loudon, F. L. S., noted Botanist of England. London, 1772-73-74.$10.00 2103. Gardens. Complete Farmer; or, A General Dictionary of Husbandry in all its Branches, to which is Now First Added, The Gardener’s Kalendar. Illus. with Folio Copper-Plates, etc., by a Society of Gentlemen. 4to, old calf, binding worn, cracked, plates. London, 1869.$2.75 2104. Gardens. La Theorie et la Pratique du Jardinage ou l’on Traite a Fond des Beaux Jardins apelles communement les Jardins de Plaisance et de Proprete composes de Parterres, de Bosquets, de Boulingrins. Contenant Plusieurs Plans et Dispositions Generals de Jardins (etc.). Avec la Maniere de Dresser un Terrain (etc.). Par L. S. A. I. D. A. Nouvelle Edition. 4to, old calf, gilt, fully illus. by copper-plates and cuts. Paris, 1713.$8.00 2105. Gardens. Mawe and Abercrombie. The Universal Gardener and Botanist; or, A General Dictionary of Gardening and Botany. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with 500 Species of Plants more than in the former Edition. 4to, calf, binding worn, cracked, plates. London, 1797.$3.00 2106. Gardens. Noisette, L. Le Jardin Fruitier Contenant l’Historie La Description, La Culture et les Usages des Arbus, Fruiters, des Fraisers, etc. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, calf, broken, illus. with 77 plates, colored by hand. Very fine, rare. Paris, 1821.$9.00 2107. Gardens. Petri Laurembergii Rostochiensis, Horticultura, Libris II. Comprehensa; Huic Nostro Coelosolo Accomodata; Regulis, Observationibus, Experimentis, etc. (Also) Apparatus Plantarius Primus. Part 1, Plantis Bulbosis. Part 2, Plantis Tuberosis. Quibus Exhibentur PrÆter Nomenclaturas, Multiplices Earum DifferentiÆ and Species, etc. 2 works in 1 vol. 4to, vellum, 196+168 pp., fully illus. by quaint cuts and plates: first engraved title laid down. Very rare. Francofurti (1631).$8.50 2108. Gardens. Quintinye, Mr. de la. Instruction Pour Les Zardins Fruitiers et Potagers, avec un Traite des Oranges, and des Reflexions fur l’Agriculture. Nouvelle Edition Reveue et Corrigee. 2 vols. 4to, antique calf, illus., 666+562 pp. Paris, 1715.$12.00 2109. Gardens. Volkamer, J. C. Nurnbergische Hesperides, Oder, Grundliche Beschreibung der Edlen Citronat Citronen und Vomerantzen-Fruchte. In Vier Theile, und mit Nusslichen Anmerekungen Erklaret. Beneben der Flora, oder, Curiosen Vorstellung Verschiedener raren Blumen. Wie auch einem Bericht von denen in des Authoris Garten stehenden Columnis Milliaribus. Folio, calf, 260+17 pp. Superbly hand-colored initial devices, copper plates, vignettes, etc., of the finest artistic merit. One of the most richly and fully illustrated and colored early works on Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Nurnberg, 1708.$40.00 2110. GeraniaceÆ. Sweet, Robert. The Natural Order of Gerania. Illustrated by Coloured Figures and Descriptions, comprising the numerous and Beautiful Mule-Varieties cultivated in the Gardens of Great Britain, with Directions for their Treatment. Illus. with 500 full-page plates, elegantly colored by hand. 5 vols. Half mor., gilt edges. London, 1820-30.$25.00 2111. Hepaticas. Lacoste, C. M. van Der Sande. Synopsis Hepaticarum Javanicarum. Hepaticarum Novis Extra Javanicis. 112 pp., 22 plates, 4to, printed limp board covers. AmstelÆdami, 1856.$6.50 2112. Herbal. Herbario Novo di Castore Durante, Con Figure, Che Rappresentano le viue Piante, che nascono in tutta Europa and nell ’Indie Orientali, and Occidentali. Con Due Tavole Copiosissime, L’Una Delle Herbe, etc. Folio, old calf, illus., rubricated title, very rare and curious. In Venetia, 1667.$16.00 2113. Hunting. Biermann, A., und Dr. Oderfeld. Neuestes Illustrirtes Jagdbuch. Erfahrungen und Anweisungen zu einem Rationellen Betriebe der Mitte-lund Niederjagd fur Jager und Jagdliebhaber, etc. Gilt figured covers, 375 pp., illus., frontis. Stuttgart, 1869.$2.75 2114. Hunting. Natalis Comitum Veneti de Venatione, Libri IIII Hieronymi Ruscellii Scholiis Brevissimis Illustrati. 16mo, vellum, illustrated by initial cuts, 48 leaves. A very rare Aldus Imprint, fine copy. Venetiis, 1551.$8.00 2115. Insects. Fuessly, Johan Caspar. Archiv der Insectengeschichte. Plan dieses Archivs aus dem Plan zu einer Entomologischen Republik des J. J. W. Zerbst in Berlin. 4to, half roan, colored and plain plates, privately pub’d, very rare, fine copy V. p., v. dates, 1781-84.$12.00 2116. Insects. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Vols. 1, 2, 3, complete. Illus., bound in half roan, marbled edges, good copies. This has become one of the rarest as well as most needed reference works on the subject. Only 6 vols. were published. Philadelphia, 1863-64.$18.00 2117. Kryptogamen Deutschlands. Nach der Analytischen Methode, von Dr. Otto Wunsche. 12mo, pr. covers, 127 pp. Leipzig, 1875.$1.75 2118. Lamarck and Decandolle. Synopsis Plantarum in Flora Gallica Descriptarum. 432 pp., boards, fine copy. Rare first edition. Parisiis, 1806.$4.00 2119. Lichens. Bayrhoffer, J. D. W. Einiges Uber Lichenen und Deren Befruchtung. Mit Vier Lithographirten Tafeln. 4to, boards, 44 pp., 4 plates. MS. dated 1852, re Author laid in. Bern, 1851.$2.75 2120. Lichens. Bayrhoffer, J. D. W. Entwickelung und Befruchtung der Cladoniaceen. Als Manuscript Gedruckt. 4to, paper, 26 pp., 1 plate. Frankfurt, 1860.$1.75 2121. Lichens. Fries, Elias. Lichenographia Europaea Reformata. Praemittuntur LichenologiÆ Fundamenta. Compendium in Theoreticum et Practicum Lichenum Studium Conscripsit. 12mo, boards, 486 pp. Valuable and rare. Fries was the Father of systematic Lichenology and an authority today. LundÆ, 1831.$7.50 2122. LinnÆus, C. Philosophia Botanica, in Qua Explicantur Fundamenta Botanica. Editio Tertia Aucta ac Emendata cura C. L. Willdenow. Paper covers, uncut, 364 pp., 10 plates, frontispiece portrait of Linneus. Rare. Berolini, 1790.$6.00 2123. LinnÆus. Elements of Natural History. An Introduction to the Systema Naturae of Linneus. Comprising the Characters of the Whole Genera. Particularly Those that are Natives of Britain. 2 vols. Half calf, 408+491 pp., illus. by many copper plates. London, 1801-1802.$3.50 2124. Mammals. Flower, W. H. and Lydekker, R. Introduction to Study of Mammals Living and Extinct. Gilt figured cloth, uncut, 763 pp., illus., as new. The best Manual. London, 1891.$6.50 2125. Mammals. Nilsson. S. Skandinavisk Fauna. 656 pp., Printed paper cover, uncut, illus. Complete on the living and extinct Mammals of Scandinavia. Lund, 1847.$5.75 2126. Mammals. Schach, F. M. Der Naturfreund. Eine Vergleichende Volksnaturgeschichte fur Schule und Haus. Saugethiere. 4to, 142 pp., colored plates. Karlsruhe, 1845.$2.75 2127. Mammals. Zimmermann, Eberh. A. G. Specimen ZoologiÆ GeographicÆ, Quadrupedum Domicilia et Migrationes Sistens. Dedit, Tabulamque Mundi Zoographicam Adjunxit. 4to, half calf, 685 pp., large folio map. Lugduni Batavorum, 1777.$6.50 2128. Meek. F. B. Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America. Tertiary System, Miocene Epoch. Paper, unopened, 32 pp. Wash., 1864.$1.00 2129. Michaux, F. A. Reise in Das Innere Der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten, westwarts der Alleghany-Gebirge. Aus dem Franzosischen. Mit einigen Zufassen und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von L. F. Ehrmann. Boards, 250 pp., folding map, very rare edition. Weimar, 1805.$4.50 2130. Natural History. Naturgeschichte in Bildern, Mit Erlauterndem Text von Prof. Dr. Stiack. Herausgegeben und im Verlage der Lithographischen Anstalt. 4 vols. Oblong folio, half calf, fine hand-colored plates; vol. on Fish, containing 144 plates, twice the size of other vols. Dusseldorf, 1820.$13.75 2131. N. History. Banks, Sir Joseph. Assisted by Dr. Solander, etc. Letters on Iceland, containing Observations on Civil, Literary and Natural History, Customs of Inhabitants, etc., made During Voyage in 1772. Written by Uno Von Troil, D. D. With a new Map of the Island, etc. Calf, 400 pp., map and plate. London, 1780.$3.00 2132. Norwegische Naturgeschichte, von Ehrich Pontoppidan. Sq. 12mo, paper, uncut, large margins, 206 pp., rare. 1786.$3.00 2133. Optics, Globes and Dialing. Ferguson, James. Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics and Optics, with the Use of Globes, Art of Dialing, etc. 4to, calf, 252 pp., fully illus. by folding copper plates, etc. London, 1764.$2.00 2134. Ornitologia Italiana Opera Postuma Del Prof. Comm. Paolo Savi, Senatore del Regno. 3 vols. bound in 2, half mor., illus., 478+485+214 pp. Firenze, 1873-76.$10.00 2135. Parrots. Die Papageien Monographisch Bearbeitet, von Otto Finsch. 3 vols. Half mor., illus. by large map, folding plate of Osteology and 5 colored plates of Parrots. Pub. at $10.00. An authoritative work. 2 vols. in 3. Leiden, 1867-68.$7.50. 2136. Pennsylvania. Report of Committee of House of Representatives, Recommending an Appropriation by Legislature to Make Geological Survey of State, under Direction of Geological Soc. of Penna. Mr. B. Say Chairman. Paper, 10 pp., very rare. Harrisburg, 1833$2.00 2137. Pomologia, Dat is Beschryingen en Afbeeldingen Van de Bests Soorten van Appels en Peeren, welke in Neder en Hoog-Duitsland, Frankryk, Engelland en elders geagt zyn, en tot dien einde Gecultiveert worden. By J. H. Knoop. Folio, boards, uncut, loose, 87 pp., 8 fine colored plates. Leeuwarden, 1758.$12.00 2138. Rapacious Birds of Africa. Levaillant, Francois. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux D’Afrique. Vol. 1, complete on Hawks, Vultures and Owls. Folio, pr. boards, 194 pp., 49 colored plates, fine copy. Paris, 1799.$9.50 2139. Rare Plants. Caroli Clusi Atrebatis, Rariorum Plantarum Historia QuÆ Accesserint proxima Pagina Docebit. Folio, ancient stamped pigskin, finely illus., 360+348 pp., engraved title AntverpiÆ Plantini, 1601.$18.00 2140. Sport. Mackintosh, Alex. The Driffield Angler. In 2 parts. Containing Descriptions of Different Fresh Water Fish, Methods of Taking them in Rivers, Lakes and Fish Ponds, Manner of Making Artificial Flies, Instructions for Shooting, Treatise on Shooting Deer, etc. 12mo, half roan, 346 pp., frontis. Gainsborough (1806).$3.50 2141. Sport. Revoil, B. H. Chasses Dans L’Amerique de Nord. Deuxieme Edition. 12mo, boards, 326 pp. Paris, 1861.$2.50 2142. Sport. Townshend, J. K. Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains, including Journey to Columbia River, Visit to Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc. 2 vols. Orig. cloth, uncut, 310+312 pp., 2 frontispieces, rare. London, 1840.$7.50 2143. Sport. Train, Karl V. Des Gerechten und Vollkommenen Waidmanns neue Practica zu Holz, Feld und Wasser, oder die Elde Jagerei nach alien ihren Theilen. Ein Handbuch fur Jager und Jagdfreunde. In 2 Parts. Boards, uncut, 324+238 pp. Weimar, 1838.$4.00 2144. Switzerland. Wild Flowers of; or, A Year Amongst the Flowers of the Alps. Illus. with colored lithographs of hundreds of species. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1883.$3.75 2145. Taxidermie Oder die Lehre Thiere Aller Klassen, etc. von J. Fr. Naumann. Zweite Auflage. Mit Sechs Tafeln Abbildungen. Boards, 218 pp., 6 plates. Halle, 1848.$1.75 2146. Walton, Complete Angler. Extensively Embellished with Engravings on Copper and Wood. Major’s Third Edition, with the 77 Woodcuts and 15 Copper-plates. Portrait of Dr. T. Wharton here first added. 12mo, 416 pp., original boards, uncut, label. London, J. Major, 1835.$4.00 2147. Whales and Elephants. Reichenbach, H. G. L. Anatomia Mammalium. Cetacea et Pachydermata. Anatomie der Saugthiere. Erster Theil. Wallthiere und Dickhauter. Small folio, 23 pp., 56 plates. Complete in itself. LipsiÆ, 1845.$4.00 2148. Wotton’s Book of Animals. Edoardi VVottoni Oxoniensis de Differentiis Animalium Libri Decem. Dedicated to Edward VI., King of England. Folio, orig. tooled binding, 220 pp., wide margins, fine copy. A fine example of Paris 16th Century printing, 20 Index entries under Pisces. LutetiÆ Parisiorum, 1552. Lord Hill’s book-plate.$22.50 2149. Zoology. Kaup, J. J. Das Thierreich in Seinen Hauptformen Systematisch Beschrieben. 3 vols. in 5 parts, bound in 3. Half calf, 1228 pp. in all, numerous fine woodcuts throughout text. Darmstadt, 1835-37.$6.00 2150. Botany. Britton, N. L, and Brown, Hon, A. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean Westward to the 102d Meridian. Very fully illus. throughout the text. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, good as new. The best authority and in great demand, being out of print. N. York., 1896.$17.50 2151. Botany. Kerner’s Natural History of Plants, Their Forms Growth, Reproduction and Distribution. From the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun. Translated and Edited by F. W. Oliver. With the assistance of Marian Busk and Mary F. Ewart. About 2000 woodcuts and 16 colored plates. 2 vols. in 4 vols. Royal 8vo. A valuable work which soon went out of print and is now in much demand. N. York, 1895.$18.50 2152. British Grasses. Introduction to the Study of the GraminiÆ of Great Britain and Ireland. By Margaret Plues. First ed. 307 pp., uncut, 16 colored plates and numerous cuts in text. Autogr. copy of Mary E. Banning, the noted Mycologist. London, 1867.$2.75 2153. California Fruits, and How to Grow Them. Edward J. Wickson, of the Univ. of California, etc. Third and best Edition, greatly enlarged and fully illus. 477 pp. San Francisco, 1900.$2.00 2154. Fern Book for Everybody. By M. C. Cooke. British and Foreign Ferns Suitable for a Fernery. Colored plates, 124 pp., 12mo, boards, loose. London, n. d.$1.00 2155. Greenland Fauna. Egede, Hans. Description of Greenland. Showing the Natural History, Boundaries, Face of the Country, Soil, and Inhabitants; also Plants, Beasts, Fishes, etc. 220 pp., fine map and illus., calf, front cover loose, otherwise fine copy of the best English edition. London, 1745.$4.50 2156. Gardener’s Dictionary, The. Relating to Cultivating and Improving all sorts of Trees, Plants, and Flowers for Kitchen, Fruit and Pleasure Gardens, etc. Abridged from the last folio edition, by the Author, Philip Miller, F. R. S. Fourth ed., corrected and enlarged. 3 vols. Old calf, frontis. London, 1754.$3.00 2157. Herbarium. A Square 4to Case Enclosing 28 Sheets of Alpine Flowers with the Names Identified (in Latin) and the exact Localities given below each specimen. In good condition. Switzerland, circa. 1820.$2.50 2158. Natural History. The Standard Library of. Embracing Living Animate of the World and Living Races of Mankind. Editors and special contributors: C. J. Cornish, F. C. Selous, E. Ingersoll, Sir H. Johnston, Sir H. Maxwell, R. Lydekker, and many other eminent naturalists. Profusely illus. in colored and plain half-tone reproductions generally from original photographs of the living animals. 5 vols. 4to, half mor., A good second-hand set; invaluable to the taxidermist, showing as it does the natural posturing, etc. N. York, 1907.$14.00 2159. Trees and Shrubs. J. C. Loudon’s Encyclopedia of. The Abridged Manual Edition for the Use of Nurserymen, Gardeners and Foresters. Illustrations of Nearly all the Species. 1162 pp., half Roxburghe, somewhat broken. London, 1869.$3.50 2160. Trees and Shrubs. Popular, Deciduous and Evergreen, for Parks, Gardens, etc. By F. R. Elliott. 12mo, 125 pp., illus. New York, 1870.$1.75 2161. Wilson and Bonaparte’s American Ornithology; or, The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Plates engraved and colored from original drawings from Nature. By Alex. Wilson and C. L. Bonaparte. With Kindly call the attention of your Nature-Loving friends to this Catalog (probably the largest of its kind ever issued in America), or ask them to send for one. Our Catalog of Americana may also be of interest. FRANKLIN BOOKSHOP |