Poor little Snail, How very pale, Your cheek is blanched with fear! What horrid dread Has made you shed So many a slimy tear? Come! faster crawl Along the wall, Leave care behind,—all's well! That seeming pack Upon your back Is near an empty shell. Snail weeping with hanky and leaving long trail "Leave care behind." Come! smile again, And let the rain Of tears at once be dry; Faint-hearted quite, And far from right, Before you're hurt to cry. No one will doubt Who thinks about This great world spinning round, That all have hours When sorrow's showers Make April all around. Snail on long reed "That seeming pack Upon your back Is near an empty shell." But May and June Follow full soon, And joy succeeds to sorrow; So dry the tear, And from the year Your cheering lesson borrow. snail on tall flower looking through spy glass "Ah, Snailey! see." Ah, Snailey! see To you and me Our burdens oft appear Much heavier far Than what they are, When we give way to fear. Girl looking at beehive bees and apple blossoms
"Buz! buz! buz! Over blossoms heavy laden." |