No 42. I dont mean to say he doesnt bat very nice but he might just as well go for long drives out into the country. The Thrums This dellightful little Creature is very retiring and knows a intervure direckly by his stelthy tredd. When he hears one he runs like litening and gets under the sofer-cushions or inside the peyanno or crawls in under the slates till it is all over. He use to live in a old licht-house once. He is a marvelus mixture of the most commical humour and the most beutiful paythoss. He is a reggular Ramsgitsingey at cricket. He was to have gone to Orstralia with Mr Stodert but they thought it was better for the Empire that he should not. You should see him snick them among the slippers (I hope that is right.) When he goes in to bat the fielders all come close up to him just to take hints in batting.