No 39. The "Maggasene of Art" thinks very highly of this one—the "Morbydetser" of it is so fine it says. I seppose theyre right The Fowla This abill Animal is wonderfull strong and shrood and it can Jump up and carry the whole house along with it if it likes to. It is very sollid and watey and has got a large dessenting body behind it. It knows all about "howdahs and rajahs and things" and it can turn pounds and shillings into roopees while you wait. It knows the diffrence bitween a millitry road and a footpath and if it made it itself or if someone else did—which is more than some peeple do. It can make the Jorgiehammle wish he had never had a birthday. It is a very nice corteer and queens like it imensely. It wears a indian shorl on state occajions, it doesnt fancy kilts. It is leeder of the libbral party—so is about half a dozen others too—they all do it at once but it dosnt matter much Just now