The defeat of the allied army at the battle of Austerlitz induced the Emperor of Austria to seek an interview with Napoleon, in order, if possible, to conclude a treaty of peace. With this in view he commissioned Prince Jean de Lichtenstein to ascertain whether this would be agreeable to the conqueror or not: Napoleon agreed and appointed the 4th of December, 1805, to receive Francis II. at his bivouac. On that day the haughty Emperor went to the French headquarters and Napoleon said, “I receive you in the only palace I have known for the last two months.” To which the humiliated Sovereign replied, “You have made so good a use of them, that you ought not to complain of your accommodation.” The two Princes soon concluded an armistice, and the principal conditions of peace were promptly arranged. Francis demanded that the Czar should be permitted to pass to his own country in safety. Napoleon agreed to this, provided the Russians would evacuate Germany and Poland, both Austrian and Prussian. The Austrian Emperor assured him that he felt sure such was the intention of the Czar, but desired that an officer might be sent to learn definitely the sentiments of the Russian Emperor on that point; and General Savary was dispatched to ascertain if Alexander would adhere to this armistice. [Image unavailable.] NAPOLEON’S INTERVIEW WITH THE AUSTRIAN EMPEROR. |