[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] Q [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] X [Y] [Z] - A
- Achillea millefolium 198
- Aconite 73
- Aconitum uncinatum 73
- Adder’s tongue 31
- Agrimonia gryposepala 87
- Agrimony 87
- Agrostemma githago 61
- Alfalfa 97
- Allium 26
- Anagallis arvensis 137
- Anaphalis margaritacea 188
- Anemone quinquefolia 70
- ” Rue 70
- ” patens 69
- ” Wood 70
- Anemonella thalictroides 70
- Anthemis Cotula 198
- Apios tuberosa 98
- Apocynum 144
- Aquilegia canadensis 72
- Aralia nudicaulis 121
- Arbutus 131
- Arctium minus 201
- Arethusa 52
- Argemone mexicana 75
- ArisÆma 20
- ” triphyllum 20
- Aristolochia 57
- Arnica mollis 200
- Arrow-heads 19
- Artichoke, Jerusalem 195
- Arum, Water 21
- Asarum canadense 57
- AsclepiadaceÆ 145
- Aster acuminatus 187
- ” cordifolius 184
- ” ericoides 185
- ” Heath 185
- ” Heart-leaved 184
- ” lÆvis 183
- ” lateriflorus 186
- ” linaritolius 187
- ” multiflorus 185
- ” New England 182
- ” New York 183
- ” Sharp-leaved 187
- ” Smooth 183
- ” Starved 186
- ” umbellatus 187
- ” vimineus 186
- ” Wood 187
- Avens 88
- Azalea 126
- B
- Baptisia australis 91
- Baptisia tinctoria 92
- Bean, Wild 98
- Beard-tongue 161
- Bee Balm 156
- Beach Drops 167
- Beggar-ticks 196
- Bellflower 173
- Bellwort 25
- Betony, Wood 166
- Bidens frondosa 196
- ” lÆvis 196
- Bindweed, Hedge 148
- Bittersweet 157
- Blackberry 85
- Blazing Star 176
- Bloodroot 75
- Bluebell 173
- Bluets 170
- Blue-weed 151
- Boneset 177
- Bouncing Bet 63
- Brassica nigra 79
- Brauneria purpurea 191
- Brooklime 163
- Broom-rape 167
- Bugloss 151
- Bunchberry 123
- Burdock 201
- Bur-marigold 196
- Bur Reeds 18
- Butter-and-eggs 160
- Buttercups 68
- Butterfly-weed 145
- C
- Calla palustris 21
- Calopogon 52
- Caltha palustris 67
- Campanula 173
- Campion, Bladder 62
- Cancer-root 167
- Cardinal Flower 174
- Carrot, Wild 122
- Cassia ChamÆcrista 93
- Castalia odorata 66
- Castilleja coccinea 165
- Cat Gut 93
- Catnip 154
- Cat-tails 17
- Celandine 76
- Centaurea nigra 204
- Chamomile 198
- Checkerberry 131
- Chelidonium majus 76
- Chelone glabra 161
- Chickweed 60
- Chicory 204
- Chimaphila maculata 124
- ” umbellata 124
- Chrysanthemum 197
- Chrysopsis falcata 178
- ” mariana 178
- Cichorium intybus 204
- Cinquefoils 86
- Cirsium arvense 202
- “ lanceolatum 203
- Claytonia virginica 65
- Clintonia 31
- Clover, Rabbit-foot 94
- ” Red 94
- ” White 95
- ” Yellow 96
- Columbine, Wild 72
- Comfrey 150
- Commelina communis 23
- Compass Plant 189
- Cone-flowers 192
- ” Purple 191
- Convallaria majalis 36
- Convolvulus sepium 148
- Coptis trifolia 72
- Corn Cockle 61
- Cornel 123
- Cornus florida 123
- ” canadensis 123
- Corpse Plant 125
- Cow Lily 66
- Cranesbill 102
- Crotolaria sagittalis 92
- Cucumber-root, Indian 37
- Cuscuta Gronovii 148
- Cynoglossum virginianum 150
- Cypripedium 45
- D
- Daisy, Ox-eye 197
- “ White 197
- Dalibarda repens 88
- Dandelions, Common 206
- “ Fall 205
- Datura Tatula 158
- Daucus Carota 122
- Day-flower 23
- Dentaria diphylla 78
- Dicentra Cucullaria 77
- Dodder 148
- Dodecatheon Meadia 135
- Dogbane 144
- Dogwood, Flowering 123
- Draba verna 78
- Drosera rotundifolia 81
- “ filiformis 81
- Dutchman’s Breeches 77
- E
- Echium vulgare 151
- Elecampane 190
- Epifagus virginiana 167
- EpigÆa repens 131
- Epilobium angustifolium 119
- “ hirsutum 119
- Erigeron pulchellus 191
- Erythronium 31
- Eupatorium perfoliatum 177
- “ purpureum 177
- Evening Primrose 120
- Everlasting 188
- F
- Feverfew 197
- Flag, Blue 43
- Flax 99
- Foam Flower 83
- Forget-me-not 150
- Foxglove 164
- Fragraria virginiana 85
- Frostweed 112
- G
- Garlic, Wild 26
- Gaultheria procumbens 131
- Gelsemium sempervirens 138
- Gentian, Bottle 143
- “ Closed 143
- “ Downy 142
- “ Fringed 141
- “ Solitary 142
- Gentiana Andrewsii 143
- “ crinita 141
- “ Porphyrio 142
- “ puberula 142
- Geranium masculatum 102
- “ Robertianum 102
- “ Wild 102
- Gerardia, Purple 164
- “ purpurea 164
- Geum strictum 88
- Gill-over-the-ground 154
- Ginger, Wild 57
- Ginseng 121
- Gnaphalium polycephalum 188
- Goat’s Rue 93
- Golden Club 21
- Golden-rod, Blue-stemmed 179
- “ Canada 180
- “ Early 180
- “ Lance-leaved 181
- “ White 179
- Goldthread 72
- Grass, Blue-eyed 44
- Grass of Parnassus 82
- Grass Pink 52
- Green Brier 36
- Ground Nut 98
- Ground Ivy 154
- H
- Habenaria clavellata 48
- “ ciliaris 49
- “ fimbriata 51
- “ lacera 50
- Hardback 84
- Harebell 173
- Hawkweed, Canada 208
- Helenium autumnale 199
- Helianthemum canadense 112
- Helianthus decapetalous 194
- “ tuberosus 195
- Hemerocallis fulva 27
- Hemp, Indi
- Sundews 81
- Sundrops 120
- Sunflower, Common 194
- Sunflower, Ten-petalled 194
- Sweetbrier 90
- Symplocarpus foetidus 22
- T
- Tanacetum vulgare 199
- Tansy 199
- Taraxacum officinale 206
- Tecoma radicans 168
- Tephrosia virginiana 93
- Thalictrum polygamum 69
- Thistle, Common 203
- “ Canada 202
- “ Sow 207
- “ Star 204
- Thorn Apple 158
- Thoroughwort 177
- Tiarella cordifolia 83
- Toadflax 160
- Toothwort 78
- Tradescantia virginiana 23
- Trifolium 94
- Trientalis americana 137
- Trilliums 38
- Trumpet Creeper 168
- Turtle-head 161
- Twayblade 56
- Twinflower 171
- Twisted-stalk 34
- Typha angustifolia 17
- Typha latifolia 17
- U
- Uvularia perfoliata 25
- V
- Verbascum 159
- Verbena 152
- Veronia noveboracensis 176
- Veronica 163
- Vervain 152
- Vetch, Cow 97
- Vicia Cracca 97
- Viola blanda 115
- “ canadensis 114
- “ cucullata 114
- “ lanceolata 115
- “ palmata 113
- “ pedata 113
- “ pubescens 116
- Violet, Bird-foot 113
- “ Common 114
- “ Canada 114
- “ Dog-tooth 31
- “ Palmated 113
- “ White By CHESTER A. REED, B. S.
An illustrated, pocket text book that enables any one to quickly identify any song or insectivorous bird found east of the Rocky Mountains. It describes their habits and peculiarities; tells you where to look for them and describes their nests, eggs and songs. EVERY BIRD IS SHOWN IN COLOUR, including the females and young where the plumage differs, from watercolour drawings by the four-colour process. The illustrations are the BEST, the MOST ACCURATE, and the MOST VALUABLE ever printed in a bird book. “LAND BIRDS” is the most popular and has had the LARGEST SALE (over 200,000 copies) of any bird book published in this country. It is used and recommended by our leading ornithologists and teachers. 230 pages. Bound in flexible linen and leather WESTERN BIRD GUIDE By CHESTER A. REED A companion volume to the “Land Birds,” and “Water and Game Birds East of the Rockies.” It contains notes on all the land and water birds in the Rockies and West to the Pacific Coast. A coloured illustration of each subject appears on a page, with full description of appearance, season, nesting and food habits, and eggs. A full and complete index is provided, and valuable suggestions for systematic bird study. The colour work is of the highest quality, and is done after bird portraits that are accurate in all respects. Prepared by a recognized authority, the book, is perhaps the finest pocket bird manual obtainable. Printed in convenient form to slip into the back pocket, so as to be available for instant use. Bound in flexible linen and leather WATER AND GAME BIRDS By CHESTER A. REED, B. S. This book is uniform in size and scope with LAND BIRDS. It includes all of the Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey, east of the Rockies. Each species is ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR from oil paintings; the bird, its habits and nesting habits are described. The pictures show more than 230 birds in colour, every species found in our range. They exceed in number those in any other bird book. In quality they cannot be surpassed—exquisite gems, each with an attractive background, typical of the habitat of the species. “LAND BIRDS” and “WATER BIRDS” are the only books, regardless of price, that describe and show in colour every bird. 250 pages, neatly boxed. Bound in flexible paper-lined cloth or in strong, flexible imitation leather FLOWER GUIDE WILD FLOWERS EAST OF THE ROCKIES By CHESTER A. REED, B. S. With 320 Flowers in Colour, Painted by the Author This volume has been carefully prepared with two objects in view—to serve the greatest number of persons in the greatest possible way, and still have a volume that can be carried comfortably in the pocket. Most of the coloured paintings have been made from living plants, the balance from herbarium specimens. The text and pictures incorporate just those points that will serve to identify each flower as it is most likely to be found. The introductory pages give the life cycle of a plant from seed to seed. Bound in flexible paper-lined cloth or in strong, flexible imitation leather THE POCKET GARDEN LIBRARY Four Volumes, Containing More Than 800 Coloured Illustrations Edited by LEONARD BARRON - Garden Flowers of Spring
- By Ellen Eddy Shaw
- Garden Flowers of Summer
- By Ellen Eddy Shaw
- Garden Flowers of Autumn
- By Ellen Eddy Shaw
- Flowers of Winter
- By Montague Free
The first pocket colour guides to popular garden favourites—hardy annuals, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, evergreens, and some greenhouse plants. They are the same size and general make-up as the Pocket Guide to the birds, the wild flowers, etc., which sell each year into the hundreds of thousands. The text is concise and up-to-date, and tells how to identify and care for each variety, what value it has for the garden, and the methods of propagation. All the illustrations have been specially made for this work by the best plant portrait painters in America. Bindings in flexible paper-lined cloth and strong, flexible imitation leather THE WORTH KNOWING SERIES Four Volumes, Containing nearly 200 Illustrations, 144 of Which Are in Colour Fully Indexed - Birds Worth Knowing
- By Neltje Blanchan
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- Flowers Worth Knowing
- Adapted from the works of Neltje Blanchan
- By Asa Don Dickinson
The Worth Knowing Series forms a much needed in-between link to the larger Nature-Library books and the handy, but necessarily limited, Pocket Nature Guides. Each of these four volumes covers the most interesting American varieties of the subject treated. A general introduction to each subject is followed by detailed descriptions of the most interesting families, and of the more important members in each group. THE BUTTERFLY GUIDE By DR. W. J. HOLLAND Author of “The Butterfly Book,” “The Moth Book,” Etc. Similar to the “Pocket Nature Guides” This is the first Butterfly Book of pocket size giving each species in its natural colours. It is uniform in style and binding to the popular Pocket Nature Guides series, and makes a valuable companion volume to these books. Dr. Holland, Director of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, is the greatest butterfly authority in the country, and has had more experience in the mounting and artistic posing of moths and butterflies than any other living man. The plates in the Pocket Guide are entirely new and reproduced by a special process under Dr. Holland’s personal supervision, from specimens in his own collection. This book is the most authoritative and valuable guide for field use ever published. It makes the identifications of our common butterflies a simple matter for amateurs. Illustrations of 250 butterflies in their natural colours. Bound in flexible paper-lined cloth or in strong, flexible imitation leather THE WESTERN FLOWER GUIDE By CHARLES FRANCIS SAUNDERS This little volume, uniform with the Pocket Nature Guides, is a comprehensive and compact treatment of the flower life between the Mississippi and the Pacific coast. Its coloured illustrations and the accompanying text make it easy to identify any specimen. Flowers are described in family groups, and are thus, by a study of resemblances and contrasts, made easier to master. The colour work is attractive and accurate, being reproduced from the work of well known flower portrait painters. The book is prepared by authorities, and the needs of the general public have been considered in the manner of presentation. A bibliography is provided for readers who wish to undertake a more detailed study. Of convenient pocket size, it is an ideal handbook of flower information. Bound in flexible linen and leather HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH BIRDS By NEIL MORROW LADD A complete manual of information upon the treatment of birds. How and where to build bird houses, when to put them out, ways of attracting the desired species, ways of developing nesting and feeding habits, etc. Exhaustive information is given of bird enemies and ways of combating them; insect destroyers of crops and ways of attracting birds which feed upon them; organization of bird clubs, and other means of encouraging and protecting bird life. The book contains a helpful bibliography, a complete index, and over 200 illustrations, diagrams, charts, etc. It is a complete and authoritative handling of the subject. Pocket size. Flexible linen and leather binding HOMING WITH THE BIRDS A Word and Picture Story of Bird Life in its Intimate Aspects By GENE STRATTON-PORTER This book contains the intimate observations of a bird lover who has been, uninvited, at many “at homes” of the birds. She made her visits with her camera, and the book is unique for its numerous unusual photographs of live birds taken nesting, feeding, and singing, revealing intimate aspects of bird life that have rarely been treated so successfully before. Mrs. Porter’s eloquent and enlivening style has made the birds as entertaining as any of her other characters. They are lifelike and amusing, and their comedies and tragedies, their habits and daily life, are presented in a way to leave the reader entertained and informed. See your garden while planning it with THE GARDEN BLUE BOOK By LEICESTER B. HOLLAND This is the one complete book of reference containing all the practical, needed information about the two hundred hardy perennials. Its remarkable colour chart shows at a glance the height, the time of blooming, the colour of bloom, preference for sun or shade, wet or dry soil, fragrance, cutting qualities—in a word, the whole story of all the dependable perennials. In addition to this chart there is a page given to each perennial, on which there is a photographic reproduction of the plant together with description, cultural directions and enemies, all carefully enumerated. THE COMPLETE GARDEN By ALBERT D. TAYLOR, M.S.A. Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects Non-resident Professor Landscape Architecture in Ohio Stale University Practically an entire Garden Library in one volume. In it, garden owners will find the answers to every question on the planning and upkeep of garden grounds. The book covers substantially every part of the country. The author is a landscape authority and the book was prepared with the consultation of experts in each field. Every convenience for making the book a complete authority has been added. Many illustrations in colour and black and white, charts, diagrams, cross referenced lists, an exhaustive index, a full bibliography, glossary of terms, etc. The book is large, handsomely made, and conveniently priced, at $6.00 per volume.