Arms / quarterly / i on a sea of turbulence vert a jovial commodore, braided and epauletted proper in bullion, and wearing the insignia of the grand cross of the bath, mounting nimbly the bridge of a fighting-ship, drifting derelict and awash, barnacled, scuttled, riddled, and gutted / ij under a chief radiant in suavity, several heraldic partibores urgent, armed with queistions perennially brandished out of season, diplomatically exorcised, muzzled, and suppressed / iij on a ground semee of thistles, an elder of the auld licht lichtsome, kaily canny pawky silvendy to the fu', bearing an heraldic weebit cruizey or Scottish lantern, findin' salvation in the langsyne proper / iiij a rugged elephant of the New Forest on the war-path, sturdy in protestantism, and fully versed in the rubric, insulated by instincts antijingonee, turned up passee by the rest. Crest / a Scottish knight-in-armour, reluctant in temperament, but cedant under stress of suasion, haled, elected and ensconced proper in a cul-de-sac, conjoined Kimberley in opposition, portly for the nonce, but will probably gobony in harness. +Motto / 'Locus dulcis!'—'Cheerful post, eh!.'+ Supporters / dexter, a typical antique radical of retrenchment, straitened in view +kindly lent by the British Museum+, arrayed gudee gudee exeterallois to the last reguardant paly in dismay the trend gory of the times / sinister, a modern liberal of imperialism fashodee, statant sanguine on a stricken field, acquiescent in annexation, charged with a shamrock of home-rule slipped vert and demi-erased. Second Motto / 'Cordate si non cordite!'—'Wisely if without high explosives!'