No 37. This pickture and the nice ritin had a wonderfull bennyfishle effeckt on his state of helth The Punchiboss or EphseeBee This humrous little Creature has a most commical brain—full of happey thaughts. He settles on everything directly you put it in front of him. He is awfull kind to chilldren so he gives me great enkurygment when I do my picktures nice enough which is allmost allways now. He does buzz round you though and prod you up. He likes to get a good run on the boards sometimes. He has a skillful little way of knocking off a piece if it comes in his way—he is very strong in the wings. He has got a awfull clever lot of drawers and riters together—all of them genyusses and tipes of english beuty. (I must get this put in sometime when he is away—he might not like me to berlesk him after his polliteness and forceheight in letting me beggin so young.)