- I. Outline map of the Philippine Islands, showing distribution of Negritos. 18
- II. Outline map of Zambales, showing distribution of Negritos. 30
- III. Negrito women of Bataan on a rock in a stream. 30
- IV. Negrito man from Nangsol, near Subig, Zambales. 30
- V. Negrito man from Aglao, Zambales. 30
- VI. Negrito woman of Zambales. 30
- VII. View near Santa FÉ, Zambales. 30
- VIII. CapitÁn of Villar. 30
- IX. Negrito man of Zambales. 30
- X. Showing the relative height of American, mixed blood and pure Negrito. 30
- XI. Group of Negritos and Constabulary at Cabayan, Zambales. 30
- XII. Old man of Zambales, pure Negrito. 30
- XIII. Old man of Zambales, pure Negrito, showing hair on face and chest. 30
- XIV. Negrito of Zambales, showing hair on the chin and skin disease on the arm. 30
- XV. Pure Negrito of Zambales, showing hair on the chin. 30
- XVI. Negrito Man of Zambales, showing hair on the face. 30
- XVII. Negrito girls of Zambales, one with hair clipped behind to eradicate vermin. 30
- XVIII. Negrito man of Zambales, pure blood. 30
- XIX. Negrito man of Zambales, mixed blood. 44
- XX. Negrito man of Zambales, pure blood. 44
- XXI. Negrito man of Zambales, mixed blood. 44
- XXII. Negrito girl of Zambales, pure blood. 44
- XXIII. Negrito woman of Zambales, mixed blood. 44
- XXIV. Old Negrito woman of Zambales, pure blood. 44
- XXV. Negrito man of Zambales, pure blood. 44
- XXVI. Negrito man of Negros, mixed blood. 44
- XXVII. Negrito man of Zambales. 44
- XXVIII. Negritos (emigrants from Panay) of Maao, Occidental Negros; mixed bloods. 44
- XXIX. Group of Negrito men at Santa FÉ, Zambales. 44
- XXX. Principal men of Tagiltil, Zambales; pure Zambal and mixed Negrito. 44
- XXXI. Negritos of Zambales, mixed bloods. 44
- XXXII. Group of people called Aburlin; non-Christian Zambal and Negrito mixed bloods. 44
- XXXIII. Negrito women of Zambales. 44
- XXXIV. Group of Negrito women at Santa FÉ, Zambales, showing dress. 44
- XXXV. Negrito girls of Zambales, one wearing necklace of dried berries. 58
- XXXVI. Combs worn by Negritos of Zambales. 58
- XXXVII. Ornaments worn by Negritos of Zambales. 58
- XXXVIII. Negrito man, wife, and hut, Bataan. 58
- XXXIX. Better class of Negrito hut, Zambales. 58
- XL. Negrito man of Bataan making fire with bamboo. 58
- XLI. Negrito men of Bataan making fire with bamboo. 58
- XLII. Bows and arrows used by Negritos of Zambales. 58
- XLIII. Position taken by Negritos of Zambales in shooting. 58
- XLIV. Negrito man of Bataan drawing a bow; hog-bristle ornaments on the legs. 58
- XLV. Negrito man of Negros (emigrant from Panay) drawing a bow. 58
- XLVI. Musical instruments used by Negritos of Zambales. 58
- XLVII. Negritos of Zambales singing the “talbun.” 58
- XLVIII. Negritos of Zambales dancing. 58
- XLIX. Negrito men of Bataan beating gongs and dancing. 58
- L. Negritos of Zambales dancing the “tor