ap">Cog-wheels, 231, 233. Coimbra, 347. Commissioners, Eau Brink, 158. Conduits, 127. Conolly, 252. Conservators of the Thames, 7. Consort, the late Prince, 208, 358. Constantinople, 122, 126. Continent, tours on the, 26-30, 36-154, 252-283, 304-399. Convents, 68, 77, 82, 99, 104, 274, 275, 330, 364. Conway Suspension Bridge, 244. Copeland Islands, 18, 19. Copenhagen, 314. Copais, lake, 101. Coquet river, 291. Corfu, 57. Corinth, 71. Cornish high-pressure engines, 413. Corporation of London, 7, 173, 174, 182. Coronation in Lisbon, 341. Cort, Mr., 233. Crampton and Morris, 301. Croker, John Wilson, 156, 158, 195, 250. Cronstadt, 257. Cross Keys bridge, 204. Dagenham lake, 403. Danube, 377. Daunemora, 305. Davy, Sir H., 31, 48, 248, 250. Death of Mr. Rennie, Sen., 155. Demetrius, 64, 144. Denver Sluice, 198, 199. Deptford Dockyard, 164, 408. Holyhead road, 244. Hospitality, Portuguese, 353. Humber, 224. Huskisson, Mr., killed, 246. Imperial Elisabeth Railway, 377. Inventions, new, 232. Ionian Islands, 54, 56. Ireland, drainage in, 422. Iron mines, 305, 310, 315. Irrigation, 137. Ismaila, lake, 139. Ivens, Mr. Thomas, 386. Jackson, Colonel, 249. Jackson, Sir John, 26. Jeffreys, Mr., 191. Jessop, Jonas, 167, 243, 285. Jessop, William, 241. John, King, 205. Jolliffe and Banks, 8, 34, 160, 192, 200, 222, 226, 409. Jones, Mr., 6. Jones, Mr. R. L., 173, 178, 183, 185. Kalavatha, 85, 101. Kennet and Avon Canal, 20. Kurds, adventure with, 116, 120. Lagoons of Venice, 41. Lakes, 37, 101, 138, 139, 403. Land, reclaiming from the sea, 214, 216, 318, 322. Leghorn, 151. Leicester, Earl of, 211. Leonardi da Vinci, 39. Lerna, 183. Lesseps, M., 140. Levelling413. Sea-walls, 448. Sebastopol, 258, 287. Serpent charmers, 136, 375. Seville, 269. Sewage, 425. Sewers, 401. Shaw, Waring, and Co., 341, 349. Sheerness Dockyard, 22, 163, 408, 453. Shelley, 2. Ship canal, 284. Sierra Morena, 270. Simplon Pass, 37. Smeaton, 162, 193, 228. Smeatonian Society, 429. Smirke, Sir Robert, 195, 197. Smyrna, 110, 121. Smyth, Admiral, 60, 66. Society at Rome, 48. Society in London, 263. South Eastern Railway, 286, 300. South Wales Railway, 299. Southwark Bridge, 7, 17, 22-26, 30, 34. Spain, 264. Spanish peasantry, 268. Sparta, 87. Spezzia, 151. ‘Spry’ sloop of war, 133, 145, 154. Stages, floating, 31. Stationary engines on railways, 294. Steam engines, 228-235, 287, 413. Steam engine, Watt’s experiments with, 229. Steam gun, the, 172. Steam pumping, 161. Steam vessels, 171, 258, 287, 302. 241. Wyatt, Sir Philip, 196. Xerxes, 129. Yacht, Russian Emperor’s, 258-260. Yagers, Tyrolese, 147. Yarborough, Earl of, 227. Yeats, Mr., 8. York, Duke of, 177. Young, Dr., 8. Young, Mr. John, 204. Zante, 57, 62. Zoological Society, 251. THE END. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. |