Every reference is to the page: words in italics are names of genera or species; figures in italics indicate that the reference relates to systematic position; figures in thick type refer to an illustration; f. = and in following page or pages; n. = note.
htm.html#Page_55" class="pginternal">55 Antibrachium, see fore-arm Antilocapra, 46; horns, 417 Antilocapridae, 46 Antitrochanter, duck, 325 Antlers, 8, 358; Cervidae, 469 Antorbital process, 18 Anura, 36; general characters, 136; hyoid apparatus, 180; pelvis, 187; posterior limb, 188; skull, 179; sternum, 182; vertebrae, 172 Apatornis, 40; vertebrae, 332 Apteria, 328 Apteryges, 40 Apteryx, 40, 299; aftershaft, 329; anterior nares, 333; claws, 330; foot, 342; manus, 338; pectineal process, 341; pectoral girdle, 338; pneumaticity of skeleton, 331; A. oweni, pelvic girdle and sacrum, 340 Aqueductus vestibuli, dogfish, 74 Arcade: infratemporal—, crocodile, 255; Sphenodon, 283; inner —, duck, 318; outer —, duck, 318; supratemporal —, crocodile, 257; reptiles, 281 Archaeoceti, 44; general characters, 356; skull, 461; teeth, 426 Archaeopteryx, 40, 297; claws, 330; fibula, 341; mandible, 335; metatarsals, 342; pelvis, 341; ribs, 336; sacrum, 333; skull, 333; tail, 333; teeth, 330; wing, 338 Archaeornithes, 40; characters, 297 Archegosaurus, 35, 161; turtle, 231 Basi-occipital, 19; crocodile, 246; cod, 97; dog, 386; duck, 315; salmon, 89; turtle, 224 Basipterygium, cod, 103; dogfish, 82 Basisphenoid, 19; crocodile, 247; dog, 386; salmon, 91; turtle, 225 Bastard wing, duck, 304 Bathyerginae, palate, 366 Bathyergus, 47; auditory ossicles, 488; manus, 511 Batoidei, 32, 64 Batrachoseps, 35; teeth, 169 Bats, claws, 418; Horseshoe bats, 49; see Chiroptera Bdellostoma, 31, 55; teeth, 57 Beak, 3; birds, 329; duck, 302; Siren, 168; tadpoles of Anura, 168; turtle, 215 Bears, 48, 369; manus, 511; pes, 526; sacral vertebrae, 452; skull, 479; Isabelline — mandible, 438 Beaver, 47; fibula, 520; humerus, 502; pes, 526; sacrum, 452; tail, 454 Belodon, 39, 211; frontals, 277; palate, 281; vertebrae, 275 Bichir, 33; see Polypterus Bicipital groove, dog, 405 Bilophodont, defined, 345; teeth of Tapiridae, 429 Bipes, 38; limbs, 289 Birds, anterior limb, 39; characters, 209; premaxillae, 284 Ceratopsidae, 39 Ceratosaurus, 38, 208; supratemporal fossae, 283; C. nasicornis, skeleton, 206 Cercopithecidae, 49, 373 Cervical ribs, crocodile, 260; reptiles, 285 Cervical vertebrae, crocodile, 239; dog, 380; duck, 307; general characters, 15; mammals, 442; turtle, 219 Cervidae, 46; skull, 469 Cervulus, 46; pes, 523 Cervus, 46; C. megaceros, antlers, 469 Cestracion, 32; calcification of vertebrae, 114; external branchial arches, 121; pectoral fin, 130; skull, 118; suspensorium, 119; teeth, 109; vertebral column, 114 Cestraciontidae 32 Cetacea 44, 522; arm bones, 501; auditory ossicles, 487; caudal vertebrae, 453; cervical vertebrae, 444; characters, 353; exoskeleton, 416 f.; hind limb, 518; manus, 505; pectoral girdle, 495; pelvis, 514; position of limbs, 28; ribs, 491; skull, 461 f.; sternum, 489; teeth, 426; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 448 Cetiosauridae, 38 Chalcides, 38; limbs, 289 Chalicotheriidae, 46; femur, 519; manus, 509 Chalicotherium, 46; femur, 360; pes, 508, 83 f. Coelogenys, 48; zygomatic arch, 477 Coenolestes, 43, 424 Coffer-fish, 33; see, Ostracion Colobus, 49; pollex, 512 Colubridae, 38 Columbae, 42 Columbidae, 42 Columella, crocodile, 251; duck, 320; frog, 157; turtle, 228 Columella cranii, 200 n; see epipterygoid Colymbi, 40 Colymbiformes, 40 Compsognathidae, 38 Compsognathus, 38, 208 Condylar ridge, duck, 326 Condyle of humerus, dog, 406; of mandible, dog, 398 Condylarthra, 47; femur, 519; general characters, 361; manus, 509; skull, 472; teeth, 432 Contour feather, duck, 303 Copula, 23 Coracias, 42; see Roller Coraciae, 42 Coraciiformes, 42 Coracoid, 25; cod, 103; crocodile, 263; duck, 322; frog, 163; Monotremata, 493; newt, 147; reptiles, 288; turtle, 232 Coracoid groove, duck, 321 Cormorant, 41; foot, 342; skull, 335 Cornu, see hyoid Cornua trabeculae, 18 Coryphodon, 47; femur, 519; manus, 510; pes, 525; skull, 473; teeth, 433; C. hamatus, manus, 510 Coryphodontidae, 47 Costal plate, turtle, 215; — process, duck, 321; — shield, turtle, 214 Coty
ost@g@html@files@43431@43431-h@43431-h-4.htm.html#Page_111" class="pginternal">111 Dipodidae, 47 Diprotodont, 423 Diprotodontia, 43; characters, 350 Dipteridae, 34, 70; cranium, 124; tail, 117; teeth, 111 Dipus, 47; cervical vertebrae, 446; pes, 526 Discoglossidae, 36 Discoglossus, 36; ribs, 182; vertebrae, 172 Distal, defined, 23 n. Divers, 40; thoracic vertebrae, 332 Docidophryne, 36; shoulder girdle and sternum, 183 Dodo, 42; wing, 338 Dog, 48; arm bones, 407; anterior limb, 405; atlas and axis, 379; cranium, 384, 389, 396; dentition, 375; innominate bone, 410; leg bones, 411; manus, 408, 413, 511; pectoral girdle, 404; pelvic girdle, 409; pes, 413, 414; posterior limb, 412; ribs, 402; second lumbar vertebra, 382; second thoracic vertebra, 382; skull, 383, 387; sternum, 403, 404; vertebral column, 378 Dogfish, 64; cranium, 73; exoskeleton, 71; median fins, 79; pectoral girdle and fin, 79; pelvic girdle, 81; pelvic fin, 81; ribs, 73; skull, 73, 75; vertebral column, 72
iles@43431@43431-h@43431-h-9.htm.html#Page_250" class="pginternal">250; Labyrinthodontia, 177; reptiles, 278; salmon, 89; turtle, 227 Epiphysis, 11 Epiplastron, turtle, 217 Epiprecoracoid, Amphibia, 184; turtle, 232 Epipterygoid, Lacertilia, 200; reptiles, 278 Epipubis, crocodile, 267; newt, 149; turtle, 235 Episternum, 217; frog, 163 Equidae, 46; mane, 416; scapula, 496; skull, 471 Equus, 46; see Horse Erinaceidae, 49 Erinaceus, 49; dental formula, 440; pelvic symphysis, 515; presternum, 490; see Hedgehog Esocidae, 33 Esox, 33; attachment of teeth, 107 Ethmoid, 394; see median ethmoid Ethmoidal plane, 390; — region, 21 Ethmo-palatine ligament, dogfish, 77 Ethmo-turbinal, dog, 395 Euchirosaurus, 35; vertebrae, 171 Eustachian canal, see Canal Eusuchia, 39; general characters, 212 Eutheria, 43; general characters, 351 Exocaetus, 33; pectoral fins, 131 Exoccipital, 19; cod, 97; crocodile, 246; dog, 386; duck, 314; frog, 154; newt, 141; salmon, 89; turtle, 224 Exoskeleton, 2; Amphibia, 168; birds, 328; crocodile, 237; dog, 374; dogfish, 71; duck, 302; fish, 104; ganoids,
1-h@43431-h-2.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46; skull, 468 Geckonidae, 37; see Gecko Gecko, 37; epipubis, 293; parietals, 277; supratemporal fossa, 283; vertebrae, 275 Gibbon, 49; ribs, 493; skull, 482 Gill-rays, dogfish, 78; salmon, 95 Giraffa, 46 Giraffe, 46, 359; cervical vertebrae, 445; manus, 507; pes, 523; ulna, 501 Giraffidae, 46; skull, 469 Girdle bone, frog, 156 Glenoid cavity, 25; crocodile, 263; dog, 405; duck, 322; frog, 162; newt, 146; turtle, 232; —fossa, dog, 394 Globe-fish, 33 Globicephalus, 45; cervical vertebrae, 354; manus, 506; skull, 463 Gluteal surface of ilium, dog, 410 Glyptodon, 44; carapace, 419; cervical vertebrae, 443; caudal vertebrae, 453; manus, 505; pelvis, 513; pes, 522; teeth, 425; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 447 Glyptodontidae, 44, 352; skull, 459; see also Glyptodon Gnathostomata, 31, 59 Golden mole, 49; see Chrysochloris Goniopholidae, 39 Goniopholis, 39; vertebrae, 275 Goose, 334; beak, 329; Spur-winged—41 Gorilla, 49; carpus, 512; ribs, 493; scapula
31@43431-h@43431-h-1.htm.html#Page_42" class="pginternal">42, 331; bony crest, 334; interorbital septum, 333 Horns, 3, 417 Horny plates on palate, 418; — teeth, Lampreys, 4; Myxinoids, 57; Ornithorhynchus, 4 Horse, 46, 360; fibula, 519; malleus, 487; manus, 507; pes, 524; skull, 471; teeth, 345, 430; ulna, 501 Howling monkey, 49; see Mycetes Humerals, duck, 303 f. Humeral shield, turtle, 215 Humerus, 26; crocodile, 263; dog, 405; duck, 323; frog, 164; newt, 147; turtle, 232; wombat, 500 Humming-birds, 42, 335 Humpbacked whale, 44, 357 Hyaena, 48, 369; hallux, 526; pollex, 511; sacral vertebrae, 452; teeth, 437 Hyaenidae, 48; humerus, 502 Hyaenodon, 48, 368 Hyaenodontidae, 48 Hyaline cartilage, 10 Hydrochaerus, 48; teeth, 437; see Capybara Hydromys, 47; dental formula, 436 Hydrophidae, 38; scales, 270 Hydropotes, 46; canines, 429 Hyla, 36; fronto-parietal fontanelle, 179; sternum, 184 Hylidae, 36 Hylobates, 49; ribs, 493; skull, dog, 393 Lepidosiren, 34, 70; branchial arches, 125; fins, 130 Lepidosteidae, 33 Lepidosteus, 33; attachment of teeth, 108; distribution, 66; pectoral fins, 131; scales, 67, 104; skull, 123; tail, 117; vertebrae, 68 Lepidotus, 33; teeth, 110 Leporidae, 48 Lepospondyli, 35 Lepus, 48; see Hare Leptoptilus, 41; see Adjutant Lialis, 37, 289 Limbs, general account, 26; modifications in position of, 28; reptiles, 289 Llama, 45, 359; cervical vertebrae, 445; skeleton, 496; teeth, 428 Limicolae, 42 Lingual apparatus, lampreys, 58; myxinoids, 57 Lion, 48 Loemanctus longipes, shoulder girdle and sternum, 287 Loggerhead turtle, carapace, 216 Lophiodon, 46; teeth, 345, 429 Lophiodontidae, 46 Lophiomyidae, 47 Lophiomys, 47; pes, 526; skull, 476 Lophius, attachment of teeth, 107 Lower jaw, see Mandible Lumbar vertebrae, 16; crocodile, 242; dog, 378 f.; duck, 311 Lunar, 27; dog, 408 Macacus, 49; cervical vertebrae, 446 Machaerodus, 48; upper canines, 437 Macrauchenia, 46, 358; calcaneum, 360; cervical vertebrae, 445
tem">carpus, 186; skull, 175 Megalosauridae, 38 Megalosaurus, 38, 208 Megapodius, spur, 330 Megaptera, 44, 357 Megatheriidae, 44, 352; humerus, 501; leg bones, 517; pelvis, 513; sacrum, 452; teeth, 424; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 447 Megatherium, 44; femur, 517; manus, 505; pectoral girdle, 495; pes, 522; skull, 458 Megistanes, 40, 299 Membranous cranium, 17 Menobranchidae, 35 Menobranchus, 35, 135; carpus, 185; pes, 188; skull, 174; teeth, 169 Menopoma, 35; see Cryptobranchus Mento-meckelian, 22; frog, 161; reptiles, 284 Merganser, 41; beak, 329 Mergus, 41 Merrythought, duck, 322 Mesethmoid, 20; dog, 390; duck, 317 Mesoplodon, 44; teeth, 427 Mesopterygium, 79 Mesosauridae, 37 Mesosaurus, 37 Mesosternum, dog, 404 Metacarpal quill, duck, 303 Metacarpo-digital, duck, 303 Metacarpus, 26; see Manus Metacromion, hares and rabbits, 497 Meta-pterygium, 79 Metatarsus, 26; see Pes Metatheria, 43; general characters, 349 Metriorhynchus, 39, 278 Microchiroptera, 49; general characters, 49; carpus, 512; ribs, 25; Amphibia, 187; birds, 339; crocodile, 266; dog, 409; dogfish, 81; duck, 324; fish, 127; frog, 165; mammals, 512; newt, 149; Ratitae, 340; Reptilia, 291; turtle, 235 Penguin, 40; distribution of feathers, 328; fibula, 341; foot, 342; manus, 338; metatarsus, 342; pneumaticity of skeleton, 331; skull, 333; sternum, 336; thoracic vertebrae, 332; wing, 329, 339 Penna, duck, 303 Pentedactylate, defined, 26 Perameles, 43; atlas, 443; pectoral girdle, 494 Peramelidae, 43, 350; auditory ossicles, 486; pes, 522 Perca, 34 Perch, 34; pelvic fin, 132; urostyle, 117 Percidae, 34 Perennibranchiata, 35; characters, 135 Perichondrium, 10 Perichordal sheath, 16 Periosteal ossification, 10 Periosteum, 10 Periotic, dog, 390; — capsule, see Auditory capsule Perissodactyla, 46; cervical vertebrae, 445; general characters, 359; manus, 507; pes, 523; ribs, 491; scapula, 496; skull, 470; teeth, 429; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 448 Persistent pulps, 5 Pes, 26; crocodile, 268;
s="subitem">ribs, 493; sacrum, 452; shoulder girdle, 499; skull, 482 f.; sternum, 490; tail, 454; teeth, 441; thigh and shin, 520; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 450 Priodon, 44; caudal vertebrae, 453; manus, 505; stapes, 487; sternum, 489; teeth, 424 Pristidae, 32 Pristis, 32; snout or rostrum, 109, 119 Proboscidea, 47; arm bones, 502; cervical vertebrae, 445; general characters, 364; femur, 519; manus, 511; pelvis, 514; pes, 526; scapula, 497; skull, 473; teeth, 433; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 449 Procavia, 47, 363; auditory ossicles, 487; caudal vertebrae, 453; dental formula, 432; humerus, 502; manus, 510; pelvis, 514; pes, 525; ribs, 491; scapula, 497; skull, 433, 472; tarsus, 27; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 449 Process, alinasal —, frog, 158; basi-pterygoid —, birds, 334; coracoid —, dog, 405; coronoid — (of mandible), dog, 398; duck, 319; coronoid — (of ulna), dog, 408; pectineal —, duck, 326; postfrontal —, duck, 316; postglenoid —, dog, 394; postorbital — (of frontal), dog, 388; postorbital — (of jugal), dog, 398; posterior articular —, duck, 303, 329 Reed-fish, 33 Reindeer, antlers, 469 Remicle, duck, 304 Remiges, 303, 329 Reptiles, anterior limb, 290; exoskeleton, 270; fossae in skull, 281; pectoral girdle, 288; pelvic girdle, 291; posterior limb, 293; ribs, 285; skull, 276; sternum, 287; teeth, 272; vertebral column, 275 Reptilia, 36; general characters, 190; see Reptiles Rhabdopleura, 30, 50 Rhamphastos, 42; see Toucan Rhamphorhynchidae, 39 Rhamphorhynchus, 39, 213, 274 Rhea, 40; aftershaft, 329; claws, 330; ischia, 341; manus, 338; R. macrorhyncha, pelvic girdle and sacrum, 340 Rheornithes, 40 Rhina, 32; see Squatina Rhinal process, frog, 158 Rhinoceros, 46, 360, 419; femur, 518; fibula, 519; malleus, 487; manus, 508; nasal horns, 3, 417; pes, 525; skull, 421, 470; teeth, 430; ulna, 501; R. antiquitatis, 470 Rhinocerotidae, 46 Rhinolophidae, 49 Rhiptoglossa, 38 Rhizodontidae, 33 Rhizodus, 33; teeth, 110 Rhynchocephalia, 37; general characters, 197; humerus, 290; teeth, 16 f.; Amphibia, 173 f.; Anura, 179 f.; birds, 333 f.; cod, 96 f.; crocodile, 243 f.; diagram of Mammalian, 385; Dipnoi, 124; dog, 383 f.; dogfish, 73 f.; donkey, 431; duck, 312 f.; fish, 117; frog, 154 f., 159; Globicephalus, 463; Gymnophiona, 177; Indian elephant, 474; Mammalia, 455; Marsipobranchii, 57; pig, 466; Procavia, 433; reptiles, 276 f.; Rhinoceros, 421; Rhytina, 460; sloth, 458; Tasmanian wolf, 456; Teleostei, 124; turtle, 222 f.; wombat, 456 Sloth, 43, 352; auditory ossicles, 487; arm bones, 500; claws, 418; leg bones, 517; manus, 505; pectoral girdle, 495; pelvis, 513; pes, 522; ribs, 491; sacrum, 452; skull, 457; sternum, 489; teeth, 424; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 447 Snake, 38; see Ophidia Sole, 33 Solea, 33 Solenodon, 49; teeth, 440 Solenodontidae, 49 Solitaire, 42, 330; wing, 338; wrist, 330 Sorex, 49; pelvis, 515; see Shrew Soricidae, 49; skull, 281 Surinam toad, 36; see Pipa Sus, 45; dental formula, 428; see Pig Suspensorium, Amphibia, 173; dogfish, 78; duck, 319; frog, 160; newt, 144; Pisces, 61 Sutures, 12 Swan, 41; cervical and thoracic vertebrae, 332 Swift, 42, 335; foot, 342 Symplectic, cod, 100; salmon, 94 Tails, fish, 60 Talpa, 49; pelvis, 515; see Mole Talpidae, 49 Tapir, 46, 360; malleus, 487; pes, 524, 525; teeth, 345; see Tapirus Tapiridae, 46; dental formula, 429 Tapirus, 46; fibula, 519; manus, 508; skull, 471; see Tapir Tarsier, 49 Tarsiidae, 49 Tarsipes, 43, 349; mandible, 457 Tarsius, 49, 372; pes, 527 Tarso-metatarsus, duck, 327 Tarsus, 26 f.; crocodile, 268; dog, 414; frog, 166; newt, 150; turtle, 236 Tasmanian devil, 43; see Sarcophilus; — wolf, 43; see Thylacinus Tatusia, 44; stapes, 487; teeth, 424 Tectospondyli, 114 Tectrices, duck, 306 Teeth, 6; Amphibia, 169; birds, 330; cod, 83; crocodile, 452; skull, 464 f.; sternum, 489; teeth, 427 f.; thoraco-lumbar vertebrae, 448 Ungulata vera, 45; arm bones, 501; general characters, 358; manus, 506; pelvis, 514; thigh and shin, 519 Upper arm, 26; crocodile, 263; dog, 405; duck, 323; frog, 164; newt, 147; turtle, 232 Upupa, 42; see Hoopoe Urochordata, 30, 51 Urodela, 35; general characters, 134; pelvis, 187; ribs, 182; skull, 174 Urohyal, cod, 101; duck, 320 Urostyle, Anura, 172; cod, 85; frog, 153; Teleostei, 117 Ursidae, 48; humerus, 502 Ursus, 48; dental formula, 439; see Bears Vacuities, anterior palatine —, crocodile, 252, 258; — in reptilian skull, 281; posterior palatine —, crocodile, 254, 257; pre-orbital —, reptiles, 283 f. Vampire, 49; teeth, 441 Vane, of feather, 303 Varanidae, 38 Varanus, 38; shoulder girdle, 202; skull, 201 Vasodentine, 108, 272 Vertebral column, 14; Amphibia, 170; birds, 332; cod, 83; crocodile, 239; dog, 378; duck, 307; Elasmobranchs, 113; frog, 152; mammals, Cambridge: Printed by J. and C.F. Clay, at the University Press.