Abbot and the Learned Woman, The, 12
Abel, The Death of, 232
Abels, Der Tod, 232
Academia: or the Humours of Oxford, 145
Actresses, 81-84, 433
Adams, Eleanor N., 176
Addison, Joseph, 174, 437, 444
Adventures of Rivella, 209
Advice to a Daughter, 324, 326
Æsop, 387-88
Agnes de Castro, 105
Aitkin, George, 232
Alexander, William, 423
Algarotti, 256
"A. M.," Mrs., 92
Amory, Thomas, 167, 367-71, 422, 450
Amours of Bosvil and Galesia, 162, 163, 164, 165
Ane Godlie Dreame, 21
Anecdotes of Painting, 84
Anglia, 74
Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 176-79
Anne, Countess of Dorset, Pembroke, and Montgomery, 32-33
Apology, Mrs. James's, 103
Apology for the Church of England, An, 103
"Arabella," 411-12
Arbuthnot, John, 393
"Ardelia," 139, 152, 444.
See Winchilsea, Lady
Armenian Nunnery, The, 41
Art of Cookery, The, 92
Arte of English Poesie, The, 18
Arundel, Daughters of the Earl of, 13
Arundel, Mary, Countess of, 14
Ascham, Roger, 14, 426
Ashton, John, 259, 260, 263
Askew, Ann, 113, 326
"Aspasia," 121
Astell, Mary, 35, 100, 101, 111, 200, 246, 291, 297-305, 311, 313, 341, 347, 350, 370, 442, 443, 444, 450, 454, 455
"AstrÆa," 106, 130, 160, 209
See Behn, Mrs.
AthenÆ Oxoniensis, 140, 190
Aubrey, John, 20, 21, 22, 54, 421
Bacon, Lady, 13, 23
Bailey's Dictionary, 217
Ballard, George, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 31, 35, 67, 77, 119, 140, 178, 179, 181, 185, 224, 252, 353, 354-65, 366, 421, 422, 452, 453
Barber, Mrs. Mary, 218-22, 224, 251
Barker, Miss Jane, 161-65, 262, 434, 437, 439
Barker, Mrs. Jane. Ein Beitrag zur Englischen Literaturgeschichte, 161
Barksdale, Clement, 273
Barnard, Mr., 123
Barnes (or Berners), Juliana, 4
Barre, Poulain de la, 286-90
Basset Table, The, 389-91
Bath, A Description of, 251
Baynard, Anne, 144-45, 451
Beale, Mary, 84-85, 88, 433
Bedford, Lady, 28, 29, 433
Behn, Mrs. Aphra, 129-31, 134, 136, 326, 366, 378-79, 424, 431, 436, 437, 453
Beighton, Mr., 327
Bell, Mrs. Susanna, 95
Bellamy, Daniel, 264-67
Betterton, Mrs., 82, 83
Bevis of Hamtoun, Sir, 3
Bibliographica, 42
Bickerstaff, 398-99
"Biddy Tipkin," 403-09, 418-19, 446
Biographia Britannica, 84, 423
Biographia Dramatica, 136, 188
Biographium Femineum, 32, 145, 368, 422
Birch, Thomas, 110, 421
Birch, Una, 271
Blackwell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 185-87, 425, 431, 435, 452
Blagge, Mrs. Margaret, 428, 440, 444
See Mrs. Godolphin
Blake, William, 268
Bland, Mrs., 160-61, 365
Blount, Martha, 350
Boarding-schools for Girls, 258-68
Bohemia, Princess of, 26
Bold Stroke for a Wife, A, 134
Book for Boys and Girls, 89, 435
Boulting, William, 4
Bourne, Henry, 102
Bovey, Mrs. Catherine, 118, 119-20, 124, 435
Bowyer, Anecdotes of, 103, 104, 180, 187, 193, 243
Bracegirdle, Anne, 82, 83
Bradshaigh, Lady, 338-41
Brathwait, Richard, 24
Breton, Nicholas, 22
Brief Lives, 20, 21, 54, 421
Brightland, John, 177
British Muse, The, 190
British Quarterly Review, 114
Broadstreet, Anne, 326
Brooke, Lady Elizabeth, 93, 443, 444
Brooke, Henry, 223
Brooke, Mrs., 352
Brookiana, 223
Bruce, James, 187
Brumoy's Greek Theatre, 135, 242
Brydges, Sir Egerton, 53
Buckingham, Duchess of, 126
Buncle, The Life of John, 167, 234, 367, 368, 453
Bunyan, John, 89, 435
Burleigh, Lady, 12
Burnet, Mrs. Elizabeth, 98
Burnet, George, 107, 108
Burnet, Gilbert, 144, 145, 196, 197, 350-51, 450, 452, 454
Burnet, Thomas, 303
Bury, Mrs., 99-100, 365
Bury-Fair, 380-82, 402
Busy Body, The, 134, 135-36
"Calista," 386 (Mrs. Cockburn)
Campbell, Thomas, 423
Cannon, Mary Agnes, 9
Carew, Lady Elizabeth, 326
Carey, Lady Elizabeth (Spencer), 29
Carey, Lady Elizabeth (Tanfield), 33, 34
Carey, Lady Letice, 34
Carlisle, Anne, 84
Caroline, Queen, 184
Carter, Elizabeth, 77, 243, 245, 255-57, 352, 440, 445, 451, 452
Carter, Thomas, 35, 41
Castara, 24
Castiglione, Baldasar, 18, 426
"Catchat," 383
Catherine, Queen, 6, 7, 426
Cato, 199, 437
Cellier, Mrs. Elizabeth, 90-91, 434
Centlivre, Mrs. Susanna, 132, 133-37, 389-91, 436, 450
Centlivre, Mrs., German Studies of her Plays, 137
Century of Distichs, 13
Chalmers, Alexander, 12, 422, 423
Chambers, Mary C. E., 38
Chandler, Mary, 251
Chapone, Mrs., 182-85
Characters, 23
Charity Schools, 268-71
Charles I, 84, 427
Chidley, Katherine, 36-37
Child and His Book, The, 89
Children's Books, 89, 233
Choice Manuall, A, 31
Christmas Box, A, 233, 435
Christopherson, Dr., 11
Chudleigh, Lady, 147-50
Cibber, Colley, 135, 291
Education of Girls, Higher, 271-315
L'EgalitÉ des Hommes et des Femmes, 27
Eleonora's Adventures, 204
Eliza's Babes, 127
Elizabeth, Queen, 19, 23, 27, 53, 426, 427
Elogium Heroinum, 26, 274
Elstob, Elizabeth, 169-85, 246, 304, 305, 353, 363, 425, 439, 445, 451, 452
Elstob, William, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179, 181, 451
Eminent Englishwomen, Memoirs of, 424
Eminent Persons, Letters of, 171, 357, 361
Enchiridion, 197
English Gentleman, The, 24
English Historical Review, 1
English Poets, 423
Entertaining Novels, 161, 162
"Ephelia," 138, 139.
See Philips, Joan
Epicoene, 374
Epictetus, 197, 256, 452
Erasmus, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 275, 426
Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, 305-11
Essay on Nature and Obligations of Virtue, 109
Essay on Projects, 303, 311-13
Essay on Samplers, 260
Essay to Revive Antient Education of Gentlewomen, 280-86
Etherege, George, 130, 376, 444
Evelyn, John, 19, 44, 52, 77, 80, 87, 141, 278, 303, 421, 440, 450, 451
Evelyn, Mary, 87, 141-43
Evelyn, Mrs., 51, 141-43, 440
Evesham, History of, 181
Experiences of God's Gracious Dealing, 95
External Nature in English Poetry between Pope and Wordsworth, 369
Fage, Mary, 36
Fair Counsellor, The, 149
False Delicacy, 137
Fame's Roule, 36
Familiar Letters between Characters of David Simple, 236
Familiar Letters and Poems, 249
Fanshawe, Lady, 45, 74-76, 80, 428, 432, 439
"Fantast, Lady," 380-82
"Fantast, Mrs.," 380-82
Farquhar, George, 106, 389
Fatal Friendship, 105, 106, 437
Felicia to Charlotte, 234
Fell, Mrs. Margaret, 111-12, 113
Fells of Swarthmore Hall, The, 111
Female Biography, 368, 423
Female Poems, 138
Female Poets, 127
Female Spectator, The, 216
Female Vertuosos, The, 382-84, 402
Female Wits, 132
Feminead, 352-54, 453
Feminine Influence on Poets, 29
Femmes poÈtes, Les, au XVI^e siÈcle, 28
Femmes Savantes, Les, 376, 377, 378, 380, 395
FÉnelon, FranÇois de Salignac, 266, 291
Fenn, Mr., 108
Ferrar, Miss, 352
Ferrar, Nicholas, 40, 41
FeugÈre, Leon, 28
Field, Mrs., 89
Fielding, Henry, 201, 235, 236, 342-43, 452
Fielding, Sarah, 89, 233, 235-37, 245, 437, 447
Fielding, Miss Sarah, als Romanschriftstellerin, 239
Fiennes, Celia, 165-69, 432, 441
Finch, Anne, 112-14. See Conway, Lady
Floris and Blanchefleur, 3
Fordyce, Dr. James, 429
Fortnightly Review, 1
Fortunate Parish Girl, The, 204
Fountain of Gardens, A, 114
Four hundred new sorts of Birds, 260
Fox, George, 112
Foxcroft, H. C., 351
French Romances, 195, 400-04, 410, 412, 413
"Froth, Lady," 384-86
"Galesia," 163. See Barker, Jane
Galindo, Beatrix, 6
Gay, John, 174, 199, 393
General Biographical Dictionary, 12, 422, 423
Generous Husband, The, 391-93
Genest, John, 77, 83, 132, 188, 241
Gentleman Instructed, Supplement to The, 333-36
Gentleman's Magazine, The, 123, 187, 189, 240, 241, 246
George Barnwell, 205
Gerbier, Balthaser, 44
Gerbier, Charles, 26-27, 274, 452
German Literature in England before 1790, 232
Gesner, Solomon, Influence of, upon English Literature, 232
Gethin, Lady Grace, 102-03
Gibbon, Hester, 269
Gibson, Susan Penelope, 87
Giffard, Lady Martha, 59, 61, 64, 155-56
Gildon, Charles, 82-83, 323-24, 388-89, 421
Gildon's Letters, 323-24
Glasse, Mrs. Hannah, 92, 434
Godfrey, Elizabeth, 34, 40, 68, 89
Godolphin, Mrs. Margaret, 76-81
Goody Two Shoes, 89
Gorges House, 258
Gosse, Edmund, 57, 213
Gossip in a Library, 213
Gournay, Marie de Jars de, 27, 290, 323
Grandison, Sir Charles, 354
Gray, Thomas, 167
Greatrakes, Valentine, 113
Grey, Elizabeth, Countess of Kent, 31
Grey, Lady Jane, 14-16, 20, 27, 326
Grierson, Mrs. Constantia, 218, 221, 222-25, 226
GrinÆus, Symon, 9
Guardian, The, 329-30
Guy of Warwick, 2
Habington, William, 24
Hale, Mrs., 424
Halifax, Marquess of, 319-22, 324
Halkett, Lady Anne, 93-95, 443, 444
Hand-work, 254, 260-64
Haney, J. L., 232
"Harcourt, Miss Harriot Eusebia," 368-71
Harley, Lady Brilliana, 31
Hastings, Lady Elizabeth, 120-24, 174, 182, 304
Hays, Mary, 368, 423
Hayward, Thomas, 190, 421
Haywood, Mrs. Eliza, 134, 212-18, 230, 424, 431, 437, 453
Hearne's Collections, 177, 180, 181
Henrietta, 241
Henry VIII, 4, 5, 6, 426
Henry, Aurelia, 374
Hepburn, Anne, 109
Herbal, A Curious, 185-87
Heron, Cecilia, 11
Herrod, St., 1
Hertford, Countess of, 352
Hickes, Dr. George, 67, 120, 126, 170, 172, 174, 177, 266, 270, 290-96, 297, 303, 448, 452
Highmore, Miss, 353
Hilda, St., 1
Hildegard, St., 1
Hill, Georgiana, 26, 45, 52, 111
History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy, 216
History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless, 213, 216
Hogarth, William, 269
Holdsworth, Dr. Winch, 109
Home Life under the Stuarts, 34, 89
Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory, 68, 69
Leapor, Mary, 246-47, 352, 430
Learned Maid, or Whether a Maid may be a Scholar, 273
"Learned," The Term, 424-26
Lebrixa, Francisca de, 6
Lee, Francis, 114
Legacy of a Dying Mother, 95
Leland, John, 11
Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte, 135, 195, 239-43, 246, 411-12, 413, 437
Letter touching a College of Maids, 273
Letters concerning the Love of God, 101, 297
Levellers, The, 259
Lilliputian Magazine, The, 233
Lioba, St., 1
Lionel and Clarissa, 398-99
Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 103, 170, 171, 172, 178, 180, 246, 251
Little Catechism with Little Verses, 89, 435
Little Female Academy, 233, 237-38, 435, 447
Little Gidding, 40-42, 44, 270
Little Pretty Pocket Book, 233, 435
Lives of the English Poets (Winstanley), 190, 421
Lives of the Poets (Cibber), 84, 128, 129, 146, 155, 208, 212, 251, 366, 421, 453
Locke, John, 100, 101, 102, 107, 109, 338, 343, 452
London, Bishop of, 26
Looking-Glass for Children, 89
Lost Lover, The, 208
Lounsbury, Thomas, 192
Love in Excess, 366
Love's Labour's Lost, 37
"Lovewit, Mrs.," 383
Lowndes, W. T., 189
Lucar, Elizabeth, 16, 430
Lumley, Lady Joanna, 14
"Lydia Languish," 418-19, 446
Lynacre, Dr., 6
Lyttleton, Lord, 336
Luther, Martin, 25
Macaulay, Catherine, 429, 430
Macaulay, T. B., 142, 431
Madan, Mrs., 248-49
Major, Elizabeth, 127
Makin, Mrs., 44, 341, 426, 441, 448
Malcolm, James P., 267
Manley, Mrs. de la RiviÈre, 106, 119, 132, 151, 208-11, 230, 304, 424, 431, 437, 453
Manly, Mrs. Arabella, 260
Manners and Customs in London in the Eighteenth Century, 267
Manning, Anne, 9
"Marilla," 410-11, 418
"Marinda," 155. See Monck, The Hon. Mrs.
Marinelli, Lucrecia, 27, 53, 323
"Marissa," 149. See Lady Chudleigh
Marriage À la Mode, 377
"Marsilia" [Mrs. Manley], 387
Mary, Princess, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17
Mary Salome, Mother, 38
Masham, Lady Damaris, 100-02, 443, 444, 452
Mason, Mr., 89, 435
Masters, Mary, 249-50
Mayne, Jasper, 375
McIlquham, Miss, 315
"Meanwell, Lady," 383-84
"Melantha," 378
Melville, Elizabeth, 20
Mendoza, DoÑa Maria Pacheco, 6
Method of Devotion, 98
Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 38
Midwives' Book, The, 90
Miles, Dudley, 376
"Millamant," 377
Millennium Hall, 271
Milton, John, 25
"Miss" and "Mrs.," 76-77
Mock Astrologer, The, 377
Modern Language Notes, 27
MoliÈre, J. B. P., 368, 375, 376, 396, 400, 402, 403
MoliÈre, Influence of, on Restoration Comedy, 376
Monck, The Hon. Mrs., 155
Monk, Mrs., 412-13
Monroe, Paul, 37, 42, 44, 276
Montagu, Mrs. Elizabeth, 263
Montagu, Lady Mary, and her Times, 194, 196, 199
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 66, 193-208, 262, 305, 315, 336, 341, 349, 424, 439, 440, 441, 450, 454
Montagu, Mr. Wortley, 196, 198, 199
Moore, Edward, 336-37
More, Cresacre, 9, 10, 11
More, Henry, 113
More, Henry, The Life of, 114
More, Sir Thomas, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 45
More, The Household of Sir Thomas, 9
Mores, Edward Rowe, 172, 177
Morgan, Charlotte E., 231
Morwen, Dr. John, 11
Mother's Legacie to her Unborne Childe, The, 29
Mother's Will to an Unborn Child, The, 95
Mozans, H. J., 1, 4, 6
Mulcaster, Richard, 17, 426
Muses' Library, The, 189-93, 421
Naish Court, 270
Nelson, Robert, 303
New Atalantis, The, 119, 151, 209, 210
Newbery, John, 89, 435
Newcastle, Duchess of, 45, 46-54, 127-28, 141, 326, 393, 425, 428, 430, 434, 439, 451
Newcome, Mrs., 104
New English Drama, 136
New General Biographical Dictionary, 5, 368
New Help to Discourse, 25
New Shakspere Society Series, 24
Nichols, John, 103, 104, 170, 171, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 187, 193, 243, 246, 251
Nine Muses; or Poems on the Death of John Dryden, 106
Norris, John, 100, 101, 107, 297, 452
North, The Hon. Miss Dudleya, 143, 365, 450, 451
North, Mary, 59-61, 428, 450
North, Roger, 60, 440
Norths, The Lives of the, 60, 440
NotabilitÀ e della eccellenza delle donne e difetti degli uomini, 27
Notes and Queries, 21, 25, 26, 29, 43, 44, 77, 89, 93, 119, 162, 188
Numismata, 20, 141, 364
Occasional Thoughts, 101, 102
Ogilvius, Johannes, 179
Old English Scholarship in England from 1566 to 1800, 176
"Oldwit, Gertrude," 380-82
Oldys, William, 85, 189-90
Opdyke, L. E., 18
Orations of Divers Sorts, 50
"Orinda," 53, 54-59, 63, 64, 139, 141, 154, 160, 162, 257, 433, 438, 444, 451.
See Mrs. Katherine Philips
Oroonoko, 130-31
Osborne, Dorothy, 51, 58, 61-66, 80, 155, 156, 157, 103
Reed, Bertha, 232, 233
Reflections on Ancient and Modern Learning, 22
Reflections on Marriage, 298, 300
Refusal, The, 395-98, 399
Restitution of Prophecy, The, 37
Reynolds, Myra, 150, 151, 369, 393
Richardson, Samuel, 235, 238, 245, 337-42, 354, 444, 450, 452
Riches, Catherine. See Mrs. Bovey
Richmond, Countess of, 5
Rise of the Novel of Manners, 231
Rivals, The, 418-19
Rival Widows, 188-89
Roger de Coverley, Sir, 119
Romantic Novel, An Early, 231
Romantick Lady, On a, 412-13
Roper, Margaret, 7, 8, 9-11, 362, 430
Rose, G. H., 368
Rowe, Mrs. Elizabeth, 87, 157-60, 251, 262, 263, 352, 440
Royal Hospital, Scheme for Foundation of, 90
Royal Mischief, The, 208
Rudiments of Grammar, 6
Russell, Lady Rachel, 76, 90, 96-98, 351, 444
Salmon, Mrs., 42, 54
Salomon, Les Proverbes de, 35
Savage, Richard, 201
Saxon Homilarium, 179-81
Schiff, Mario, 27
Scholemaster, The, 14
Schools for Girls before 1660, 37-45
Schurman, Anna Maria van, 28, 174, 271-76, 290, 315, 323, 364, 365, 441
Scott, Mrs. Mary, 351
Scott, Mrs. Sarah, 270-71
Scott, Walter, 51
Scottish Text Society, 21
Scowrers, The, 263
Secker, Archbishop, 243, 256, 451, 452
Secret History of Queen Zarah, 208
Select Colloquies, 12
Serious Proposal to the Ladies, A, 102, 298, 301, 305, 311
Sermon on Alms-giving, A, 290
Seventeenth Century Studies, 57
Seward, Mr. Thomas, 181
Shadwell, Thomas, 129, 130, 380-82, 402
Shakespeare Illustrated, 241
Sharp, Jane, 90, 434
Sheridan, R. B., 418-19
Shirley, John, 421
Shorthouse, J. Henry, 40, 41, 113
Siddons, Mrs., 83
Singer, Elizabeth [See Mrs. Rowe]
Sir Charles Grandison, 245
Sir Patient Fancy, 378-79
Sir Roger de Coverley, 119, 120
Smith, Florence, 101, 297, 301, 302, 303
Social Life in Reign of Queen Anne, 260
Social Life under the Stuarts, 40, 68
Society for Encouragement of Learning, 193
"Society of Friendship," 57
Somerset, Daughters of Duke of, 13
Somerset, Duchess of, 251, 262, 263
Song of Three Children Paraphrased, 146
"Sophia," 111, 313-15, 341, 442, 448, 453
"Sophronia," 395-98
Southey, Robert, 423
Specimens of British Poetesses, 19, 423
Specimens of Later English Poets, 423
Spectator, The, 260, 261, 447
Spence's Anecdotes, 196
Sprint, Mr., 147
Stage, History of the English, 81
Stage, Some Account of the English, 77, 83, 132, 188, 241
Stainforth, Rev. A. J., 127
Stanglmaier, Karl, 161
Steele, Sir Richard, 119, 121, 174, 209-11, 304, 330-33, 338, 366, 403-09, 444
"Stella," 348, 350, 452
Strype, John, 37
Studies in Chaucer, 192
Sullen Lovers, 380-82
Swearing in England, 52
Swift, Jonathan, 52, 174, 178, 218-31 (passim), 303, 444, 452
Symonds, Emily, 193, 194, 196, 199
Table Talk, 25
Talbot, Catherine, 77, 243-46, 256, 440
Tatler, The, 121
Taylor, Jeremy, 56, 451
Telemachus, 266
Telford, John, 115
Temple, Sir William, 61-66 (passim)
Tender Husband, The, 338, 403-09, 418-19, 444
Tennyson, Alfred, 370, 430
Term Catalogues, 35, 68, 85, 90, 92, 144
Theatrum Poetarum, 20, 190, 421
Thomas, Edward, 29
Thomas, Miss Elizabeth, 211-12
Thoresby, Ralph, 87, 160, 161, 174, 179, 197, 268
Thornton, Mrs. Alice, 44
Three Hours after Marriage, 153, 304, 393-95
Through England on a Side Saddle, 165-69
Thwaites, Mr., 174
Tindale, Mr., 181
Token for Children, 89
Tom of All Trades, 23
Tom Jones, 342-43
Tour in Scotland, 32, 33
Tragedy of Marian, The, 33-34
TraitÉ de l'Éducation des filles, 291
Treatise on Education, 338
Treatise on the Lord's Prayer, 7
Trotter, Catherine, 132
See Mrs. Cockburn
Troy Book, 3
Truman, Sir George, 417
Turkish Letters, 207-08
Tutchin, Mrs. Elizabeth, 259
Udall, Nicholas, 17, 426
Upham, A. H., 74, 306
"Valeria," 389-91, 450
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 387-88
Vazeille, Mrs., 352
Verney, Molly, 259, 262
Verney, Sir Ralph, 24, 25, 447
Victoria History of Yorkshire, 122, 123
Vindication of the Church of England, 103
Vindication of Mr. Locke's Christian Principles, 109
Virtuous Woman Found, The, 68
Vives, Juan Luis, 7, 426
Vives and the Renascence Education of Women, 5-10 (passim)
Walker, Dr., 68, 69
Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth, 95
Walker, John, 171
Walpole, Horace, 84
Walsh, Marie Donegan, 4
Walsh, William, 322
Wanley, Mr., 178
Ward, Henry, 114
Ward, Mary, 38-40
Ward, Mary, A Foundress of the Seventeenth Century, 38
Ward, Mary, The Life of, 38
Warwick, Countess of, 68-69, 80, 428
Warwicke, M., Specialties in the Life of, 68
Watson, Foster, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Watts, Isaac, 89, 435
Way of the World, The, 444
Webb, Mrs. Maria, 111, 114
"Wellfed, Mrs.," 387
Wentworth, Lady Arabella, 45
Wesley, John, 230, 351-52
Wesley, John, The Life of (Telford), 115
Wesley, John, The Life of (Winchester), 115, 116, 117
Wesley's Journal, The Heart of, 230
Wesley, Mrs. Susannah, 115-17
"Western, Mrs.," 342-43, 452
Westmoreland, Jane, Countess of, 14
Weston, Jane, 19-20, 23, 53, 326
Wharton, Mrs., 144, 351
What Ann Lang Read, 213
Wheler, Sir George, 270
Whicher, G. F., 212, 213, 215, 216
White, Mrs. Elizabeth, 95
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