No 21. Sybil Corbett must be awfuly mad to see me droring as good as this. There is hardly a trase of the ammerchewer. The Woolz This brilliant little Creature is a fearfull fiter he is all over glory and titals and ilectrick-lights He likes to have his battles ready overnight then he does them in the erly morning before the milkman calls when everyone else is in bed and asleep. He gets all the powder and baynits and cammerers and repporters ready and it can all be in the papers the same day. Then he prases everyboddy else for fiting so nobbly—it sounds just like Waterlew—but somehow there is not so very many killed though it does look so terrible in the lime-lite. That is his cleverness I expeckt. Parlyment allways thanks him for it—he certanly does make a neat job of it and he has such a nice way of bringing home umbrellas and torture-chambers and things to show he has really been there. If he does anything else he will have to be made a Jookdom. |