The Editors of The Standard have kindly permitted me to republish the contents of this book, and I tender them my thanks. The original form of these Studies of animal life has been extensively altered, and, in some instances, the titles have been changed. I am again greatly indebted to my brother, R. Wilkins Rees. His wide and accurate knowledge has been constantly at my disposal, and in the preparation of these Studies he has given me much indispensable advice and assistance. Similarity in the habits of some of the animals described has made a slight similarity of treatment unavoidable in certain chapters. I may also remark that, in unfrequented districts where beasts and birds of prey are not destroyed by gamekeepers, the hare is as much a creature of the night as is the badger or the fox. ALFRED W. REES. Transcriber's Note: Obvious typographical errors have been corrected, and standardized the hyphenations, otherwise the text has been left as the original |