a>, 186, 188 duck, 184, 204 Football, 71, 72 Forests, 104, 105 Freeholders, 48 Freezing, 13 factory, 15 Frozen beef, 17 mutton, 11 Fuchsias, 94 Garden, 34, 49, 107 Gardening, 36, 85 General Gates, the, 197 General Grant, the, 224, 225 Gentians, 94, 223 Gerard, Mr. George, 61 Geyser, 116, 119, 139, 148, 150, 151, 152, 164 Goats, 52, 53, 54, 104, 191, 223 Godwits, 62, 192 Gold-mining, 13 Grafton, the, 224 Grass, 2, 7, 41, 72, 102, 106, 107, 108, 120, 121, 124, 125, 163, 222, 226 Green, Mr., 166, 168, 171, 175 Green’s climb, Mr., 169 Greenstone, 200 Grey, Sir George, 80, 129, 155 Grey duck, 62, 64 kiwi, 157 villages, 152 warrior, 158 woman, 133 women, 100 Matai, 87 Matipo, 37 Mayor Island, 118, 119, 120 Meat, 13, 14, 16 freezing, 14 Middle class, 25 Milford Sound, 180, 181, 182, 183, 200 Mistletoe, 94 M’Kinnon, Quintin, 193 M’Nab, Mr., 24, 198 Moa, 184, 199 Mokoia, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Moriori, 190, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218 Motor-driving, 49 Mount Cook, 163, 175 Ruapehu, 95 Tasman, 164 Mountain-lily. See Shepherd’s lily Murchison glacier, 176 Music, 21, 49 Mutton, 13, 16, 34, 41, 58 Mutton-bird, 84, 206, 213 Names of lakes and mountains, 178 Napier, 232 National parks, 183 Native pigeons, 62 Nei-nei, 100 Nelson, 28, 74, 142, 177, 233 Newspapers, 22, 23 New Zealand harriers, 69 Ngaitahu, 95, 98 Union Steamship Company, 9 University, 18 Uriwera, 159, 235 Vegetable sheep, 58, 99 Veronicas, 37, 161, 223 Vogel, Sir Julius, 102, 104 Volcanoes, 6, 120, 234 Von Haast, 163, 166, 193 Hochstetter, 90, 164 WaikarÉmoana, 234 Waikato, 81, 123, 126, 150, 190, 232 WaikitÉ Geyser, 150, 151 Waimangu, 150 Wairakei, 149 Wairoa, 145, 146 Wakatipu, 177, 178, 194 Walkenshaw, Clementina, 228, 229 Wall, Arnold, 21 Wandering albatross, 38, 206 Wanganui, 105, 125, 128, 234 Weasels, 59, 60, 185, 186 Webb, 74 Wekas, 188, 189 Wellington, 19, 28, 74, 132, 231, 232 Harbour, 234 Whaka-rewa-rewa, 147 Whangarei, 75, 234 Whangaroa, 75, 234 White Island, 115, 116, 117, 119, R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. [Click on map for larger version.] MAP ACCOMPANYING “NEW ZEALAND,” by the Hon. W. PEMBER REEVES and F. & W. WRIGHT. (A. & C. BLACK, LONDON). F. W. Flanagan, delt. Sept 1882. |