No 38. It is a shame to make such a nice gentleman look so plain. There is no dowt I am not a flattrer. The Morl or Philopat This kind honnest Animal is very fond of dubblin and like to play at billding a house on the green for them to fite in. He is wearing the green right through with trying so hard. When he is on the steemer he nails things on to the mast. It is very odd he sits for Scotland and stands up for Ireland. He is a bewtifull talker and riter and goveness says he is a "pewriss in stile" (watever does she mean). He is strugling to learn the sord-dance over two umbrellas. It is awfull hard though and he keeps all on kicking his ankells till he has to sit down on the flore—then he plays on the bag-pipes like the heeros in India but the neybours do complain so he will have to give it up or ellse move into another districkt