No 50. This is "a studdy of exspreshen worthy of the best peeriads of english art" so "the stewdio" says "The impassetoe is very fine" it says. I should never have thaught of that. The Octavus This clever soshable Animle has got a mainyer for eights of everything. Eight gests—all sellybreighted—eight wines, eight wayters, eight o'clock and then they all corrusceight and sintilleight at him like anything. He will soon been a octyginnaryin all over—wont that be a dellite to him. Hes a extrordnary surgen so he knows all about joints and things and is wonderfull good at diyett. He spends all his spare time tickling up the palette. He is a grate bleever in creamashen and says we shall all come to it some day—I dont call that pollite, do you. I thaught that was riserved for those that is not regglar attenders at church or made faces at goveness.