When Napoleon took command of the army of Italy, it was in a state of absolute destitution. Napoleon arrived at Nice, reviewed the troops, and said, “Soldiers, you are badly equipped; you require many necessaries, but our government is not able to supply them. Your patience and the courage you have shown in the midst of these sterile rocks, are worthy of admiration; but here you gain no glory. I will conduct you into the more fertile plains, rich provinces and great cities shall be in our power, and you will have riches, honor, and glory!” This proclamation was received with loud acclamations, and the army moved onward. On the 10th of April, 1796, the central division of the enemy’s forces, commanded by General Argentan, had taken its position before the redoubts of Monte Legino, which were defended by Colonel Rampon. During the night the republican troops completely surrounded Argentan. Rampon, with his regiment, and Laharpe attacked him in front; while Massena and Augereau attacked him in the rear and in the flanks. The rout was complete, and the French made their entry into Piedmont. [Image unavailable.] DEFENDING THE REDOUBT OF MONTE LEGINO. |