THE WATERS OF MORMON—ALMA, HELAM AND OTHERS BAPTIZED THEREIN—THE CHURCH ORGANIZED—THE KING WARNED—HE SENDS TROOPS—ALMA AND HIS PEOPLE FLEE TO THE LAND OF HELAM—THEY BUILD A CITY. (MOSIAH CHAP. 18 AND 23.) THE FIRST to go down into the waters of Mormon for baptism were Alma and a fellow-believer named Helam. When they entered the water Alma lifted his voice in prayer, and besought the Lord for his Holy Spirit. This blessing having been bestowed, he proceeded with the sacred ordinance. Addressing his companion, he said, Helam, I baptize thee, having authority from the Almighty God, as a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead as to the mortal body; and may the Spirit of the Lord be poured out upon you; and may he grant unto you eternal life, through the redemption of Christ, whom he has prepared from the foundation of the world. Having said these words, both Alma and Helam were buried in the water, from which they came forth rejoicing, being filled with the Holy Spirit. Others, to the number of two hundred and four souls, followed Helam into the waters of baptism, but in none of these cases did Alma again bury himself beneath the wave, but only the repentant believer. From this time we may date the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ in that land, and henceforth its members assembled for worship and testimony once a week. Notwithstanding the care and secrecy with which the members of the church acted, Noah soon discovered that there Being strengthened by the Lord, notwithstanding that they were impeded by their flocks and families, the pilgrims traveled with sufficient rapidity to escape the pursuing forces of king Noah, who were reluctantly compelled to return to the land of Nephi without having accomplished the object of the expedition. At the end of eight days Alma's company ceased their flight, and settled in a very beautiful and pleasant land where there was an abundant supply of pure water. We have no direct information with regard to the course taken by this colony, but it is evident from the details of their later history that the new settlement lay somewhere between the lands of Nephi and Zarahemla, though possibly somewhat aside from the most direct route. We think it far from improbable that it was situated at the head waters of some one of the numerous tributaries to the Amazon that take their rise on the eastern slope of the Andes. The colonists, whose industry is especially referred to by the inspired historian, immediately set to work to till the soil and build a city. The city, with the surrounding territory, they named the city and land of Helam. Now that they were established as a separate people, independent of both Lamanite and Nephite princes, they desired a form of government and requested Alma to be their king. This honor he declined. He rehearsed to them the history of their fathers; he pictured to them the infamies of king Noah's THE LAND OF HELAM. We must leave Alma and his people for a time and return to king Noah. |