Admiral Villeneuve in engaging in the disastrous battle of Trafalgar, spoiled the great plan of descending upon England. The illustrious Pitt took means to avert the storm which menaced the British Isles. A treaty of alliance was signed by Russia and Austria, and the third coalition against France was formed. Napoleon gave orders for breaking up the camp at Boulogne; and, whilst a portion of the army commenced their march toward Strasburg, Marshal Bernadotte issued orders to occupy the fortresses of Hameln and Nienburgh, with the 19th regiment of the line. General Marunno was at the same time ordered to break up his camp at Zeist, to quit Holland and ascend the Rhine, arriving upon the Maine with the First corps of the army, to take part in any subsequent operations.—September 17, 1805. [Image unavailable.] THE FIRST CORPS CROSSING THE MAINE. |