No 52. I fear this will be a dredfull shock to some but they say I musnt tryfle with peaple's effecktions any longer. It seems a pitty to have to rellinquish my "incoggnetow." The Wunnudiddit This abnoxious little Animal is the anommylous auther of this Ceres. He got all in among the Stone Age once and kept all on doing the most ebsurd picktures He is a kind of Preestorick Pepys. They were a ruff lot acording to him they ocupide all there spare time chopping oneynother up and dodging the most lothsome lumpy Animals. These picktures is coming out in book-phorm now so this is the END. What a releef to crownd heads and others that has got left out and what a mersyful releese from his ettroshus stile of spelling. How dredfull plain he is too.
Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. Ld., |