After the battle of Austerlitz, where the Austrian power was so nearly destroyed, the French conqueror sent a fasceau of ensigns to the tribunes, to be presented to the Senate which had seconded by its decrees the organization of the army. It was in the hall where the sittings were held before the marble statues of all the great men of ancient days that the tribunes, bearing the Austrian eagles came in a body to offer them to the first dignitaries in France. The tribunes entered, clothed in their rich costumes, which contrasted well with the color of the warlike trophies they bore. On the left of the picture, the President is seated to receive the deputation, surrounded by his secretaries. The Duke of Dantzic appears by his gesture to direct the proceedings. On the same side we observe the Chancellor of the Legion of Honor, and two other senators. On the right some other members of the Senate seem to congratulate one another on participating in such an honorable event. These are portraits. The sumptuous vestments and the hats ornamented with plumes, which the artist has introduced with much ingenuity, contribute to render the foreground of the picture effective. [Image unavailable.] PRESENTATION OF AUSTRIAN ENSIGNS TO THE FRENCH SENATE. |