AARON, rod of, 309; ABBOTT, Dr. Lyman, on Isaiah and Cyrus, 85; ABIATHAR and Abimelech, their relations, 199. ABIJAH and Jeroboam, 204. ABIMELECH, his taking of Sarah, 193; ABOLITION, see SLAVERY. ABRAHAM, a textual change relating to, 167; ACOUSTICS, Moses and Joshua speaking to all Israel, 288. ACTS of the apostles, why written, 27; ADAM, age of, 284. ADAMITIC monogenism, Huxley on, 283. ADULTERY, sanctioned by the Bible, 388–391; AGAG, Saul’s defeat of, 62. “AGE OF REASON,” 246. AHAZ, return of shadow on dial of, 272. AHAZIAH, time of his reign, 207. ALEXANDRIAN MS., description of, 42–46. ALFORD, Dean, on a “Substratum of apostolic teaching,” 130. ALFRIC, accepted epistle to Laodiceans, 35. ALOGI, the, on Revelation, 150. ALTARS, removed by Hezekiah, 64. AMOS, 89–91. ANICETUS, against the Passover, 133. ANIMALS, cruelty to, 411–414; ANONYMOUS BOOKS, number of, 160. ANTHROPOMORPHISM OF THE BIBLE GOD, 321ff. ANTIOCH, disciples first called Christians at, 247. APOCALYPSE, the, 149ff; APOCHRYPHAL BOOKS, 15–20; APOSTLES, the three greatest knew nothing of the gospels, 110; APOSTOLIC FATHERS, gospels unknown to, 110–113. APPELLES, gospel of, 127. ARARAT, landing of the ark on, 285. ARBAH, Jacob comes to, 59. ARITHMETIC, Trinitarian, 289; ARCTURUS, 99. ARK, animals taken into by Noah, 191, 192; ARNOLD, Dr., on late date of Daniel, 103. ARPHAXAD, mixed pedigree of, 192, 193. ASA, his relation to Maachah, 205. ASAPH, psalms ascribed to, 90. ASH-TREE, see BOTANY. ASIA, source of religions, 5. ASTRAL WORSHIP, practiced by the Jews, 65. ASTRONOMY OF THE BIBLE, 271ff. ATHANASIUS, Esther rejected by, 35. AUGUSTUS CÆSAR, taxing by, not a fact, 267. AUGUSTINE, canon of, 29, 30, 32; AUTHORIZED VERSION, adopted by Westminster assembly, 33. AUTHORS OF BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, 46–48. BAASHA, time of his death, 206. BABEL, absurd story of, 284; BABYLON, Isaiah’s false prophecy concerning, 295. BALAAM AND HIS ASS, 311. BANDITS, pious custom of, 350. BARACHIAS, 122. BARING-GOULD, Rev. S., affirms Marcion as the source of Luke, 128. BARNABAS, 36; epistle of, 111; BARTHOLOMEW, gospel of, 127. BARTON, Clara, 331. BARUCH, book of canonical, 30. BARUCH, father of Zacharias, 122. BASHAN, Og, king of, 59. BASILIDES, gospel of, 127, 148; BATH-SHEBA, child of, smitten by the Lord, 411. BATTLE, Israelite loss in, 265. BAUR, F. C., gospels pronounced spurious by, 139, 153, 154; BEL AND THE DRAGON, 104. BELFAST, biblical wine affirmed to be fermented by Pres. Gen. assembly, held at, 399. BELSHAZZAR, not king of Babylon, 103; BENJAMIN, children of, ordered to kidnap wives, 406. BENTHAM, Jeremy, on Priestley’s phrase, 330. BERGH, Henry, 414. BESANT, Mrs. A., on apostolic authorship of the gospels, 136, 137. BETHANY, John’s mistake concerning, 132, 279. BETHLEHEM, when so called, 59. BETHSAIDA, birthplace of John, 132; BEZA, Revelation rejected by, 36; BHAGAVATA, 6. BIBLE, the Christian, 10; BIBLES, Luther’s 42; BIBLES, other than Christian, 5–10, 437. BIBLE WRITERS, unconscious of sin in lying, 341. BIBLE DICTIONARY, (Smith’s), Judges, Ruth, Samuel and kings asserted by, to have originally formed one book, 79, 81; BIRDS’ NESTS, permission to rob, 414. BIRKS, affirms the divine spirit behind human authors of the Bible, 11. BLACKSTONE, on witchcraft, 371. BLAYNEY, Dr., his arrangement of Jeremiah, 86. BLIND MEN, one or more? 242. BOOK OF THE LAW, Hilkiah’s discovery of, 51. BOOKS, sacred lost or burnt by the Jews, 22, 23. BOOKS, sacred, other than Christian, 437. BOTANY, OF THE BIBLE, 279–281. BRADLAUGH, C., on slavery in England, 377. BRAHMA, 6. BREACH OF PROMISE, 340. BRIGGS, Dr. C. A., on composition of Deuteronomy, 52; BUCKLE, H. T., clergy asserted to be the enemies of learning by, 403. BUDDHIST, kindness to animals of, 414. BUNYAN, J., biblical inspiration asserted by, 163. BURNETT, on light and weak eyes, 344. BURR, W. H., epistles pronounced spurious by, 153. BYRON, quotation from, 413. CÆSAR, Augustus, taxing by not a fact, 267. CAIN, story of, 189. CAJETAN, authenticity of James denied by, 145. CALF, the golden, 287. CALHOUN, Rev. S. H., on biblical wine, 398. CALVIN, John, books doubted by, 36; CAMEL, see ZOOLOGY. CAMPBELL, Rev. Dr., on lost books, 23. CAMPBELL, Rev. A., on slavery, 377. CANAAN, conquest of, 58; CANAANITES IN PALESTINE, 62. CANNIBALISM, 367; CANON, the Jewish-Christian, 21–25; CAPTIVITY, number of Jews who came out of, 231ff. CARPENTER, Jesus so called, 242. CARPOCRATIANS, Jude written to combat heresies of, 145; CASTALIO, his translation, Beza on, 171. CAVE, on early cannibalism, 369; CETHUBIM, 10. CHADWICK, Rev. J. W., on Pauline epistles, 158. CHALDEANS, first heard of, 99. CHAMBERS’S ENCYCLOPEDIA, on Origen’s canon, 34; CHANGES, textual, 167. CHANNING, W. E., on N. T., polygamy, 384. CHEATING, 345ff; CHEEVER, Dr. Geo. B., biblical inerrancy asserted by, 163; CHEMISTRY OF THE BIBLE, 286. CHESTNUT-TREE, see BOTANY. CHEYNE, T. K., on composite character of Isaiah, 84; CHILDBIRTH, pains of, attributed to a curse, 286. CHILDREN, alleged slaughter of by Herod, 268. CHILDREN, unkindness to, 409–411. CHINA, sacred books of, 7. CHRIST, his mention of Moses immaterial, 54; CHRISTIAN FATHERS, gospels unknown to, 113–119. CHRISTIAN REGISTER, two-wine theory rejected by, 399. CHRISTIANS, disciples first so called, 247. CHRISTIANS, primitive, dissensions among, 144; CHRONICLES, books of examined, 105; CHRYSOSTOM, ST., says that the Jews lost or burnt sacred books, 22, 23, 166; CHURCH, the Catholic, 25; CHURCHES, Revelation rejected by the seven of Asia, 150. CIRCUMCISION, performed by Paul, 257. CLARKSON, his abolition bill, 377. CLEMENT, epistle of, 36. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, successor of IrenÆus, 26; CLEMENT OF ROME, epistles of, 110, 113, 119; CLERICAL ERRORS, 165. CLERMONT CODEX, on Hebrews, 157. CODES OF THE PENTATEUCH, 68; COLENSO, BISHOP, on six-day creation, 274; COLOSSIANS, 152, 154, 155, 158, 159, 160. COMMANDMENTS, the Ten, two copies of, 68; COMMUNION, significance of, 368. COMPARISON of Hebrew and Septuagint versions, 173–178. COMTE, A., on benefits of chemical science, 287, 288; CONCEPTION, miraculous, 137, 286; CONCUBINAGE, practiced by Catholic clergy, 385; CONEY, see ZOOLOGY. CONFUCIANISM, canonical books of, 7. CONFUCIUS, his religion, 7–8. CONJECTURES and guesses, 169. CONSONANTS, Lord’s prayer in, 169. CONSTANTINOPLE, sixth council of, 30. CONTRADICTIONS as to the Jewish kings, 198–209, 210–230; CONWAY, M. D., on Christianity and woman, 407, 408. COPERNICUS, Luther’s opinion of, 273. COPIES OF THE BIBLE, differences between, 178. COPYISTS, errors of, 165–166. CORINTHIANS, 152, 153, 159, 160. CORN, plucking of ears of permitted, 350. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT, 410. CORRUPTIONS, textual, 163–180; COSMOGONIES, the two of Genesis, 181–187. COUNCILS, Christian, 30–33; CRAWDER, Rev., on slavery, 378. CREATION, two accounts of, 67, 181–187; CREDIBILITY OF THE BIBLE, 163–305. CREDNER, on Revelation, 150. CRITICISM, the higher Hupfeld on certainty and consequences of, 72; CRITICS, the higher, 72. CRUCIFIXION, John the disciple at the, 132; CUSTOMS, who was called from receipt of, 241. CUVIER, on ruminants, 282. CYRENIUS, governor of Syria, 240, 267. CYRUS, King, flourished nearly two centuries after Isaiah, 84, 85, 92, 103; DAILLE, M., on early forgeries, 343. DAMASCUS, Paul’s conversion on journey to, 248; DAMASCUS, Pope, Jerome’s address to, 178. DAN, an anachronism, 61. DANA, on the order of creation, 275, 276. DANIEL, book of examined, 102–104; DARIUS, “the Median,” 103, 267. DARIUS, the Persian, 105. DATES OF BOOKS OF BIBLE, 46, 48, 49. DAVID, not the author of Psalms, 95; DAVIDSON, Dr. S., on Papias, and Justin Martyr, and N. T. canon, 24; DAY, meaning of the word in Genesis, 274. DEBORAH, song of, 354. DECALOGUE, two copies of, 68; DELUGE, two accounts of, 68, 285. DEUEL, alias Reuel, 169. DEUTERONOMIC CODE, 68; DEUTERONOMY, when written and why, 51ff; De WETTE, on origin of Hebrew Bible, 55; DIAL, SUN, return of shadow on, 272. DIONYSIUS, on Revelation, 150. DISCIPLE, the, whom Jesus loved, 133. DISCIPLES, the twelve, names of, 241. DISCORDANT VERSIONS AND TRANSLATIONS, 172. DISCREPANCY, numerical, 290. DIVINITY, Horn’s test of, 164. DIVORCE, biblical law of, 406, 407. DODWELL, Dr., his admission as to the New Testament, 112. DOUAY BIBLE, 44. DOUGLASS, F., on religious sanction for cruelty to slaves, 381. DRAPER, J. W., on science and the church, 292. EBIONITES, their gospel and doctrine, 121. ECCLESIASTES, book of, 100, 101. EDEN, two stories of, 181–187; EDINBURGH REVIEW, on the rejection of Revelation, 151. EDOM, an anachronism, 61. EDUCATION, discouraged by the Bible, 402. EGLON, assassination of, 353. EGYPT, its desolation falsely prophesied by Isaiah, 296. EGYPTIAN BIBLE, description of, 40, 438; EGYPTIANS, cheating of by the Israelites, 347. EGYPTIANS, gospel of, 36, 127. EHUD, an assassin, 353. EICHORN, books rejected by, 36; ELISHA, not named in Chronicles, 82; ELOHIM, deity, so called, 181. ELOHISTIC CODE, 68; EMBREE, Rev. Dr., on indecency of the Bible, 392. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, on composition of Kings and Samuel, 82; ENDOR, woman of, 370. ENOCH, apocryphal book of, cited by Jude, 145; ENON, 132; EPHESIANS, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160. EPIPHANIUS, epistle of Jeremiah accepted by, 35; EPISTLES, accepted and rejected, 33–38; EPOCHS, days of creation construed as, 274; ERASMUS, books doubted by, 36; ERRORS, of transcribers and translators, 165–167, 172; ESAU, a question about his wives, 195; ESTHER, book of omitted by bishop of Sardis, 34; ETHIOPIC BIBLE, description of, 41; ETHNOLOGY OF THE BIBLE, 283. EUCHARIST, significance of, 368. EUSEBIUS, his list of acknowledged and disputed books, 35; EVANSON, books rejected by, 36; EVIL-MERODACH, 82; EWALD, on authorship of Ezekiel, 88; EXODUS OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL FROM EGYPT, 261, 262. EZEKIEL, book of examined, 88. EZRA, book of, 104, 105, 106; FADUS, when procurator of Judea, 142. FAITH, justification by, 251. FAITH AND HOPE, Volney on, 334. FAITH CURE, 286. FAMILIES OF JEWS, two lists compared, 231–237. FATHERS, apostolic, an assertion that they were inspired, 37; FATHERS, Christian, incompetence of, 28, 29, 30; FAUSTUS, Bishop, on authorship of gospel history, 137. FELL, Bishop, on the license of forging, 343. FIRST-BORN MALES OF ISRAEL, 286. FISK, Rev. W., on slavery, 378. FLOOD, two accounts of, 68, 285. FOOLS, for Christ’s sake, 403. FOOTE, G. W., on woman’s proudest boast, 409. FORGERIES, in Mark and John, 178. FORGERY, concerning Trinity, 256. FRAGMENTS, biblical, 106. FREEMAN, sacrifice of, 366. FRESHET, the great, 307. FROGS, plague of, 310. FROUDE, J. A., circulation of the Bible condemned by, 423. FURMAN, Rev. R., on slavery, 377. GAGE, Matilda Joslyn, on Marquette, 408. GALATIANS, 152, 153, 159, 160. GAMALIEL, speech of, 141, 142. GARDENER, Helen H., on wrongs authorized by the Bible, 409. GATES, within thy, a phrase showing post-Mosaic authorship, 58. GENESIS, two cosmogonies of, 181–187. GEOGRAPHY OF THE BIBLE, 278, 279. GEOLOGY, the Bible and, 273–277. GEORGE III., abhorred abolition, 377. GESENIUS, on age of Hebrew language, 56. GETTYSBURG, killed in battle of, 265. GIANTS, biblical, 283. GIDEON, a polygamist, 383. GIESELER, Dr., on forgery, 343. GILES, Rev., on the failure of Justin Martyr to mention the gospels, 116; GLADSTONE, an anomaly, 458. GNOSTICS, cannibalism of, 369. GOD OF THE BIBLE, in Psalms, 96; GOLDEN RULE, a borrowed gem, 333. GOLIATH OF GATH, by whom killed, 263, 264. GOODELL, Rev. W., on slave owning, 379; GOSPELS, why four were chosen, 26, 27; GOTHIC BIBLE, description of, 41. GREEK VERSION OF N. T., 170. GREG, W. R., on the fourth gospel, 134; GREGORY THE GREAT, epistle to Laodiceans accepted by, 35. GROTIUS, Jude, doubted by, 145; GUESSES AND CONJECTURES, 169. HAGIOGRAPHA, 13; what it comprises, 94–107. HALE, on Witchcraft, 371. HAMILTON, Sir W., on polygamy and the Reformers, 385. HARE, see ZOOLOGY. HARLOTS, mother of identified by her daughters, 303. HEART, regarded by Jesus as the seat of intelligence, 285. HEBREW VERSION OF THE BIBLE, 39; HEBREW LANGUAGE, its peculiarities, 168. HEBREWS, ancient, did not regard Moses as the author of the Pentateuch, 55; HEBREWS, epistle to, 152, 155, 157, 159, 160. HEBREWS, gospel of, 36; HEBRON, formerly Kirjath-arba, 59. HELIODORUS, on falsehood as a good thing, 344. HENGSTENBERG, on date of Ecclesiastes, 101. HERMAS, Shepherd of, 36, 111, 112. HEROD, 239; HERSCHEL, on the distance of stars, 272. HEXATEUCH, Briggs on non-Mosaic authorship of, 52, 54. HEZEKIAH, 90. HIEROGLYPHICS, Pentateuch could not have been written in, 56. HILKIAH, his finding of the book of the law, 51. HINDOOS, sacred books of, 5. HIRSCH, Baron, 331. HISTORY AND THE BIBLE, conflict between, 260–270. HITCHCOCK, Rev. R. D., on formation of N. T. canon, 23, 24; HOBBES, aim of moral conduct stated by, 330. HODGE, Prof., on slavery, 378. HOG, see ZOOLOGY. HOLTZMANN, Acts shown to borrow from Josephus by, 142. HOOYKAAS, Dr., the gospels and Acts declared to be of unknown authorship by, 138; HORIMS, mention of, 58. HORN, Rev. T. H., his test of divinity, 164. HORSES, houghed by Joshua and David, 413. HOSEA, 89; HUG, Dr., on the Ebionites and Nazarenes, 121; HUMAN SACRIFICES, 361–367. HUME, David, on miracles, 316. HUPFELD, on consequences of higher criticism, 72. HUXLEY, T. H., on Adamitic monogenism, 283; IGNATIUS, 36; IGNORANCE, encouraged by the Bible, 401 ff. IMMORTALITY, affirmed and denied by Paul, 251, 252. INDIA, sacred books of, 5. INGERSOLL, on INQUISITION, founded on teachings of Paul, 421. INSPIRATION, Goldwin Smith on partial, 238; INSPIRED NUMBERS, 231–237. INSTITUTES OF MENU, 7. INTEMPERANCE SANCTIONED BY THE BIBLE, 394–401. INTERPOLATIONS, how made, 166. INTOLERANCE FOSTERED BY THE BIBLE, 418–422. IRENÆUS, affirms that Ezra was inspired to rewrite lost scriptures, 22; ISAAC, lying by, 341. ISAIAH, examination of, 83–86; ISHMAEL, son of Hagar, 194, 195. ISLAM, sacred books of, 8. ISRAEL, kingdom of, 212–215; ISRAELITES, their marvelous increase, 196, 197; ITALIC BIBLE, description of, 41; IVA-LUSH, king of Assyria, 266. JACOB, his coming to Arbah, 59; JAEL, a murderess, 354. JAIR, judge of Israel, a misstatement concerning, 60, 61. JAMES, epistle of examined, 144ff, 160; JAPAN, moral without the Bible, 426. JASHER, book of appealed to by Joshua, 78. JEFFERSON, Thomas, on the Trinity, 289; JEHOIACHIN, age of, 208. JEHOIAKIM, 82, 87; JEHORAM, his reign, 206; JEHOSHAPHAT, when did he die? 210–230. JEHOVAH IN PSALMS, 96; JEHOVAH, Elohim, 181. JEHOVAH-JIREH, 59. JEHOVISTIC DOCUMENT, 68; JEHU, murders by, 353. JEPHTHAH’S DAUGHTER, sacrifice of, 363, 364. JEREMIAH, book of examined, 86–88; JERICHO, the spoils of, 349. JEROBOAM AND ABIJAH, 205; JEROME, books contained in canon of, 29; JERUSALEM, 263; JESUS, when born, 239; JEWS, sacred books of, 9–10; JEZEBEL, death of, 352. JOB, book of examined, 98–100; JOHANNINE INFLUENCE, forgery committed to counteract, 134. JOHN, gospel of examined, 131–136; JOHN, the disciple of Jesus, could not have written the gospel of John, 132 ff, 147, 149. JOHN, knew nothing of the gospels, 109; JOHN THE BAPTIST, prophecy applied to by Mark, 91. JOHN THE PRESBYTER, 148. JOHN THE REVELATOR, Paul denounced as a liar by, 258. JOHNSON, Edwin, epistles pronounced spurious by, 153. JONAH, named by Christ, 89, 92; JONES, Rev. J., on apocryphal books cited by primitive writers, 34; JORDAN, the coasts beyond, 279. JOSEPH, by whom sold, 196. JOSEPH, journey of to Bethlehem to be taxed, 267; JOSEPHUS, on time of Theudas, 142; JOSHUA, book of, events described in occurred after death of Moses, 57; JOSHUA, sun and moon stopped by, 272; JOSIAH, successor of, 208. JOTHAM, the reign of, 207. JUDAH, sceptre of, 62; JUDE, epistle of, its authorship, 144; JUDGES, book of examined, 78–80; KALISCH, Dr., a contradiction acknowledged by, 192; KEELER, B. C., on believers in the Bible, 458. KEITH, on prophecy, 293. KIDNAPPING OF WIVES COMMANDED, 406. KING, the five, 7. KING JAMES’S BIBLE, 43. KINGS, books of, properly one with Samuel, 81; KINGS, the Jewish, many contradictions concerning, 198–209. KIRJATH-ARBA, changed to Hebron, 59. KNOWLEDGE, opposed by the Bible and the clergy, 401–403. KUENEN, Dr., on the purpose for which Deuteronomy was written, 51; LABAN, defrauding of by Jacob, 346. LADD, authors and dates of Bible books affirmed to be unknown by, 49, 130. LAMENTATIONS, book of rejected, 34; LANDMARKS, injunction against removing, 60. LANGUAGE, origin of, 284, 285. LANGUAGE, HEBREW, did not exist in time of Moses, 56; LAODICEA, synod of, 30. LAODICEANS, accepted by Gregory and Alfric, 35. LARDNER, Dr. Nathaniel, books questioned by, 36; LAW, books of the, 12. LEAH, a thief, 350. LECKY, W. E. H., on opposition of Christian fathers to resisting established authority, 417. LE CLERC, Jean asserts that sense of O. T. is guessed at, 169. LEGION, a Latin word, 124. LEVI, called from the receipt of customs, 241. LEYDON, John of, polygamy established by, 386. LIARS, biblical, 339–342. LIBERTY, religious, denied by the Bible, 418. LICE, plague of, 310. LINCOLN, A., his test of an action, 331. LINDSAY, Rev. A., on Bible writers and scientific truth, 442. LONGEVITY OF BIBLE CHARACTERS, 284. LORD, Rev. N., on slavery, 378. LORD’S PRAYER, in consonants, 169; old and new versions of, 177. LOST BOOKS, cited by writers of the Bible, 17, 23. LOT’S WIFE, 287. LUCAR, authenticity of James denied by, 145. LUCKE, Johannine authorship of Revelation denied by, 149. LUKE, the apostle, asserted to be the author of Acts, 141. LUKE, gospel of examined, 126–128; LUTHER, Martin, six books rejected by, 37, 38; LYING, 339–345. MACAULAY, on church support of tyranny, 418. McCLINTOCK, Dr. John, on N. T. canon, 31. MAGUIRE, Rev., on biblical indecency, 392. MAHABHARATA, 6. MANNA, mention of, against Mosaic authorship, 57–58. MANUSCRIPTS OF BIBLE, ancient, 41, 42. MARCION, gospel of, the source of Luke, 128; MARK, prophecy quoted by, 91; MARQUETTE, law of, 408. MARRIAGE, Paul’s despicable dissertation on, 405; MARSH, Bishop, his admission as to the gospels, 111; MARTINEAU, Rev. J., on lost gospels, 36. MARTYR, Justin, his canon, 24; MASSEY, Gerald, on retarding of science by the Pentateuch, 291. MATHEMATICS OF THE BIBLE, 289, 290. MATTHEW, Hosea, Micah and Zechariah cited by, 90; MATTHIAS, gospel of, 127. MAYERHOFF, on the purpose of Jude, 145; MEAT, permission to sell diseased, 348. MELITO, Esther and Lamentations rejected by, 34. MEMOIRS OF THE APOSTLES, 116. MENU, Institutes of, 7. MEREDITH, on cannibalism of early Christians, 369. MESSIANIC PROPHECIES, 299–302. METHODISTS IN THE REVOLUTION, 416. METHUSELAH, survived the flood, 190–191. MICAH, 89; cited by Matthew, 90. MICHAEL, apocryphal book of, cited by Jude, 145. MICHAELIS, on Revelation, 150; MICHELET, on Marquette, 408. MIDIANITES, despoiled by divine command, 349, 357. MILL, Dr., number of biblical readings found by, 175. MILMAN, Dean, on Christian councils, 32; MIRACLES, Humorous chapter on: The First Cutlet—The Great Freshet—Ringstreaked, Speckled, and Spotted, 307; MODELS, Bible, 334–336. MOHAMMED, 9. MOHAMMEDANS, Bible of, 8. MONTEFIORE, M., 331. MOON, worship of by the Jews, 65. MORAL GUIDES, 427. MORALITY OF THE BIBLE—What is morality? 329; MORMON, book of, believed to be a part of God’s word, 37. MORMON POLYGAMY BASED ON THE BIBLE, 384. MORDECAI, book of Esther credited to, 102. MOSLEY, Rev., treatment of married slaves by, 379. MOSES, not the author of the Pentateuch, 51–68; MOSES, law of, not the Pentateuch, 66. MOSHEIM, on lying among primitive Christians, 343. MOTHERHOOD, made a sin by Levitical law, 406. MULTITUDE, feeding of the, 314. MUNCHAUSEN TALES OF THE BIBLE, 306–316. MURATORI CANON, 34. MURDER, enjoined by the Bible, 351–356. MYERS, Rev. F., on the collection and canonicity of Old Testament books, 22. NAZARITE, Paul a, 257; NAZARENES, their gospel, 121. NEBLIM, 10. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, 102; NEHEMIAH, book of 104, 105; NEWMAN, Prof., on NEW TESTAMENT, books of, first so-called by Tertullian, 13; NICE, council of, 30. NIGHTINGALE, F., 331. NINEVEH, false prophecy concerning, 92. NOAH, his great age, 189, 190; NORTON, Prof., on supposed date of Pentateuch, 56; OBSCENITY OF THE BIBLE, 391ff; OG, king of Bashan, his bedstead, 59, 353. OLIVE LEAF, see BOTANY. OLD TESTAMENT, subdivisions of, 12, 13; OMISSIONS, 166. OMRI, the length of his reign, 206. ONESIMUS, a slave returned by Paul, 154, 376. OORT, Dr., on authorship of Deuteronomy, 52; OPHIR, gold brought from, 204. ORIGEN, books doubted or accepted by, 34; OWEN, R. D., on American Revolutionists, 416. PAINE, on fragment of Isaiah, 86; PALESTINE, population of, 284. PALEY, on morality, 329. PAPIAS, unacquainted with N. T. canon, 24; PARABLES, intended to deceive, 342. PARALLEL PASSAGES from the gospels, 129–130. PARSEES, Bible of, 8. PARTIAL INSPIRATION, 238. PARTURITION, pains of attributed to a curse, 286. PASSOVER, a contradiction as to Jesus’ observance of, 132. PASTORAL EPISTLES, forgeries, 156. PATRIARCHAL age, the, 188–197. PATRIARCHS, names and ages of the, 188, 284. PAUL, knew nothing of the gospels, 110; PAULINE EPISTLES, 152–160. PAULUS JOVIUS, his bank of lies, 345. PENN, William, on Christian councils, 32. PENTATEUCH, authenticity of, 50; PERSECUTION, religious, fostered by the Bible, 418–422. PERSIA, sacred books of, 8. PESHITO, description of, 40. PETER, knew nothing of the gospels, 110; PETER, epistles of, 144; PETRINE TEACHINGS, forgery committed to exalt, 134. PHARAOH, his taking of Sarah, 193. PHILEMON, 152, 154, 158, 159, 160. PHILIP OF HESSE, authorized to have two or more wives, 386. PHILIPPIANS, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160. PHINEHAS, rewarded for a murder, 352. PHYSICS OF THE BIBLE, 288. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BIBLE, 285. PLEIADES, 99. POLYCARP, 36; POLYGAMY, 382–387; POVERTY, Christ the panegyrist of, 399, 400. PRATT, Orson, his biblical defense of polygamy, 384. PRAYER CURE, 286. PRIESTLEY, Dr., his standard of right, 330; PRIESTLY CODE, 68ff; PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANS, adulteries of, 390, 391. PROMISE, breach of, 340. PROPHECY, not always prediction, 293; PROPHET, functions of the, 293. PROPHETS, books of the Old Testament so called, 12, 76–93; PROVERBS, book of examined, 97, 98. PSALM CIX, Ingersoll on, 419. PSALMS, book of examined, 94–97; PSAMETICUS, reign of, 65. PUL, king of Assyria, 89; PUNISHMENT, corporal, advocated, 410; PURANAS, 6. QUAILS, 308. RABBATH, Og’s bedstead at, 60. RACHEL, place of death of, 59; RAINBOW, delusion concerning, 288. RAMA, 6. RAMAYANA, 6. RAMESES III., found no Hebrews in Canaan, 263. READINGS, diverse, 175. REASON, condemned by Luther, 403. REBECCA, deceit of, 341. RED SEA, passage of, 262, 289, 308. RELIGIONS, Asia, the source of, 5. RENAN, on Hebrew view of Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, 55; RESURRECTION, doctrine of, proves late origin of gospels, 157. REUEL, alias Deuel, 169. REVELATION, a written one unnecessary, 445. REVELATION, book of, rejected by Greek Church, 28, 33; REVISED VERSION, 43; REVOLUTION, Methodists in the, 416. REVOLUTIONARY FATHERS, their resistance to the “ordinance of God,” 416. RIDPATH, J. C., on King James’ translators, 170. RIGVEDA, 6. RIVERS OF GENESIS, 278. RIZPAH, her vigil, 361. ROBBERY, submission to enjoined by Christ, 350. ROBERTS, Rev. A., on usages of translators, 170. ROLLS, the Five, 100–102. ROMANS, epistle to, 152, 159, 160. RUMINANTS, Cuvier on, 282. RUSSIA, cannibalism in, 370; RUTH, book of, 102. SABBATH, gathering sticks on, 58; SACRAMENTAL FEAST, significance of, 368. SACRED BOOKS, 5–10. SACRIFICES, human, 361–367; SADDER, Parsee Bible, 8. SAMARITAN BIBLE, 39; SAMSON, a sun-god, 79; SAMUEL, books of; SAMUEL, told to deceive, 340. SARAH, place of death of, 59; SARDIS, bishop of, his old Testament list, 34. SAUL, his defeat of Agag, 62; SAYCE, A. H., rejects Daniel as legendary and unhistorical, 103. SCALIGER, II. Peter rejected by, 36, 147; SCHAFF, Rev. Philip, exhilarating nature of Bible wine asserted by, 398. SCHLEIERMACHER, I. Tim. rejected by, 36; SCHOLARS, ancient Christian, rejected much of the canon, 33–35. SCHRADER, I. Thess., doubted by, 154. SCHWEGLER, belief of as to I. Peter, 146. SCIENCE, the Bible and, 271–292; Draper on, 292. SCRIBES, corruptions by, 167. SCRIPTURES, Jewish, versions of, 39, 438; SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, Paul’s belief in, 252; SENNACHERIB, lived after Isaiah, 84. SEPTUAGINT, the, 40, 96; SERMON ON THE MOUNT, of little value, 332. SERPENTS, fiery, 309. SHADRACH, et al., 313. SHEOL, a mistranslation, 171. SHIEL, R. L., on biblical indecency, 392. SHILOH, an anachronism, 62; SICK, praying for, 28. SILENCE, women condemned to by Paul, 404, 405. SIMEON, epistle of the original II. Peter, 147. SIMMS, Rev. E. D., on slavery, 377. SINAITIC MS., description of, 41, 42. SISERA, death of, 354. SIVA, a god of the Hindoos, 6. SLAVE, a, tied behind minister’s gig, 380. SLAVERY, 374, 382; SMITH, Ben, sacrifice of, 365. SMITH, Goldwin, on partial inspiration, 238. SMITH, Prof. R., gospels characterized by, 131. SNAKE STORIES, three good ones, 309. SNEEZE CURE, the, 312. SOLOMON, his time and his establishment, 63; SOLOMON’S TEMPLE, contradictory details concerning, 202–204; SOURY, Jules, his criticism of I. Peter, 146; SOUTH, Dr., on Revelation, 151. SPINOZA, Benedict, declaration by concerning non-Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, 73; SPRAGUE, Rev., inability of to answer Orson Pratt, 384. SPRENGER, Dr., on numbers of executions for witchcraft, 372. SPURIOUS EPISTLES, 155–158. STANLEY, Dean, on two narratives of creation, 187. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady, on N. T. polygamy, 384; STARS, worship of by the Jews, 65; STAVES, were the apostles commanded to carry them? 241. STEELE, W. F., on biblical variations, 178, 180. STICKS, gathered on the Sabbath day, 58. STRAUSS, declares Mark to be a compilation from first and third gospels, 126. STRINGFELLOW, Rev., on Paul and abolitionists, 376. STUART, Rev. M., on the word “day” in STUART, Rev., on Paul and abolitionists, 376. SUN, worship of by the Jews, 65; standing still of, 310. SUNNA, a Mohammedan sacred book, 9. “SUPERNATURAL RELIGION,” on Petrine influence in Mark, 125; SUSANNAH, History of, 104. SWINE, see ZOOLOGY. SWORD, a curse on the non-user of, 315. SYCHAR, not in Samaria, 279. SYNESIUS, on the necessity of lying, 344. SYNOPTICS, the, evidences of a common source, 129. TABERNACLE, a tent, 63. TALMUD, a sacred book of the Jews, 10. TANTRAS, a Hindoo sacred book, 6. TATIAN, gospel of, used by early churches, 35; TAXING OF THE WORLD BY A. CÆSAR, not historical, 267. TAYLOR, Jeremy, on submission to authority, 417. TAYLOR, Rev., on slavery, 378. TEMPLE, of Jerusalem, its destruction predicted, 303. TEMPLE, Solomon’s, contradictory details of, 202–204; TERTULLIAN, a founder of the Catholic Church and N. T. canon, 26; TEXTUAL CORRUPTIONS, 163–180. THADDEUS, an apostle, 36. THEODORET, says gospel of Tatian was used by early churches, 35. THEOLOGIANS, extinguished, 291. THEOPHILUS, his allusion to John, 118; THESSALONIANS, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160. THEUDAS, time of, 141, 142; THIRLWALL, Bishop, regarding the composition of Luke, 128. THOMAS, gospel of, 127. THOMPSON, Rev. W. M., on biblical wine, 398. THREE HOLY CHILDREN, Song of, 104. THURLOW, Lord Chancellor, on abolition, 377. TIMOTHY, epistles to, 36, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160. TIMOTHY, circumcision of by Paul, 257. TITUS, 152, 155, 156, 157, 160. TOLA, a judge of Israel, 60. TOMBS, demoniacs who came out of, 242. TORAH, 9. TRAMPS, the truest followers of Christ, 401. TRANSCRIBERS, errors of, 165–167. TRANSLATION, a perfect one impossible, 167ff. TRANSLATORS, errors of, 167–172. TREES, see BOTANY. TRENT, council of, 32. TRINITY, passage supporting it a forgery, 256; TWELVE APOSTLES, gospel of, 127. TYCHICUS, Philemon sent to, 154. TYNDALE’S BIBLE, 43. TYNDALL, Prof. J., on apostolic forgeries, 158; TYRANNY SUPPORTED BY THE BIBLE, 415–418. TYRANTS, submission to enjoined, 415. TYRE, prophecy concerning, 295, 296. UPANISHADS, a Hindoo sacred book, 6. VAGRANCY, encouraged by the Bible, 399–401. VAN DYKE, Rev., on biblical wine, 398. VARIATIONS, 179. VATICAN MS., description of, 42. VEDAS, Hindoo sacred book, 5. VERSIONS OF JEWISH SCRIPTURES, Hebrew, Samaritan, 39; VIRTUES, Christian, Volney on, 334. VISHNU, a Hindoo deity, 6. VOGT, Carl, on triumph of geology, 277. VOLKMAR, declares Mark to be Pauline, 125. VOLNEY, on virtues, 334; VOWELS, absent in the Hebrew alphabet, 168. VULGATE, description of, 40, 438. WAITE, C. B., on parallel passages in Mark and othersynoptics, 125; WAKE, Archbishop, asserts that apostolic fathers were inspired, 37. WALKER, Dr. A., on adultresses in the genealogy of Christ, 390. WAR, sanctioned by the Bible, 356–360. WARS OF THE LORD, book of the, 65. WATER TURNED INTO BLOOD, 286, 310; into wine, 286, 287. WATSON, Dr. J., frank expression of, 458. WEBSTER, Noah, on biblical obscenity, 392. WESLEY, John, on witchcraft, 371; WESTCOTT, Canon, on Justin Martyr’s omission to quote the gospels, 114; WHISTON, Dr., defense of apocryphal books by, 36, 91. WHITE, A. D., on Johannine authorship of John, 135, 136. WICLIFFE’S BIBLE, 43. WINE, the intoxicating kind, manufactured by Christ, 397; WITCHCRAFT, 370–373; WITHERSPOON, Rev. T., on slavery, 378. WIVES, duties prescribed by Paul, 404; WIZARDS, existence of affirmed, 371. WOMAN, creation of, 307; WORSHIP, freedom of denied by the Bible, 418. WRIGHT, Rev. W., on biblical wine, 398. ZACHARIAH, reign of, 215. ZACHARIAS, son of Barachias, the blood of, 122; ZEBEDEE, father of John, 132. ZECHARIAH, 89; cited by Matthew, 90. ZEDEKIAH, relation of to Jehoiachin, 208. ZEND AVESTA, the Zoroastrian Bible, 8. ZELLER, I. Peter believed to be a Pauline document by, 146. ZOOLOGY OF THE BIBLE, 281–283. ZOROASTER, the Persian savior, 8. ZUNZ, existence of Ezekiel denied by, 88. ZWINGLE, Revelation rejected by, 36; |