At break of day on the 14th of October, 1806, Marshal Ney attacked the bridge of Elchingen, with Loison’s division. The enemy occupied their position with 15,000 or 16,000 men and upon them the 69th regiment of the line began the attack in admirable order and with the greatest sang froid, supported by the 76th regiment of infantry, the 18th of dragoons, and the 10th of chasseurs. These four regiments rivalled each other in intrepidity and bravery. Repulsed in two successive charges, they began a third attack with still more fury; and after four hours of a murderous fusilade the enemy were driven back, abandoning their position at Elchingen, and were pursued into their entrenchments in front of Ulm. One Major-general, and 3000 men were made prisoners, and several pieces of artillery were lost to the French on this brilliant day; which afterward procured for Ney the title of Duke of Elchingen. [Image unavailable.] MARSHAL NEY AT ELCHINGEN. |