This monumental arch stands in a circular area without the barriÈre of that name, at the end of the avenues in the Champs ElysÉes, and in front of the Palace of the Tuileries. It is of greater size than anything of the kind hitherto erected, being 133 feet in height, including the cornice and attic. The fronts are 134 feet in breadth, and the sides 67. The principal arch is 92 feet in height, and 44 in breadth: the transverse arch 56 feet by 55½. The first stone of this edifice, which was begun by the city of Paris to commemorate Napoleon’s triumph over Russia, and his alliance with the Emperor Alexander at Tilsit, was laid on the 15th of August, 1806, under the direction of Chalgrin. From the beginning of this undertaking, the work was suspended and renewed at intervals until its completion in 1830. [Image unavailable.] ARC DE TRIOMPHE DE L’ETOILE. |