No 40. I wish the riting would not come so long but I'm ackwiring such profishensy that I cant bring myself to short ones. The Kortnee This Animal has got a head full of rules and reggulatians. It is awfull fond of all kinds of riddles. the ones it likes best are those noboddy cant make head or tail of—the abstuser the better. They make your hair all come off to think of them. He use to sit in a chair and see they all behaved. He did it so nicely that they mesured him for a bigger chair but it fitted someone else best so he lives in a tub now like Diodgiknees. He gives awfull nice lecktures to passers-by and says order order to himself. He wants to have members of parlyment all diffrent sizes according to the waight of the voaters—he calls it "prepporshnal repprisentatian" (I hope I have spellt it right) isnt it silly. He is a leeder of fashion. He has got a pattent westcote of a very funny colour that is most becomming. They say he comes out all over brass buttens at night—he must look radiently bewtifull.