Top - Animals, wild, awakening from hibernation, 146
- ——, ——, dislike rain, 428
- ——, ——, feet made tender by hibernation, 154
- ——, ——, habit of sociable, 160
- ——, ——, keeping to old haunts, 298
- ——, ——, selfishness of, 318
- Ant, habits of queen, 156
- ——, habits of yellow, 65, 66
- Autumn, bird-migration in, 12
- Badger, and fox-hounds, 349
- ——, and stoat, 323
- ——, attempt to unearth, 367-373
- ——, fondness of, for honey, 335, 336, 345
- ——, food of, 305, 310-313, 324, 335
- ——, mocked by birds when abroad in daylight, 309
- ——, persecuted for supposed sheep-killing, 353-355
- ——, regular habits in returning to “set” at dawn, 350
- ——, sociability of, 332, 333
- ——, winter habits of, 340, 341
- Badger-cub, and wasps, 337
- ——, caught in trap, 326, 327
- Badger-cubs, at play, 301, 302, 346
- ——, closely confined by parents, 303
- Badger-cubs, dying from distemper, 338
- ——, less nervous than fox-cubs, 321
- Badgers, at play, 359
- ——, carrying bedding to “set,” 361
- ——, reconnoitring before young leave “set,” 415
- ——, sulking at home if suspicious of danger, 422
- ——, two families inhabiting same “set,” 359
- Bank-voles, and kestrel, 147
- ——, colony of, 147
- Basset-hounds, described, 278
- ——, hunting with, 280-282
- Bell, use of, hung round ram's neck, 18
- Blood, significance of fresh-spilt, 75
- Bob, the black-and-tan terrier, 55-62
- Character, differences of, in animals of one species, 64
- ——, human, developed by independence of action, 23
- Collie, sheep-killing, 354-356
- Dabchick, oar-like wings of, 12
- Ducks, wild, at play, 31
- ——, ——, wedge-shaped flight of, 32
- “Earth,” fox's artificial, 194
- Fear, how it affects wild creatures, 401
- Field-vole, and carrion crow, 165
- ——, and fox, 164
- ——, and kestrel, 148, 149
- ——, and owl, 144, 145, 157, 167, 175
- ——, and weasel, 137, 140
- ——, avoiding rabbit's “creeps,” 160
- ——, enemies of, 164
- ——, food of, 137, 142, 143, 154, 155
- ——, hibernation of, 145, 146, 150
- ——, home of, 149
- ——, limbs of, cramped by winter sleep, 153
- ——, restlessness of, in spring, 157
- Field-voles, described, 162
- ——, harvesting seeds, 141, 142
- ——, plague of, 173, 174
- ——, stung to death by adder, 172
- Fox, see also Vixen
- ——, and hedgehog, 382-384
- ——, and moorhen, 400
- ——, and wasp, 229
- ——, avoiding traps, 236
- ——, burying rat, 184
- ——, careful not to sleep on straight trail, 237
- ——, careful not to tread on rustling leaves, 220
- ——, entering “breeding-earth” when close pressed, 191
- ——, finding hen's nest in hedgerow, 182
- ——, fight with rival, 227
- ——, hating jays and magpies, 234
- ——, knowledge of the countryside, 238, 428
- ——, luring rabbits, 403
- ——, methods of hunting rabbits, 180
- ——, robbed of spoil by vixen, 183
- ——, seeks mate, 225
- ——, taught by mate, 227
- Fox-cub, chased by lurcher, 222
- ——, cleanly habits of, 212
- ——, described, 203
- ——, food of, 218, 235
- ——, killing hare, 219
- ——, killing polecat, 215, 216
- ——, stealing chickens, 24
- Fox-cubs and partridges, 211
- ——, at play, 412, 422-426
- ——, eagerness of, for flesh, 209
- Foxes, method of preparing “breeding earth,” 232
- Fox-hound, “rioting” on cold scent, 189
- Fox-hunt, 186-193
- Frogs, devoured by otters, 35
- Geese, wild, 31
- Gipsy, seeking hedgehogs, 387-389
- Hare, and renegade cat, 288
- ——, and peregrine falcon, 265, 266
- ——, and poacher, 276, 285, 286
- ——, bravely defends young, 265
- ——, covered with fur at birth, 245
- ——, dislikes entering damp undergrowth, 274
- ——, does not wander far in wet weather, 258
- ——, food of, 248, 249, 251, 260
- ——, “form” described, 245
- ——, killed by lightning, 291
- ——, “leaping places” of, 434
- ——, method of fighting among males, 264
- ——, netted by keeper, 255
- ——, productiveness of, probably influenced by food supply, 276
- ——, recklessness of, in early spring, 263
- ——, running through flock of sheep, 283
- ——, suffers from want of exercise, 259
- ——, suffers less from frost than from rain, 260
- ——, swims across river, 273
- ——, winter habits of, 287
- ——, withholds scent when hard pressed, 283
- Hedgehog, and fox, 382-384
- ——, and moorhens, 400, 401, 403-405
- ——, and owl, 385
- ——, and terrier, 388
- ——, food of, 394, 395, 398, 399
- ——, haunt of, 377
- ——, killing snake, 396, 397
- ——, nest of, 379, 389
- History, vicissitudes of, affecting wild animals, 329
- Hounds, miscellaneous pack, 54, 83
- Hunt, rival, 60
- ——, village, 77, 78, 83
- Huntsman, feeding fox-cubs, 209
- Ianto, the fisherman, 28, 30, 83, 429-442
- Joker, the bob-tailed sheep-dog, 54, 55, 58-60
- Kestrel, attacking field-voles, 148
- ——, preying on bank-voles, 147
- Man, dreaded by wild animals, 13, 40
- ——, senses dulled by immunity from fear, 72
- Mange, attacking carnivorous animals, 212
- March, great changes to wild life in, 263
- Minnows, playing about ledges of rock, 103
- Moorhen, eluding terrier, 61
- ——, killed by otter, 32
- Mouse, singing, 82
- Nature, haunted by Fear, 75
- ——, spirit of restlessness in, 156
- Night, described, 3, 85, 86
- ——, spiritual influence of, 85
- —— -watching, difficulties of, 427
- —— - ——, methods of, 410
- Otter, and big trout, 106
- ——, and dabchick, 12
- ——, and “red” fish, 101
- ——, and water-vole, 86-89, 101
- ——, fighting terrier, 42
- ——, food of, 15, 35, 47, 48
- ——, hunting methods of, 20
- ——, inhabiting drain-pipe, 9
- ——, in winter, 15, 47
- ——, migrating to sea, 46
- ——, playing in heavy stream, 33, 34
- ——, position of, when sleeping, 33
- ——, related to weasel, 22
- —— -cub, capturing salmon, 22
- ——, described, 21
- ——, learns to swim, 9
- —— -cubs, at play, 11
- —— -hounds, 36
- —— -hunt, 37-39, 41-44, 84
- Owl, brown, described, 385, 386
- ——, and fox-cub, 205, 214
- ——, and water-vole, 88, 89
- ——, attacks hedgehog, 385, 386
- ——, preying on field-voles, 157
- Owls, as friends of farmer, 169
- Owls, inhabiting farm buildings, 7
- Philip, the poacher, 429-443
- Polecats, enemies of young hedgehogs, 384
- Rabbit, burrowing in badgers' “set,” 314, 315
- Rabbits, clearing tracks, 418
- Rat, brown, attacked by water-voles, 123
- ——, ——, habits of, 64, 110
- —— -hunting, by riverside, 58-60
- Rats, migration of, 110
- “Redd” of salmon, 99
- Salmon, migration of, 95, 96
- —— -fishing, experiences in, 26-30
- —— -pool, seldom visited, 25
- —— -spawn, destroyers of, 99
- —— - ——, guarded by salmon, 98, 100, 101
- Sheep-dog, and otter, 17
- Sorrel, as medicinal herb for wild animals, 335
- Sport, winter, 54
- Squirrel, harvesting only ripe seeds and nuts, 105
- ——, inquisitive, 92
- Stoats, following rats in migration, 110
- Stone-fly, 20
- Teal, 31
- Terrier, worsted by otter, 44
- Thrush, autumn song of, 24
- ——, defending young against hedgehog, 405
- Trick, poacher's, to capture hare, 276
- Trout, an old, carnivorous, 95
- ——, habit of, in spring, 19
- Viper, attacked by hedgehog, 397
- ——, enemy of young hedgehogs,