ost@g@html@files@61476@61476-h@61476-h-13.htm.html#Page_150" class="pginternal">150 in abortion, 207 in post partum hÆmorrhage, 233 Eruptions on the skin, 55 Erythema, 296 Ether in labor, 103 Examination of patient, 134, 140 Excavation of pelvis, 19 Extrauterine pregnancy, 89 Exudative diathesis, 295 Eye symptoms in pregnancy, 69 F Face presentation, 174, 179 Fallopian tubes, 22 Fainting, 70 Fevers and pregnancy, 91 Flour ball, 316 Flushings, 285 Foetus, attitude, 44 - circulation, 48
- diameters of head, 46
- fontanelles, 46
- heart tones, 63, 180
- movements, 44, 62
- rate of growth, 46
- rule for estimating length, 47
- rule for estimating weight, 47
- signs of danger to, 180
- signs of death, 97
- signs of maturity, 47
Food mixings, 317 - preparation for infants, 314
Foramen ovale, 50 Forceps, application, 186 - conditions for, 185
- dangers of, 185
- in breech cases, 173
- in face presentations, 176
- indications for, 185
- preparations for, 183
Fumigation, 329 Furuncles, 305 G Galactorrhoea, 250 Gas analgesia, 104 Gas pains, 154, 158, 253 Gavage, 285 Genital crease, 25 Genitalia, care after delivery, 142, 148 - preparation for delivery, 131
- preparation for operation, 182
Getting up, 161 Gingivitis, 75 Glands, Bartholin, 27 Nursery rules, 269 Nursing periods, 156 Nursing the child, 293 O Odors of person, 324 Oligohydramnios, 87 Operations, preparations for, 180 Ophthalmia neonatorum, 93, 142, 192 Os, digital dilatation, 211 - physiology of dilatation, 111
- rigidity of, 222
Ovaries, 23 Ovulation, 33 Ovum, 33 - death of, 96
- fertilization, 36
- implantation, 37
- mode of progress, 23
- relation to uterine cavity, 52
P Packs, wet, 213 Pains, after, 154 Palpation, 134 Paralysis, facial, 291 Paraphimosis, 305 Patient, care of, after delivery, 144 - during second stage, 137
- examination of, 74, 133
- in first stage, 133
- loss of weight post partum, 155
- preparation of, 131, 138
- rest, 160
- visitors, 133, 161
Pelvic floor rigidity, 223 Pelvis, 17 - brim, 18
- contracted, 214
- diameters, 214
- false, 17
- measurements, 214
- quadrants of, 121
- shape, 18
- true, 17
- upper strait, 18
Pemphigus neonatorum, 296 Perineorrhaphy, |