No 18. I have heard he thaught the droring of this very deaft and mastelly. I should have thaught it was a oppertewnety for the Chantrey Fun but I have herd nothing as yet. The Painticheef. This Animal is wonderfull clever and lerned and plays at marbles with the Tadd. He stands at the top of the stairs in among the plants and goes on shaking hands with them all as they come up untill he falls back exorsted. Then they prop him up with ferns and collums and things and he just bows till daylite. He has got two awfull nice possitions to stand in too. He keeps a warn comfitable home in Traffalger Square for old worn out masters of schools that are shut up. He is dredfull particular who he takes in. He wont have them if they have gone cracked. (I shall send this pickture to the Accaddermy—he may like to put it on the line in the Blacking-White Room) |