The second corps of the Grand Army, commanded by General Marmont, was on a forced march to take its position upon the heights of Illersheim, near Augsburg. The Emperor was by the bridge of Lech, and each regiment was ordered to form a circle, and Napoleon addressed them on the situation. He said a serious engagement was probably at hand, and expressed his confidence in their bravery. Notwithstanding the bad weather, and the severe cold, while they listened to his harangue, the soldiers appeared to forget their fatigue and pant for the combat. Such was the subject given to Gautherot, when commanded to paint this picture. Napoleon occupies the middle of the scene; near him is Marshal Bassieres holding his baton; and at a little distance mounted upon a horse which is leaping forward, we observe General Marmont, Deputy-Marshal. In the back-ground stands the city of Augsburg. The whole of the surrounding country is covered with snow. [Image unavailable.] NAPOLEON ADDRESSES THE ARMY. |