On the 10th of November, 1805, Mortier met the rear guard of the Russians, 25,000 strong, and defeated them after a combat of several hours, having with him only 5000 French troops. On the following morning, the citizens of Vienna, whom the Austrian Emperor had abandoned, opened the gates of that capital to the French Emperor. Let us see what was said in one of the bulletins of this magical campaign: “The Emperor has not yet received any of the authorities of Vienna, except a deputation from the different bodies of the city, who, on the day of his arrival, met him at Sigarts-Kirchen. They were composed of the Prince of Seuzendorf, the prelate of Seidenstetten, the Count of Veterani, the Baron de Kees, the Burgomaster of the city, M. de Wohebben, and General Burgeois. “His majesty received them with much condescension, and told them that they might assure the people of Vienna of his protection. “General Clarke is named Governor-General of Lower Austria; Darn is appointed Intendant General.” Girodet has chosen his subject from this fragment of the bulletin. On the side of the Emperor are the Princes Murat and Neufchatel, Marshal Bessieres, and other officers of different ranks. [Image unavailable.] NAPOLEON RECEIVING THE KEYS OF VIENNA. |