No 24. He says he did send his son to Harrow what more could he do! Spelling must have been an "extrer" I should think It is a distressing site to see the way he does it. The Reed or Bildaphleet This splendid but desining Animal is awfull good at shipps. He has a curious little taste for liking them to keep on the surfiss and flote the right way up which was very annoying to the ammerchures who mannage these things for us so nicely in parlyment. He is full of strength and boyancy and stebbility there isnt no one quite like him I think—so is his shipps they seem to last for ever as good as new. He writes such viggrous letters that is a moddle of riting and he is a good powett to. It is a grate pity he didnt teach his son how to spell he seems to get worse and worse—he is a perfeckt dissgrase.